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The job market needs students. Find a relevant part-time job, full-time job, summer job, trainee position, or internship. These positions are for students, recent graduates, and alumni.
Are you wondering where and when you can go on an exchange in your study programme? Or what you must consider before, during and after your stay abroad? Find everything you need to plan the journey of a lifetime!
What happens if I fall ill during an exam? Can I use ChatGPT, and how do I actually register for an exam? Find everything you need to know about examination at the University of Stavanger.
Are you ready to begin the journey as a student at UiS? Here, you'll find all the resources you need to kick-start your studies successfully. Use the checklist for new international students to get started smoothly.
Welcome to the student pages. Find useful tools, systems and information about activities for you as a student at UiS.
Parts of Kjølv Egeland's house at the west entrance will be closed to traffic on Thursday morning in connection with a planned police operation.
Do you enjoy reading and discussing books with others? Then Ex Libris' book club might be right up your alley.
University Library, kongsgårdsalongen
Do you enjoy reading and discussing books with others? Then Ex Libris' book club might be right up your alley.
University Library
Revising your paper is the final step of the writing process.
If you want to avoid dry, dull writing and develop your own unique voice to succeed in your assignments, join Write!
Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug
Join the library for an introduction to the reference screening tool Rayyan. Language: Norwegian.
Are you wondering how you are insured, or do you have any questions about insurance? You will find information about insurance at the University of Stavanger here.
Students with disabilities or special needs have the right to appropriate individual accommodations for educational institutions, teaching, learning materials, and exams to ensure equal educational opportunities. Accommodations can not compromise the academic requirements of each program.
When the world-renowned writer Kathy Lette traced her roots in the Australian TV program "Who Do You Think You Are?", she ended up in Stavanger and at UiS.
Bridging between academia and industry, equipping students with knowledge and skills to make a meaningful impact in the transition towards a sustainable future.
The little extra contains resources that will contribute to cohesion and integration in the student community at barnevern.
Students have been affected by the fire that occurred in the student accommodations at Stareveien in Sandal Sunday, December 10.
Do you have a passion for freedom, equality and justice? Then the Amnesty UiS group is for you!
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