Offshore Field Development Technology - Master of Science Degree Programme
Study programme description for study year 2022-2023
Credits (ECTS)
Studyprogram code
Master's degree (2 years)
Leads to degree
Master of Science
4 Semesters
Language of instruction
University of Stavanger (UiS) and Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas have associated their experience in research and teaching to establish a two-year double master's degree programme in Offshore Technology. The programme aims to provide the student with knowledge and expertise in offshore oil and gas technology especially within the Northern areas. There is a growing industry demand for specialized labor related to this field. The study programme draws on experienced education professionals, whose expertise encompasses not only cutting-edge theoretical concepts, but also extensive industry experience.
Learning outcomes
After having completed the master’s programme in Offshore Field Development Technology, the student shall have acquired the following learning outcomes, in terms of knowledge, skills and general competences:
K1: The candidate has advanced knowledge within offshore and arctic field development technology. The candidate has specialized insight in systems and operations by combining mechanical and structural engineering subjects and offshore technology.
K2: The candidate has thorough knowledge about safety and environmental aspects related to his/her academic field and knows how to implement this knowledge in his/her professional work by developing technical solutions suited to the best for society and individuals.
K3: The candidate can apply knowledge to new areas within the academic field.
K4: The candidate can analyze academic problems on the basis of the history, traditions, distinctive character and place in society of the academic field.
K5: The candidate has knowledge about general ethical aspects in the engineering discipline.
S1: The candidate can analyze and use existing theories, methods and interpretations in the field and work independently on practical and theoretical problems.
S2: The candidate can use relevant methods for research and scholarly work in an independent manner.
S3: The candidate can analyze and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments. The candidate can identify state of the art for the technology as well as relevant national and international standards within relevant disciplines.
S4: The candidate can carry out an independent, limited research or development project under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics.
General Competence
G1: The candidate can analyse relevant academic problems and be qualified to participate in developing and implementing new technology, methods and principles for the offshore industries.
G2: The candidate can apply knowledge and skills in new areas in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects, the knowledge is also relevant for offshore and arctic field development projects in general.
G3: The candidate can communicate extensive independent work and master language and terminology of the academic field.
G4: The candidate can communicate about academic issues, analyses and conclusions in the field, both with specialists and general public.
G5: The candidate can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes.
In addition, candidates will also be able to develop relations that can contribute to lasting cooperation between Norwegian and Russian oil and gas industry.
Study plan
The students will study at UiS during Semester 1, 3 and 4. The 2nd semester will be at Gubkin University, where 30 ECTS should be completed there. The master thesis will be submitted to both universities in the end of Semester 4. The teaching language in both universities is English.
Both students from Gubkin University and UiS will have joint studying period in the 2nd semester (studying at Gubkin University) and 3rd semester (studying at UiS).
Career prospects
The double degree diploma will make the students very competitive and attractive in the employment market in both Russian and Norwegian sectors, within activities related to offshore field development, arctic and subsea technology. Our graduates are highly sought after in a broad spectrum of companies covering:
- Oil and gas exploration and production companies
- Ship and offshore structures construction companies
- Subsea production equipment manufacturers
- Subsea installation service providers
- Specialized design houses
- Classification societies and research institutions
The programme will provide the students with 2 diplomas – one from each University.
Course assessment
Schemes for quality assurance and evaluation of studies are stipulated in Quality system for education
Study plan and courses
Enrolment year:
Compulsory courses
OFF520: Pipelines and Risers
Year 2, semester 3
OFF550: Subsea Technology
Year 2, semester 3
OFF600: Marine Operations
Year 2, semester 3
MARMAS: Master's Thesis in Marine and Offshore Technology
Year 2, semester 3
Master's Thesis in Marine and Offshore Technology (MARMAS)
Study points: 30
Elective course 3rd semester
BYG570: Life Extension of Structures
Year 2, semester 3
OFF650: Offshore Engineering in the Arctic
Year 2, semester 3
Compulsory courses
MSK560: Fluid Dynamics
Year 1, semester 1
OFF505: Oceanography
Year 1, semester 1
OFF516: Offshore Field Development
Year 1, semester 1
OFF585: Engineering mathematics and dynamics
Year 1, semester 1
OFF520: Pipelines and Risers
Year 2, semester 3
OFF550: Subsea Technology
Year 2, semester 3
OFF600: Marine Operations
Year 2, semester 3
MARMAS: Master's Thesis in Marine and Offshore Technology
Year 2, semester 3
Master's Thesis in Marine and Offshore Technology (MARMAS)
Study points: 30
Elective course 3rd semester
BYG570: Life Extension of Structures
Year 2, semester 3
OFF650: Offshore Engineering in the Arctic
Year 2, semester 3