The University of Stavanger offers a broad range of single courses for exchange students.
Important information about choosing courses
- You may request courses across different faculties and departments. Please note that there is a higher chance of collisions in time schedules and exams if you choose courses from different faculties and departments.
- If you are proficient in Norwegian or other Scandinavian language (B2 level), you may request courses in Norwegian from UiS' main course catalogue.
- Master's level courses are not available to Bachelor students.
- To be able to sign up for a course, you must fulfill any prerequisites.
- A full course load equals 30 ECTS. Students may choose a minimum of 20 ECTS and a maximum of 40 ECTS per semester.
- The timetable will be available mid-June for the autumn semester and mid-December for the spring semester.
Courses open for all inbound exchange students
If you wish to request courses outside of your study field at UiS, please check the following courses:
Autumn 2025
- ENG111 British Literature, Culture, and Society 10 ECTS**
- ENG112 Introduction to English Grammar 10 ECTS**
- ENG113 Introduction to Literary Studies 10 ECTS**
- IDR233 Friluftsliv: Forest and mountains 15 ECTS (Limited to 10 students)
- MGL0080 Theatre and Drama 30 ECTS (Limited to 10 students)
- BJO203 Media and Communication 10 ECTS
- GEN330 Transnational Perspectives on Nordic Gender Equality and Welfare 10 ECTS
- GEN360 Intersectionality: Critical perspectives on Inequality and Power 10 ECTS**
Spring 2026
- ENG121 American Literature, Culture, and Society 10 ECTS**
- ENG122 English Pronunciation 10 ECTS**
- ENG123 Language in Culture and Society 10 ECTS**
- MGL0083 Theatre and Drama in an Intercultural Context 30 ECTS (Limited to 10 students)
- BSS320 Sociology of Work 10 ECTS
Prerequisite knowledge required
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Autumn 2025
- GEN530 Transnational Perspectives on Nordic Gender Equality and Welfare 10 ECTS
- GEN560 Intersectionality: critical perspectives on Inequality and Power 10 ECTS**
- MHR101 Research Methods 10 ECTS
- MHR102 Strategic Leadership and Philosophy 10 ECTS*
- MHR201 Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology 10 ECTS**
- MHR202 Fundamentals of Service 10 ECTS
- MHR203 Applied Service Innovation Project 10 ECTS**
- MHR204 Leadership Challenges 10 ECTS
- MSB255 Supply Chain and Operations Management 10 ECTS
- MSB305 Growth, Location and Sustainable Development 10 ECTS**
- MSB325 Sustainable Business Practices 10 ECTS
- MSB415 Sustainable Entrepreneurship 10 ECTS
Spring 2026
- MHR104 International HR Perspectives 10 ECTS**
- MHR107 Services Marketing 10 ECTS
- MHR108 Cost and Revenue Management 10 ECTS**
- MSB340 Sustainability Transitions and Innovation 10 ECTS
- MSB416 Applied Innovation Management 10 ECTS
- BIO600 Sustainable Future Foods 10 ECTS
*Prerequisite knowledge required
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Spring 2026
- ECM170 Creative Hearts and Digital Minds: Media Literacy and building Resilience in a Digital World 5 ECTS (Limited to 5 students)**
This course is designed as a blended programme, with both an intensive one-week course (5 days) and online learning before and/or after.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Faculty of Social Sciences
Courses in the fields of Leadership, Service, Psychology, Social studies, Media, Social sciences, and Gender studies:
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- BDS230 Insight and Analysis in Service Innovation 10 ECTS**
- BRH312 Event Project Planning and Management 10 ECTS
- BRL370 Tourism and Entrepreneurship 10 ECTS (Digital teaching)
Master's level
- MHR101 Research Methods 10 ECTS
- MHR102 Strategic Leadership 10 ECTS**
- MHR201 Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology 10 ECTS**
- MHR202 Customer Service Management 10 ECTS
- MHR204 Leadership Challenges 10 ECTS
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
Master's level
- MHR104 International HR Perspectives 10 ECTS**
- MHR107 Services Marketing 10 ECTS
- MHR108 Cost and Revenue Management 10 ECTS**
*Prerequisite knowledge required
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- BPS200 Research Methods in Psychology 10 ECTS
