Tarini Manchanda: Green transitions from below

Onsdag 7. desember 2022 kl. 14:15-15:30,
Hulda Garborgs hus,
HG N-106.

Greenhouse gjesteforsker i grønn omstilling Tarini Manchanda holder foredrag om sitt prosjekt

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Tarini Manchanda

In the fall of 2022, University of Stavanger is welcoming 12 guest researchers and artists from across the world to engage with each other and the UiS community in a semester-long exploration of the meanings of green transitions.

In this Greenhouse Green Transitions Lecture, Tarini Manchanda presents the project she is working on during this fellowship in Stavanger.

Tarini's interest in the environment began early, as a response to her experiences and supported by her primary education. Tarini studied Environmental Policy at Colby College and encountered several ecological and social movements on the International Honors Program. Tarini’s career has focused visual anthropology from an ecological lens, documenting contamination and human-forest relationships. 

Through my experiences with work on environmental justice, it is my belief that the green transition must suit those who are most marginalized, even if it has to address aspirations for a comfortable life. Daily power cuts cannot enable someone’s belief in green transitions towards renewable energy. How can a transition become accessible across social class?

In this project, I will co-write a series of short fictional stories about peoples’ lived experiences in three-four locations across India. My belief is that shared lived experiences create empathy for diverse people. The project is a set of humorous and engaging stories based on data and footage collected over time. As I put my observations into a speculative format, I will engage in an exercise to help the reader imagine the green transition’s potential impact on the lives of the most marginalized, these encounters will reveal cracks, corners and margins that are actually quite large.

The lecture will be live streamed on Zoom. Register via Zoom to receive a link. A recording of the lecture with captioning will be available afterwards.