Laboratories for automation technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology at UiS has several laboratories within the field of automation technology. Here is an overview of relevant equipment and facilities.

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Get to know our laboratories for automation technology.

Robot lab

The robot lab has three manipulator robots from ABB: two IRB140s and one CRB15000. They have similar working radii, 80-90cm, and lifting capacities of 5kg. The two IRB140 robots (Norbert and Rudolf) are located in an industrial cell and can collaborate around a conveyor belt. CRB15000 (Jacobi) is a collaborative robot and has self-protection mechanisms that makes it safe enough to not require further external protection.

Robotarm som plukker opp biter til spill og student som står bak med kontroll

The robots can all be programmed using a PC running RobotStudio. The program can also be simulated in a virtual environment in this. This simulation can in addition be viewed through VR glasses, where you can ‘walk’ around the robot as it works. This allows entire robot projects to be planned and programmed before the robot is even purchased.

  • IRB140
  • CRB15000
  • Programming in RobotStudio
  • Simulation in a virtual envionment

Contact person: Ståle Freyer


The laboratory has a process plant consisting of two tanks with sensors for measuring level, pressure, temperature and flow. The system can be manipulated by a pump, mixer tap, heating element, valves and more. The process is programmed via MATLAB and Simulink.

Laboratorieutstyr to-tank

  • Two-tank system
  • Control theory
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Level measurements
  • Pressure measurements
  • Temperature meaurements
  • Flow measurements

Contact person: Didrik Efjestad Fjereide

PLC lab

The laboratory has programmable logic control (PLC) equipment. This includes workstations with software for developing PLC code, complete PLC systems with digital and analogue inputs/outputs, control panels and electric motors of various types.


The laboratory is used for research, teaching and making prototypes in connection with student projects.

  • PLC rack (CPU, 16 digital inputs, 16 digital outputs, 8 analog inputs, 8 analog outputs)
  • Control panel (4 push buttons, 4 lamps, 16 switches)
  • Touch screen
  • Frequency converters
  • Electric motors
  • Logic programming
  • Process automation
  • Motor control

Contact person: Romuald Karol Bernacki

Electronics lab

The electronics laboratory has equipment for designing, producing and analysing electronic circuits. It has equipment for measuring and testing both analogue and digital electronics, as well as tools for producing plain two-layer printed circuit board for prototyping.


The laboratory is used for research, teaching and making prototypes in connection with student projects.

  • Oscilloskop (up 500Mhz)
  • Power supplies (up to 1200W/60VDC)
  • Circuit board cutter
  • Soldering stations
  • Digital microscope for soldering (1.7x-52.8x)
  • Circuit board production
  • Circuit analysis, measurements and testing
  • Soldering systems for electronics components

Contact person: Jon Fidjeland

Drone lab

The drone lab has two different stationary platforms, Aero and Hover, made by Quanser. Aero has two degrees of freedom and can be configured as a half-quadrotor or helicopter. Hover has three degrees of freedom and behaves like a full-scale drone.


The platforms can be used for safe, cost-effective development and research within drone control concepts. The models are equipped with brushless DC motors with high-resolution encoders for speed feedback. Both of the platforms are equipped with encoders in each link that provide precise measurements of the orientation of the drone. Aero also has a three-axis accelerometer and gyroscope, which facilitates a more realistic method of measuring the orientation of a body in free fall. The laboratory is used for research, teaching and student projects..

  • Half-quadrotor/helicopter (Two degrees of freedom)
  • Full-scale drone (Three degrees of freedom
  • Modeling of dynamic systems
  • Controller design
  • System identification

Contact person: Didrik Efjestad Fjereide

Medical technology

The medical technology lab has most of the basic equipment that you would find in a medical intensive care unit. Diagnostic equipment such as diagnostic 12-lead ECG recording and ultrasound, monitoring equipment with the possibility of defibrillation and patient monitoring as well as treatment equipment such as ventilators, surgical diathermy, and laser.

Medisinks utstyr

In the laboratory, there is a selection of test and patient simulation equipment from Fluke's biomedical portfolio, as well as the LIFENET system from Stryker for data capture from the LIFEPAK 15 over the GSM network to a server in Europe and for analysis of patient cases with cardiac arrest data. The Olympus Endobase software for data processing of video endoscopic recordings is also available.

  • Respirator - Dräger Evita XL
  • Infusion and syringe pumps  - BBraun Infusomat and Perfusor
  • Diagnostic ECG - Philips PageWriter TC30
  • Defibrillator/multi-monitor - LIFEPAK 15, LIFEPAK 20
  • Ultrasound - GE Logiq S8
  • Diathermy - Olympus UES-40, ERBE ICC 200, Valleylab Force EZ
  • Surgical endoscopy equipment - Olympus Visera OTV-S7 with rigid optics
  • Laser - Sharplan compact CO2 laser
  • The entire portfolio of Fluke biomedical test equipment
  • Fluke OneQA
  • Stryker LIFENET system
  • Video endoscopy recording system: Olympus Endobase.
  • Philips Capsule software for real-time data capture from ventilators, infusion and syringe pumps

Contact person: Ståle Freyer

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