- BPS210 Work and Organisational Psychology 10 ECTS**
- BPS220 Health Psychology 10 ECTS**
- BPS310 Quantitative Methods 10 ECTS**
- BPS315 Qualitative Research 10 ECTS**
- USV105 Cultural Diversity and Child Protection 10 ECTS
- USV106 Community-Based Practices and Social Innovation 10 ECTS
Only available for students proficient in Norwegian/other Scandinavian language:
- USVP70 Social Work Field Placement 10 ECTS*/**
- USVP80 Social Work Field Placement 20 ECTS*/**
- USVP75 Social studies: Field placement for foreign students 30 ECTS*/**
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- BPS240 Clinical psychology 15 ECTS**
- BPS250 Psychology in a Multicultural Society 15 ECTS**
Only available for students proficient in Norwegian/other Scandinavian language:
- USVP70 Practical social work for foreign students 10 ECTS*/**
- USVP80 Practical social work for foreign students 20 ECTS*/**
- USVP75 Social studies: Field placement for foreign students 30 ECTS*/**
*Prerequisite knowledge required
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- BJO203 Media and Communication 10 ECTS
- BSS360 Global Sociology 10 ECTS*
- BST210 Energy and Environmental Politics 10 ECTS
- BST300 Welfare State Politics 10 ECTS**
Master's level
- DIG501 Al and Society 10 ECTS**
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- BSS296 The Sociology of Creativity 10 ECTS
- BSS320 Sociology of Work 10 ECTS
Master's level
- MEE200 Geopolitics of the Energy Transitions 10 ECTS**
- MEE210 Governing Energy Transitions 10 ECTS**
*Prerequisite knowledge required.
**Recommended prerequisites. Please read the course description.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- GEN330 Transnational perspectives on Nordic gender equality and welfare 10 ECTS
- GEN360 Intersectionality: Critical perspectives on Inequality and Power 10 ECTS**
Master's level
- GEN530 Transnational perspectives on Nordic gender equality and welfare 10 ECTS
- GEN560 Intersectionality: critical perspectives on Inequality and Power 10 ECTS**
Spring 2026
No course offer
*Prerequisite knowledge required
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
UiS School of Business and Law
Courses in the fields of Law, Finance, Economics, and Administration:
Autumn 2025
- BØK260 Corporate Finance 10 ECTS**
- BØK400 Contemporary human resource management (HRM) 10 ECTS
- BØK455 International Economics 10 ECTS
Spring 2026
- BØK224 Economic development and sustainable innovation 10 ECTS
- BØK235 Strategy 10 ECTS*
- BØK250 Marketing 10 ECTS
- BØK356 Statistics For Business and Economics 10 ECTS
- BØK385 Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Startup 10 ECTS**
- UHH100 Human Rights Law 10 ECTS
- BRV225 Public International and EU/EEA Law 15 ECTS**
- BRV330 Legal Culture and Comparative Law 5 ECTS
*Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Autumn 2025
- MSB107 Business Economics 10 ECTS**
- MSB108 Strategic Management 10 ECTS
- MSB255 Supply Chain and Operations Management 10 ECTS
- MSB300 Economics of Motivation 10 ECTS
- MSB305 Growth, Location and Sustainable Development 10 ECTS**
- MSB309 Corporate Finance 10 ECTS
- MSB311 Valuation and Small Firm Financing 10 ECTS
- MSB312 ESG issues in finance 10 ECTS*
- MSB325 Sustainable Business Practices 10 ECTS
- MSB335 Policies for Transformation 10 ECTS
- MSB350 Environmental Economics 10 ECTS**
- MSB415 Sustainable Entrepreneurship 10 ECTS
- MRV220 Energy Transition Law and Policy 10 ECTS*
- MRV230 International commercial contracts 10 ECTS*
- MRV250 Banking and Financial Markets Law 10 ECTS
Spring 2026
- MSB111 International Macroeconomics 10 ECTS
- MSB200 Leadership and HRM 10 ECTS
- MSB203 Leadership and Organisational Change 10 ECTS (Limited to 6 students)
- MSB205 Investments 10 ECTS*
- MSB206 Strategic Analysis 10 ECTS
- MSB210 Risk management and Derivatives 10 ECTS*
- MSB260 Strategic Decision-Making with AI 10 ECTS
- MSB285 Economics of Energy Markets 10 ECTS
- MSB340 Sustainability Transitions and Innovation 10 ECTS
- MSB416 Applied Innovation Management 10 ECTS
*Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Faculty of Science and Technology
Courses within a number of Science and Technology fields:
