Greenhouse online book talk: Lisa Bloom, Climate Change and the New Polar Aesthetics
In Climate Change and the New Polar Aesthetics, Lisa E. Bloom considers the ways artists, filmmakers...

Greenhouse online book talk: Min Hyoung Song, Climate Lyricism
In Climate Lyricism Min Hyoung Song articulates a climate change-centered reading practice that...

Greenhouse online book talk #100: Lydia Pine, Endlings
In Endlings: Fables for the Anthropocene, Lydia Pyne explores how discussion about endlings—how we...

Greenhouse online book talk: Eric Hirsch, Acts of Growth
In 'Acts of Growth: Development and the Politics of Abundance in Peru', Eric Hirsch considers what...

Greenhouse online book talk: Kjetil Fallan, Ecological by Design
In Ecological by Design, Kjetil Fallan describes the efforts of Scandinavian designers to forge an...

Greenhouse online book talk: Joshua Barnett, Mourning in the Anthropocene
In Mourning in the Anthropocene, Joshua Trey Barnett argues that our capacity to grieve for more...

Greenhouse online book talk: Thomas Zeller, Consuming Landscapes
In Consuming Landscapes, Thomas Zeller explores how what we see while driving reflects how we view...

Greenhouse online book talk: Rohan Lloyd, Saving the Reef
In Saving the Reef, Rohan Lloyd charts the social history of Australia’s most prized yet vulnerable...

Greenhouse online book talk: Sophie Chao, In the Shadow of the Palms
With In the Shadow of the Palms, Sophie Chao examines the multispecies entanglements of oil palm...

Greenhouse online book talk: James Morton Turner, Charged
In Charged, James Morton Turner unpacks the history of batteries to explore why solving "the battery...

Greenhouse online book talk: Jenny Price, Stop Saving the Planet!
In Stop Saving the Planet!, Jenny Price sets out a manifesto for an environmentalism that is hugely...

Greenhouse online book talk: Erik Nordman, The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom
In The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom, author Erik Nordman brings to life Ostrom’s brilliant...

Greenhouse online book talk: Rutherford, Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin
Stephanie Rutherford weaves an innovative tapestry from the varied threads of historical and...

Greenhouse online book talk: Visions of Nature by Jarrod Hore
In Visions of Nature, Jarrod Hore revives the work of late nineteenth-century landscape...

Greenhouse online book talk: Kelly, The Women Who Saved The English Countryside
Matthew Kelly traces the history of landscape preservation through the lives of four remarkable...

Greenhouse online book talk: Nelson, Saving Yellowstone
In Saving Yellowstone, Megan Kate Nelson tells the story of how white Americans abandoned the ideal...

Greenhouse online book talk: Martin, Wild By Design
In Wild by Design, Laura J. Martin discusses how restoration’s past provides vital knowledge for...

Greenhouse online book talk: Pluymers, No Wood, No Kingdom
In No Wood, No Kingdom, Keith Pluymers explores the conflicting attempts to understand the problem...

Greenhouse online book talk: Smith, Ecological Restoration
In Ecological Restoration and the U.S. Nature and Environmental Writing Tradition, Laura Smith...

Greenhouse online book talk: Seibert, Atlas of Material Worlds
Atlas of Material Worlds is a highly designed narrative atlas illustrating the agency of nonliving...

Greenhouse online book talk: Saha, Colonizing Animals
In Colonizing Animals: Interspecies Empire in Myanmar, Jonathan Saha argues that animals were...

Greenhouse online book talk: Seow, Carbon Technocracy
In Carbon Technocracy, Victor Seow uses the remarkable story of the Fushun colliery to chart how the...

Greenhouse online book talk: Lewis, Animal Soundscapes in Anglo-Norman Texts
In Animal Soundscapes in Anglo-Norman Texts, Liam Lewis examines animal noises in Old French verse...

Greenhouse online book talk: Elmore, Seed Money
In Seed Money, Bartow J. Elmore traces Monsanto's evolution from chemical startup to global...

Greenhouse online book talk: Guida, Listening to British Nature
In Listening to British Nature: Wartime, Radio, and Modern Life, 1914-1945, Michael Guida reveals...

Greenhouse online book talk: Barber, Modern Architecture and Climate
In Modern Architecture and Climate, Daniel A. Barber provides global perspectives on modern...

Greenhouse online book talk: Oliver, Veganism, Archives, and Animals
In Veganism, Archives, and Animals, Catherine Oliver explores the growing significance of veganism...

Greenhouse online book talk: Talairach, Animals, Museum Culture & Children’s Literature
In Animals, Museum Culture & Children’s Literature, Laurence Talairach explores the relationship...

Greenhouse online book talk: Robins, Oil Palm
In Oil Palm, Jonathan E. Robins shows how sweeping social transformations carried oil palms around...

Greenhouse online book talk: Miller, Extraction Ecologies
In Extraction Ecologies, Elizabeth Carolyn Miller examines how literature of the 1830s-1930s...

Greenhouse online book talk: Nijhuis, Beloved Beasts
In Beloved Beasts, acclaimed science journalist Michelle Nijhuis traces the history of the movement...

Greenhouse online book talk: Etkind, Nature's Evil
In Nature's Evil, Alexander Etkind views the history of humankind through the prism of natural...