Outdoor Education Studies

Join us for a unique natural experience and get an insight into Norwegian Outdoor Life and physical education.

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Department of Education and Sports Science

Course manager: Åge Vigane

General admission inquiries



Spring (January-June)

Outdoor Education on tour

There will be an emphasis on the acquisition of outdoor life skills, experiences and educational challenges in a professional and social environment through various activities. Students will gain knowledge, communication skills, and learn to provide guidance in outdoor education, which takes place in different natural environments, ranging from the coast to high mountains in the area. This programme is offered in the spring semester only (January - June).

Spring 2024: The first day at the university will be January 9th so students accepted into the program must have arrived in Stavanger at the latest 9th January.

Based on the experiences, knowledge and skills in outdoor activities, after completing the programme the students will qualify for the following types of activities:

  • Use basic skills in simple traditional outdoor activities in natural environments in the winter and spring
  • Reflect on the position of outdoor education in Norwegian society and why it is important to engage in outdoor activities for children and young people
  • Perform methodological evaluations in outdoor life
  • Plan, implement and evaluate walks in different environments that provide nature experiences
  • Plan, implement and evaluate instruction in outdoor education for children and young people

Varies between theoretical classes and experience-based teaching. Student-led tuition is part of the course. Instruction includes lectures, seminars, self study, field trips, guidance, student-led excursions and teaching practice.

General admission to higher education. The programme requires good phsyical and mental shape that enables you to carry out training programmes in rough terrain with light or heavy pack. On field trips students will live in tents, Sami tents (lavvo), and snow caves/Igloo.

There are a limited number of spaces available for this programme. For spring 2023 there are 15 spaces available for exchange students. Admission will be based on academic background of the student. Special admission regulations

The Outdoor Education programme and in particular the winter module places great demands on personal equipment. Some equipment, however, may be borrowed from the Sports sciences department of the university. Equipment lists and more information will be sent to the students accepted into the program prior to semester start.

The total cost per. student for the excursions and courses included in the winter module will be approximately    between 1400 and 8500 NOK, depending on the students choice of accommodations etc.

  • Orienteering: Maps, compass and GPS
  • First Aid and Life Support
  • Fishing
  • Outdoors activities in different natural environments
  • Skiing techniques associated with cross-country, classis and skating
  • Alpine skiing
  • Backcountry skiing
  • Climbing
  • Surfing and kayaking will be offered in addition to the mandatory subjects

Fishing and rowing excursion