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- BIO220 Microbiology 10 ECTS**
- KJE220 Inorganic Chemistry 10 ECTS**
- KJE260 Process Technology - Unit Operations 10 ECTS*/**
Master's level
- BIO520 Methods in Biotechnology 10 ECTS** (Limited to 4 students)
- BIO580 Protein Biochemistry 10 ECTS
- MLJ500 Water Chemistry 10 ECTS**
- MLJ510 Natural Water Systems 10 ECTS**
- MLJ520 Environmental Microbiology 5 ECTS**
- MLJ530 Environmental Process Analysis 5 ECTS**
- MLJ540 Instrumental Analysis 10 ECTS*/**
- MLJ650 Aquatic Ecotoxicology 10 ECTS**
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- BIO200 Biochemistry 10 ECTS**
- BIO350 Biomaterials 5 ECTS**
Master's level
- BIO510 Bioinformatics 10 ECTS**
- BIO515 Advanced Cell Biology 10 ECTS*/**
- BIO600 Sustainable Future Foods 10 ECTS
- MLJ610 Water and Wastewater Treatment 10 ECTS**
- MLJ630 Separation & Purification Technology 5 ECTS**
- MLJ640 Environmental Biotechnology and Bioprocessmodeling10 ECTS*/**
- MLJ660 Sustainable Resource Recovery 5 ECTS**
*Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
***Admission to subjects with laboratory exercises depends on laboratory capacity.
The list is subject to changes.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- DAT105 Al Essentials 5 ECTS (Digital teaching)
- DAT240 Advanced Programming 10 ECTS*/** (Limited to 10 students)
- DAT250 Information and Software Security 10 ECTS*/**
- DAT300 Communication Technology 2 10 ECTS*/** (Limited to 5 students)
- DAT305 Al for Engineers 5 ECTS**
- DAT320 Operating Systems and Systems Programming 10 ECTS*/**
- MTE200 Medical Equipment 10 ECTS**
- ELE610 Applied Robot Technology 10 ECTS (Limited to 20 students)
Master's level
All courses require a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in the subject field: Computer Science (DAT courses), or Electrical Engineering (ELE courses)
- DAT505 Ethical Hacking 5 ECTS**
- DAT510 Security and Vulnerability in Networks 10 ECTS**
- DAT515 Cloud Computing Technologies 5 ECTS**
- DAT530 Discrete Simulation and Performance Analysis 10 ECTS
- DAT535 Data-intensive Systems and Algorithms 5 ECTS*/**
- DAT540 Introduction to Data Science 10 ECTS */**
- DAT605 Reinforcement Learning 5 ECTS**
- DAT610 Wireless Communications 10 ECTS
- DAT640 Information Retrieval and Text Mining 10 ECTS
- DAT655 Blockchain Technologies and Application 5 ECTS
- ELE510 Image Processing and Computer Vision 10 ECTS**
- ELE610 Applied Robot Technology 10 ECTS (Limited to 20 students)
- ELE620 Cybernetics 10 ECTS
- ELE670 Medical Images and Signals 10 ECTS**
- ELE680 Deep Neural Networks 5 ECTS** (Limited to 10 students)
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- DAT230 Communication Technology 1 10 ECTS
- DAT240 Software Engineering 10 ECTS**/* (Limited to 10 students)
- ELE320 Control Systems 10 ECTS**
- ELE610 Applied Robot Technology 10 ECTS (Limited to 20 students)
Master's level
All courses require a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in the subject field: Computer Science (DAT courses), or Electrical Engineering (ELE courses)
- DAT520 Distributed Systems 10 ECTS**
- DAT560 Generative Al 10 ECTS**
- DAT600 Algorithm Theory 10 ECTS**
- ELE520 Machine Learning 10 ECTS** (Limited to 150 students)
- ELE610 Applied Robot Technology 10 ECTS (Limited to 20 students)
*Prerequisite course(s) required.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Please note changes might occur.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- GEO100 Earth, Energy and Climate 10 ECTS**
- GEO130 Geophysics 10 ECTS*
- GEO140 Fluid Flow in Porous Media 10 ECTS
- MOD300 Applied Computational Modelling 10 ECTS**
Master's level
Requires 30 ECTS in geology, reservoir, or subsurface at BSc and/or MSc
- GEO501 Subsurface Geology 10 ECTS
- GEO502 Reservoir Physics and Chemistry 10 ECTS
- GEO503 Reservoir Geophysics 5 ECTS
- GEO504 Reservoir Evaluation Technology 5 ECTS
- GEO560 Topics on Geosciences 5 ECTS**
Requires 30 ECTS completed at the Master's level
Requires a completed Bachelor's degree
- MOD500 Decision Analysis with Artificial Intelligence Support 10 ECTS
- MOD550 Fundaments of Machine Learning for and with Engineering Applications 10 ECTS
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- GEO150 Energy Resources 10 ECTS**
