The Faculty of Health Sciences offers open courses in philosophy of science and scientific methods to strengthen the knowledge base in the health sector.

Healthcare professionals are increasingly required to document their practice. More emphasis is also placed on the importance of knowledge-based practice in the health sector, which means that healthcare professionals must have the ability to make decisions based on systematically acquired knowledge.
To meet these requirements, the University of Stavanger offers courses in philosophy of science, ethics, and scientific methods for healthcare professionals.
Through the courses, you will gain the ability to reflect critically on current practice, be able to take advantage of new research and be able to start research projects.
Philosophy of Science and Moral Philosophy
This course deepens themes and issues in philosophy of science and moral philosophy pertaining to health sciences.It proceeds from the everyday practice of care to analyse how we acquire knowledge of what humans beings are and how we should care about human beings.
Students will develop contextual sensitivity, independent judgment and argumentative skill, and be able to identify relationships between the philosophy of health sciences and the methodological and ethical considerations of clinical research.
Find more information about the course.
Scientific Methods

This is an seminar-based introductory course in quantitative and qualitative research methods. The course focuses on the understanding of fundamental concepts, and corresponding terminology, related to different research methods.
After completing the course, you will be better equipped to plan, implement, and disseminate results from a research or development project. You will also develop your ability to critically reflect on various factors that can influence such projects and thus be able to evaluate research results in relation to method choice.
Find more information about the course.
Open for individual course admissions
The courses are offered in the autumn semester for master's students at the Faculty of Health Sciences but is open for individual course admissions and international students. The teaching is in English.
Application via Søknadsweb opens June 15, with application deadline August 1. The first-come-first-served principle applies to admissions.
The admission requirement is a bachelor's degree in health and/or social sciences or equivalent 3-year basic education in these areas.