Strategy (BØK235)

A strategy is an important tool for leading and developing organizations' resources in the right direction. This strategy course teaches you the overarching questions and choices your business must make in order to survive in competition with other players in an economy increasingly characterized by technological development, innovation and global competition. The recent pandemic and increasing environmental challenges are also challenging companies to lift their gaze and ensure that their strategy also meets global challenges. The course gives an introduction to strategic analysis and management. The overall goal is to provide students with an understanding of strategic analysis, strategic thinking and approach so that students can participate in strategic planning processes in an organization.

Dette er emnebeskrivelsen for studieåret 2023-2024. Merk at det kan komme endringer.






Vekting (stp)


Semester undervisningsstart


Antall semestre







The core knowledge is arranged in three topics that will form the basis for developing students' understanding of strategic analysis, strategic thinking and approach and thereby make students qualified to participate in strategic planning processes in an organization. The specific content and sequence of presentations may vary somewhat from semester to semester, but the core of the course will be centered around the following three topics:

Theme 1 Strategic positioning

Here, students will be presented with the company's competitive environment, including market needs that will form a starting point for a basic understanding of how a company or business can and should position itself in connection with a strategy development.

Theme 2 Strategic choice

Here, students will be presented with various strategic choices a company or business faces in connection with a strategy development.

Topic 3 Strategy in practice

Here, students will be presented with practical related issues related to strategy work. This will be the implementation of strategy, strategic change and strategic management.


After completing the course, the students will have

Knowledge of:

  • theoretical and practical perspectives on strategy development for a company, business or sector.
  • the environment that must be taken into account in order to formulate and implement competitive strategies.
  • what internal resources of an enterprise are needed to formulate and implement competitive strategies.
  • different models for business strategies, international strategy and how this can be influenced by challenges, owners and stakeholders.


Students should be able to

  • analyze the environment around the company and internal resources necessary to formulate and implement competitive strategies.
  • design a business strategy.
  • present a strategic solution to an overarching business problem, argue the solutions and communicate the strategy verbally.



Eksamen / vurdering

Vurderingsform Vekting Varighet Karakter Hjelpemiddel
En skriftlig prøve 1/1 4 Timer Bokstavkarakterer Godkjent kalkulator

Vilkår for å gå opp til eksamen/vurdering

Oppgaver (individuell), Oppmøte 80%

Assignments: The assignments are given in form of individual practice questions or group work. All assignments are mandatory, and students need to "pass" all the assignments.

Attendance: Students are required to attend 80% of the course meetings during the semester.



Robert Kreuzbauer


Tarjei Mandt Larsen


Among other things, there will be plenary lectures. Active work methods such as student participation, interaction and discussions between students will be an integral part of the lecture.

A total time spent in the subject of 250 hours during the semester is recommended, distributed as follows: 40 hours associated with lectures and seminars, 50 hours related to group assignments, and 120 hours for reading the literature for the course / preparation for lectures. Summary and repetition of the syllabus and preparation for the exam: 40 hours.


Emne Reduksjon (SP)
Videregående strategi og markedsføring (BØK320_1) 5
Strategi - introduksjon (BØI170_1) 5
Strategi og ledelse (IND630_1) 5

Åpent for

Økonomi og administrasjon - bachelorstudium


Det skal være en tidligdialog mellom emneansvarlig, studenttillitsvalgt og studentene. Formålet er tilbakemelding fra studentene for endringer og justering i emnet inneværende semester.

I tillegg skal det gjennomføres en digital emneevaluering minimum hvert tredje år. Den har som formål å innhente studentenes erfaringer med emnet.


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