- GEO285 Geotechnical Engineering 5 ECTS*
Master's level
Requires 30 ECTS in geology, reservoir, or subsurface at BSc and/or MSc
- GEO505 Subsurface Interpreation and Modelling 10 ECTS
- GEO506 Reservoir Modelling and Simulation 10 ECTS
- GEO507 Reservoir Storage and Production 5 ECTS
Requires a completed Bachelor degree
*Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
***Admission to subjects with laboratory exercises and/or field excursions depends on laboratory and/or field capacity.
The list is subject to changes.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- ENP130 Geothermal Energy Systems 10 ECTS*
- ENP150 Energy Systems Engineering 10 ECTS**
Master's level
- PET505 Directional Drilling and Well Flow Engineering 10 ECTS*/**
- PET510 Computational Reservoir and Well Modeling 10 ECTS**
- PET640 Advanced Energy Conversion Technologies 10 ECTS**
- PET675 Well Integrity and Permanent P and A 10 ECTS*/**
- PET690 Well Completion and Intervention 10 ECTS
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- ENP120 Energy Technology 10 ECTS
Master's level
- PET575 Modeling and Control for Automation Processes 10 ECTS**
- PET580 Advanced Well and Drilling Engineering 10 ECTS**
- MOD600 Data-driven Modeling of Conservation Laws 10 ECTS*/**
*Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
***Admission to subjects with laboratory exercises and/or field excursions depends on laboratory and/or field capacity.
The list is subject to changes.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- FYS200 Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics 10 ECTS*/**
- FYS320 Quantum Mechanics 10 ECTS*/**
- MAF310 Numerical Modeling 1 5 ECTS**
- MAF320 Numerical Modeling 2 5 ECTS**
- MAT110 Linear Algebra 10 ECTS
- MAT300 Vector Analysis 10 ECTS**
- MAT310 Complex Analysis 10 ECTS*/**
Master's level
- FYS500 Analytical Mechanics and Field Theory 10 ECTS**
- FYS540 Solid State Physics 10 ECTS**
- MAT510 Manifolds 10 ECTS**
- STA500 Probability and Statistics 2 10 ECTS**
- STA510 Statistical Modeling and Simulation 10 ECTS**
- STA530 Statistical Learning 10 ECTS**
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- FYS330 Micro Physics 10 ECTS**
- FYS340 Statistical Physics 10 ECTS*/**
- MAT200 Mathematical Methods 2 10 ECTS**
- MAT210 Real Analysis 10 ECTS**
- MAT320 Differential Equations 10 ECTS**
Master's level
- FYS600 General Relativity and Cosmology 10 ECTS**
- FYS610 Quantum Field Theory 10 ECTS**
- FYS620 X-Ray Neutron Scattering 10 ECTS**
- FYS630 Computational Solid State Physics 10 ECTS*
- MAT600 Matrix Groups 10 ECTS**
- MAT610 Mathematical Analysis ll 10 ECTS**
- MAT630 Algebraic Geometry 10 ECTS**
- STA600 Generalized Linear Models 10 ECTS*/**
*Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
***Admission to subjects with laboratory exercises depends on laboratory capacity.
The list is subject to changes.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- WIN100 Introduction to Offshore Wind Energy 10 ECTS
- BYG200 Steel Structures 10 ECTS**
- BYG205 Structucal Mechanics 2 10 ECTS*
- BYG280 Structural Design 10 ECTS*/**
- BYG310 Timber Structures 5 ECTS*/**
- MSK250 Finite Element Methods, Basics 10 ECTS*/** (Limited to 60 students)
- MSK260 Additive and Subtractive manufacturing technology 10 ECTS*/** (Limited to 30 students)
Recommended package for mechanical engineering:
- MAT300 Vector Analysis 10 ECTS**
- MSK250 Finite Element Methods, Basics 10 ECTS*/**
- MSK260 Additive and Subtractive manufacturing technology 10 ECTS*/**
Master's level
Admission requirements: BSc in Engineering or equivalent.
