Here you will find information about the entrance exams for dance, which will be held in week 10 from 3 to 7 March in Stavanger. The information applies to studies starting in the autumn 2025.

All applicants for performing dance studies must go through 2 rounds of entrance exams. The first round is carried out by submitting a self-produced video recording for the bachelor's or project description for the master's by 15 January. The second round will be held in week 10 in Stavanger, at our campus in Bjergsted.
Round 1 - video
The deadline for submitting video was 15 January.
All videos have now been handed over to the professional commission for assessment. You will receive a response to the video assessment by e-mail at the end of January/February.
- Applicants who do not pass round 1 will receive an e-mail with the results during week 6. Rejections will also be posted in Søknadsweb, and formal rejection letters will be sent during March
- Applicants who pass round 1, will receive an email together with an invitation to round 2, no later than the end of week 6
Round 2 - auditions at campus Bjergsted in week 10
If the committee assesses your test on video or project description as passed, you will be invited to round 2 in Stavanger in week 10. You will receive an invitation to round 2 by e-mail at the end of January/February. You confirm attendance for round 2 via a link that you will find in your invitation. The deadline for participation in round 2 is 10 February.
Round 2 consists of auditions and interviews. The commission that evaluates your audition in round 2 is the same one that evaluates your video or project description for round 1. Within the scheduled audition time, an interview will also take place where a representative from the study administration participates. You will have the opportunity to explain your objectives and motivation for the study during the interview,, while also having the chance to ask questions to both the teacher and the study administration.
Information about the entrance exams in dance
The entrance exams in dance will be held in week 10 in 2025. The tests will be held at our campus in Stavanger on 3 to 5 March for bachelor's students for three days with screening after day two.
For master's degrees, the entrance exams take place over 2 days from 6 to 7 March
Invitation to the entrance exams
At the beginning of February, you will receive an email from the faculty with an invitation to the entrance exams you have chosen. In the e-mail you will find the exact attendance time and other information that apply to you. Supplementary information about the exams days will be given at the mandatory orientation meeting on the day of attendance.
Audition location for the Bachelor's degree in Stavanger - campus Bjergsted
Applicants will receive an invitation email in early February.
Brief information about the audtion days for bachelor's
Several of our students will meet you in the foyer when you arrive, both for the attendance registration and to have a chat with you if you wish. The students know the campus, the teachers, our studies and the city, and they can support and guide you through the days. So please just ask if you have any questions.
Attendance from 08:30 on Monday 3 March in the foyer of our main building with attendance registration before a mandatory orientation meeting at 09:00. Detailed information about the audtion days will be given at the orientation meeting.
Day 1 – monday 3. march:
- Contemporary
- Improvisation class
Day 1 ends no later than 15:30.
Day 2 – Tuesday 4. march:
- Contact improvisation
- Ballet
Day 2 ends no later than 15:30.
List of applicants proceeding to Day 3 will be made available at the end of the day.
Dag 3 - Wednesday 5. march
- Contemporary
- A performance of your own solo in the genre of contemporary dance of approx. 2 minutes duration
- Interview with a focus on your goal and motivation, where you can also ask questions
About the interview:
For example, in the interview section, you may be asked questions about the following topics:
- Dance Experience | Motivation | Independence/ability to work
- Why did you apply to Stavanger? | Your audtions (rounds 1 and 2)
The commission will also tell you about your student life and what you can expect as a student at our faculty if you are offered a study place.
Dag 3 ends no later than 16:00.
Audition location for the Master's degree in Stavanger - campus Bjergsted
Applicants will receive an invitation email in early February.
Brief information about the audtion days for Master's
There will be attendance registration and a mandatory orientation meeting at 09:30. Detailed information about the test days will be given at the mandatory orientation meeting.
Day 1 – Thursday 6. march:
- Presentations
- CV presentations
Day 2 – Friday 7. March:
- Studio session
- Interview where you can also ask us questions
About the interview:
For example, in the interview section, you may be asked questions about the following topics:
Dance Experience | Motivation | Independence/ability to work | Why did you apply to Stavanger?
Applicants for the master's degree will, together with the project coordinator, review the submitted plans for the desired Master's project..
The commission will also tell you about your student life and what you can expect as a student at our faculty if you are offered a study place.
Dag 2 ends no later than 14:00
VikImportant - for the audition
Bring your own music for a solo show (mobile, ipad, mac or similar that has aux/jack outlets.) on day 2. Also bring clothes and footwear for the different dance classes.
The results of the audtions from day 2 bachelor's will be announced by posting after the end of the day. Applicants who cannot find their name on the list have unfortunately not proceeded to the next round, and will receive an email from the admissions officer.
When will I receive an answer to my application?
The applicants are assessed as qualified/not qualified based on the Academic Commission's assessments and rankings, submitted video material, submitted application documents, auditions during the days and interviews. The final admission is then decided by the dean.
You can find supplementary rules for admission in our admission regulations. The various regulations are published in the article for the study programme to which you have applied for admission. Scroll down to 'How to apply'.
Qualified applicants will then be offered a study place to the extent that there are available places on the programme applied for. If the faculty has more qualified applicants than the admission framework indicates that we can offer, the applicants will be placed on a waiting list based on the commission's ranking list. Be advised that no information is provided about waiting list placement.
The results of your application will be published in SøknadsWeb on an ongoing basis after decision meetings with the dean in week 11.
Remember to respond to offers and/or waiting list places in SøknadsWeb by 1 April, to prevent your study place is handed to someone else.
Good luck with the entrance exams, and welcome to the Faculty of Performing Arts, University of Stavanger.