Handelshøgskolen ved UiS seminar: Makroøkonomiske kostnadar ved fråfall ved høgskular

Onsdag 22. mars 2023 kl. 12:15-13:15,
Elise Ottesen-Jensens Hus,
EOJ 276/277, Zoom.

Avdeling for samfunnsøkonomi og finans. Seminaret foregår på engelsk.

Publisert Sist oppdatert
Oliko Vardishvili

Namn: Oliko Vardishvili

Frå: Universitetet i California, Irvine

Tittel: The Macroeconomic Cost of College Dropouts

Oliko Vardishvili
Tid og stad

Dato: 22. mars

Kl.: 1215-1315

Stad: Elise Ottesen-Jensens Hus, rom 276/277

Abstrakt (på engelsk):

More than 40% of US college students drop out without gaining a degree. This paper investigates whether dropouts are largely due to academic ability or financial constraints.  I provide empirical evidence that the probability of dropout is strongly associated with both ability and finances--even after controlling for other factors.  I build a quantitative general-equilibrium overlapping generations model, where individuals face incomplete information on their academic ability and uncertainty about the generosity of financial aid.  The model simulations show that uncertainty regarding ability is responsible for 10% of the observed dropout rates, while uncertainty regarding financial aid explains up to 43%. Pursuing a policy that eliminates uncertainty about the college aid would increase social welfare by as much as 1.8%, benefiting both college graduates and non-college graduates. Such a policy is largely self-financing due to endogenous improvements in skill allocation and associated growth in GDP.

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