- BYG550 Structural Dynamics 10 ECTS
- BYG605 Concrete Technology 5 ECTS**
- BYG660 Concrete Structures, advanced course 10 ECTS**
- BYG665 Advanced Analysis and Design of Steel Structures 10 ECTS**
- BYG570 Life Extension of Structures 5 ECTS**
- BYG575 Accidental Actions on Civil and Marine Structures 5 ECTS**
- MSK540 Finite Element Methods, Advanced Course 10 ECTS**
- MSK550 CAD/CAM and Additive Manufacturing 10 ECTS**
- MSK580 Welding and In-service Inspection Technologies 10 ECTS**
- MSK585 Welding and In-service Inspection Technologies 5 ECTS**
- MSK600 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics for Industrial Processes 5 ECTS**
- IAM540 Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance 10 ECTS
- IAM570 Complex industrial systems, Vulnerable conditions, and Integrity 10 ECTS
- IAM640 Agent simulation and digital twins 10 ECTS
- OFF505 Oceanography 5 ECTS
- OFF515 Offshore Field Development 5 ECTS**
- OFF516 Offshore Field Development 10 ECTS**
- OFF520 Pipelines and Risers 5 ECTS**
- OFF550 Subsea Technology 10 ECTS
- OFF585 Engineering mathematics and dynamics 10 ECTS
- OFF600 Marine Operations 10 ECTS*
- OFF610 Offshore Wind Turbine Engineering 5 ECTS
- OFF615 Offshore Wind Turbine Engineering 10 ECTS
- OFF680 Specialisation project in Marine and Offshore Technology 5 ECTS
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- WIN100 Introduction to Offshore Wind Energy 10 ECTS
- BYG140 Structural Mechanics 1 10 ECTS**
- BYG220 Concrete Constructions 10 ECTS*/** (Limited to 5 students)
Master's level
Admission requirements: BSc in Engineering or equivalent.
- BYG525 Environmental Loads 10 ECTS**
- BYG530 Plastic Analysis of Structures 5 ECTS*
- BYG540 Fatigue and fracture 5 ECTS
- BYG580 Advanced Analysis and Design of Steel Structures 10 ECTS**
- MSK510 Electronmicroscopy 5 ECTS
- MSK520 Corrosion 5 ECTS
- MSK525 Corrosion and materials technology 10 ECTS**
- MSK530 Mechanics of Solids, Advanced Course 10 ECTS (Limited to 20 students)
- IAM510 Smart Operations and Maintenance 10 ECTS
- IAM560 Industrial assets, Modern uncertainties, and Performance 10 ECTS
- OFF520 Pipelines and Risers 5 ECTS**
- OFF580 Marine Technology and Design 10 ECTS*/**
*Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
This list is subject to changes.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- BYG260 Urban Development Design 1 10 ECTS*/**
- IND200 Economics and Markets 10 ECTS
Master's level
RIS courses require a completed bachelor degree
IND courses require a completed bachelor degree in any engineering field.
BYG courses require a completed bachelor degree in Civil Engineering.
SAM master level courses require a completed bachelor degree in social sciences and humanities and that the student has sufficient coverage in social science method and philosophy of science, equivalent to 10 credits. Students with an engineering background can also request these courses.
- BYG500 Urban Analysis and Planning Methods 10 ECTS
- BYG510 Placemaking 10 ECTS
- BYG655 New Technologies and Ideas for Sustainable City Development 10 ECTS
- IND500 Investment Analysis 5 ECTS
- IND510 Project Management 5 ECTS
- IND570 Green Transition Management 10 ECTS
- IND640 Derivatives, Risk and Markets 10 ECTS**
- IND650 Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship 10 ECTS
- RIS505 Foundations of Risk Analysis and Risk Science 10 ECTS
- RIS515 Theories of Risk Perception and Risk Governance 10 ECTS
- RIS520 Technical Safety 10 ECTS** (requires a completed bachelor in engineering, technology, mathematics (including statistics), or natural sciences)
- RIS535 Terrorism and Security 10 ECTS
- RIS615 Applied Risk Analysis 10 ECTS**
- RIS650 Enterprise Risk Management 10 ECTS**
- SAM530 Decisionmaking in Emergencies 10 ECTS**
- SAM550 Energy, Societal Safety and Sustainable Development 10 ECTS
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
No course offer
Master's level
RIS courses require a completed bachelor degree
IND courses require a completed bachelor degree in any engineering field.
