Smart city – education

On this page you will find courses and subjects taught at the University of Stavanger related to smart cities.

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Master programmes related to smart cities

UiS does not offer a study programme focused exclusively on smart cities. We do have a range of undergraduate and graduate programmes as well as courses that cover topics related to smart cities. See the list of programmes and courses.

Norwegian Master Programmes (5 years)

Byplanlegging femårig master

Konstruksjoner og materialer, 5-årig

Kybernetikk og robotteknologi

Industriell økonomi - alle linjer

Norwegian Master Programmes (2 years)

Endringsledelse master

Applied Data Science master 2 år

Økonomi og administrasjon master – siviløkonom

Samfunnssikkerhet - master

International Master Programmes (2 years)

Master in Energy, Environment and Society

Master in City and Regional Planning

Master of Science in Computer Science

Master of Science in Engineering Structures and Materials

Master of Science in Business Administration

Master of Science in Computational Engineering

Master in Risk Analysis