Book Pub

Tuesday 25 March 2025 18:00-19:00,
SiS Bokkaféen.

Join us as we dive into Halvt as part of the "All of UiS Reads" initiative.

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Currently, everyone at UiS is reading Halvt by Marjam Idriss. This novel addresses truly challenging themes. It intertwines Norway's dark colonial history with today's consultant-polished oil industry, while the protagonist's story delves into uncomfortable minority experiences, troubled family relationships, and profound moral dilemmas.

There will certainly be plenty to discuss when the University Library and ExLibris invite you to the Book Pub in the Book Café.

The Panel 

  • Gitte Westergaard, Associate Professor of History at UiS. She has researched Danish-Norwegian colonial history and uses Halvt in her teaching. 
  • Gunnar Magnus Eidsvåg, Professor of Religion, Philosophy, and Ethics. Eidsvåg has conducted research on religion and culture in Norwegian kindergartens and uses Halvt in his teaching to highlight minority experiences in Norwegian society. 
  • Aksel Hiorth, Professor of Reservoir Engineering, is well-acquainted with the Norwegian oil industry. Hiorth has read Halvt and will share his thoughts on it. 
  • Additionally, the panel will include a book-loving student. 

About the Reading Project "All of UiS Reads" 

"All of UiS Reads" is a reading project aimed at students and staff at UiS. The goal is to promote the joy of reading and make reading a shared activity across UiS. 

Students and staff who want to join the project can receive a free copy of the book by visiting the counter at the University Library at Ullandhaug from February 3 onward. 

Language: Norwegian.