BYG courses require a completed bachelor degree in Civil Engineering.
- IND550 Project Cost Estimation and Risk Analysis 10 ECTS**
- IND660 Financial Engineering in Python 10 ECTS
- RIS510 Reliability Analysis 10 ECTS** (requires a completed bachelor in engineering, technology, mathematics (including statistics), or natural sciences)
- RIS630 Risk Management, Communication and Policy 10 ECTS*
*Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Please note changes might occur.
These courses are only available for students nominated through an exchange study agreement with the Faculty of Science and Technology at University of Stavanger (UiS). Admission depends on supervisor capacity and is not guaranteed.
The student must apply for admission through the international office within the application deadline.
The student is responsible for finding a supervisor at UiS. Please check the different departments at the Faculty of Science and Technology to see relevant research fields and ongoing projects. The International Office is not involved in this process.
The student must submit the form Confirmation of Exchange Project Work (PDF) in Søknadsweb by the application deadline. The thesis (Bachelor's or Master's) must be submitted to the home institution for final evaluation, and will not be evaluated by the UiS supervisor. The student must adhere to evaluation criteria and regulations at the home institution.
Applications missing mandatory documentation in Søknadsweb by the application deadline will not be considered.
Faculty of Arts and Education
Courses in the fields of Educational sciences, Sports, and the Humanities.
Spring 2026
This programme is partly a set package. EIS110 and EIS120 are mandatory. We do recommend that you do not combine this programme with other courses due to overlap in time schedule and the exam.
Please read more information about the programme and familiarise yourself with the special admission regulations.
Core courses: Limited to 40 students.
Optional courses: Limited to 40 students. You can choose either EIS150 or EIS155.
- EIS150 Migration and Intercultural Relations 6 ECTS
- EIS155 Drama in Early Childhood Education 6 ECTS
Optional field placement extension: Limited to 40 students.
Spring 2026
This program is a set package and it is not possible to take courses across other programs. Please read information about the programme and familiarise yourself with the special admission regulations.
For the spring 2026 semester there will be a minumum of 10 places available on this programme. The final number of places will be published in August 2025.
- UDR110 Outdoor Education Climbing and friluftsliv in the local environment 10 ECTS (Limited number of places)
- UDR200 Outdoor Education: Winter, Coast friluftsliv and Leadership 20 ECTS** (Limited number of places)
** Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Autumn 2025
- MGL0080 Theatre and Drama 30 ECTS (Limited to 10 students)
Spring 2026
- MGL0083 Theatre and Drama in an Intercultural Context 30 ECTS (Limited to 10 students)
These courses are offered as part of the One-year programme in Theatre and Drama, but may be taken individually in any order.
All courses presuppose a solid command of written and spoken English:
Autumn 2025
- ENG111 British Literature, Culture, and Society 10 ECTS**
- ENG112 Introduction to English Grammar 10 ECTS**
- ENG113 Introduction to Literary Studies 10 ECTS**
Spring 2026
- ENG121 American Literature, Culture, and Society 10 ECTS**
- ENG122 English Pronunciation 10 ECTS**
- ENG123 Language in Culture and Society 10 ECTS**
- ENG273 Special Topics in Linguistics 10 ECTS*
- ENG274 Special Topics in Literature 10 ECTS*
* Prerequisites are required.
** Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Testimonials - coming to UiS despite of Covid-19:
Ullandhaug Exchange ep. 1 | Ullandhaug Exchange ep. 2
All courses presuppose a solid command of written and spoken English:
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- MGL1036 English 2. English teaching methodology: Language, literature and culture (levels 1-10) 30 ECTS (Limited to 8 students)*/**
Master's level
- MGL3037 Participatory research and second language pragmatics: A focus on young learners 15 ECTS (Limited to 8 students)*/**
- MGL3038 Syllabus and material design in English language teaching 15 ECTS (Limited to 8 students)*/**
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- MGL1032 English Linguistics for Teachers for grades 1-7 15 ECTS (Limited to 8 students)*/**
- MGL1033 English 1 - Teaching Methodology for Young Learners (levels 1-7) 15 ECTS (Limited to 8 students)*/**
- MGL2033 English 1 - English Teaching Methodology for Young Learners (levels 5-10) 15 ECTS (Limited to 8 students)*/**
Master's level
- MGL3036 Critical literacies pedagogy in the ELL classroom 15 ECTS (Limited to 8 students)*/**
* Prerequisites are required.
** Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- IDR233 Friluftsliv: Forest and mountains 15 ECTS (Limited to 10 students)
Master's level
Students must hold an undergraduate major/specialisation in Sports Science:
- MID403 Performance Development - Physical Training and Coaching 15 ECTS
- MID500 Master Thesis Sports Science 60 ECTS*
This course goes over 2 semesters.
* Prerequisites are required.
Students must hold an undergraduate major/specialisation in History.
Spring 2026
* Prerequisites are required.
Students must hold an undergraduate major/specialisation in English-language literature or literary studies, or English philology. All courses presuppose a solid command of written and spoken English:
Autumn 2025
- ENG340 Critical Approaches to Literature 10 ECTS (Limited to 2 students)*
- ENG341 English words and meanings 10 ECTS (Limited to 2 students)*
- ENG342 First and Second Language Literacy Development 10 ECTS (Limited to 2 students)
Spring 2026
- ENG345 Creativity and Process 10 ECTS (Limited to 5 students)*
- ENG346 Literature in Context 10 ECTS (Limited to 2 students)*
- ENG347 Reading the Past: Texts, Language and Society 10 ECTS (Limited to 5 students)
* Prerequisites are required.
Open to students enrolled in a Master programme in Teaching or Master programme in Education at a partner institution:
- MGLINT MA thesis in Mathematics Education for international students 60 ECTS*
This course goes over 2 semesters.
* Prerequisites are required.
Spring 2026
- ECM170 Creative Hearts and Digital Minds: Media Literacy and building Resilience in a Digital World 5 ECTS (Limited to 5 students)**
This course is designed as a blended programme, with both an intensive one-week course (5 days) and online learning before and/or after.
** Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Spring 2026
- CCA100 Critical Cultural Awareness in Migration societies [Early Childhood Education and Care] 6 ECTS (Limited to 5 students)*
This course is designed as a blended programme, with both an intensive one-week course (5 days) and online learning before and/or after.
* Prerequisites are required.
Faculty of Health Sciences
Courses/practice placements in the field of Health sciences:
Autumn 2025
Master's level
- MHV200 Health Promotion 10 ECTS
- MHV201 Health technology in health & welfare services 10 ECTS
- MHV203 Health in Humanitarian Crisis 10 ECTS
- MHV204 Patient safety - theory and practice 10 ECTS
- MHV205 Safety investigation in healthcare 10 ECTS
Spring 2026
No course offer
Autumn 2025
- UTV-BSYP1 Clinical Practice 1 15 ECTS
- UTV-BSYP2 Clinical Practice 2 15 ECTS
Spring 2026
- UTV-BSYP1 Clinical Practice 1 15 ECTS
- UTV-BSYP2 Clinical Practice 2 15 ECTS
Autumn 2025
Spring 2026
Autumn 2025
Spring 2026
Spring 2026
No course offer.
* Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
**Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.
Faculty of Performing Arts
Exchange programmes for Bachelor and Master in Music performance, Jazz and Classical music, Bachelor in Dance performance and One year extension studies ("post-bachelor") in Music Production and Recording:
Autumn 2025
Bachelor's level
- BAM-INTSEM International Music Performance Exchange Semester 30 ECTS
The subject contains main instrument lessons, chamber music or jazz ensemble, projects. For scandinavian language theory lessons can also be offered.
Master's level
- MUM-INTSEM1 International Music Performance Exchange Semester 30 ECTS
The subject contains main instrument lessons, chamber music or jazz ensemble, projects. For scandinavian language theory lessons can also be offered.
Spring 2026
Bachelor's level
- BAM-INTSEM International Music Performance Exchange Semester 30 ECTS
The subject contains main instrument lessons, chamber music or jazz ensemble, projects. For scandinavian language theory lessons can also be offered.
Master's level
- MUM-INTSEM2 International Music Performance Exchange Semester 30 ECTS
The subject contains main instrument lessons, chamber music or jazz ensemble, projects. For scandinavian language theory lessons can also be offered.
Autumn 2025
- BDA910 International Semester 30 ECTS
The subject will contain lessons with 2 year BA students in physical practice, artistic practice and dance in context.
Spring 2026
- BDA915 International Semester 30 ECTS
The subject will contain lessons with 2 year BA students in physical practice, artistic practice and dance in context.
* Prerequisite course(s) required for admission.
** Previous knowledge recommended. Please read the course description.