Diploma, transcript of records, and credit system

After passing the exam or completing a degree at UiS, you can receive documentation of achieved results.

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This applies both to passed individual courses, through a transcript, or to a diploma and diploma supplement sent after the degree has been obtained.

In some cases, it may be relevant to apply for a self-selected bachelor's degree.

Useful links
Diploma registry

Remember you can easily share your results at the Diploma registry: www.vitnemalsportalen.no

Ordering a diploma

Your education plan is the basis of your diploma. Once you have completed and passed all courses in your education plan, your diploma will be automatically produced in a digital format. Your digital diploma will be available in StudentWeb and vitnemalsportalen.no.

If you want a paper version of your diploma, you can order it in the form below. Note that we only issue paper versions for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. If you need documentation on individual courses or one year study programmes, please see the “Transcript of records” section.

If you have an exam this semester, please wait until all of your results included in your degree are available in StudentWeb before you order your diploma. 

Note that you need access to ID-Porten (MinID, BankID) to get your digital diploma. If you do not have access, you can order your paper certificate here. 

If you recently have received a personal ID-number, you can send documentation about this to studentservice@uis.no. You will then get full access to Vitnemålsportalen and StudentWeb, even if your Feide-account is no longer active. 

We do not issue the paper version i July. 

Do you need a copy of your diploma, or confirmation of the degree obtained? Contact vitnemaal@uis.no 

Transcript of Record

If you want or need documentation on courses you have passed at UiS, you can log in to the Diploma registry to share your results electronically. You can also download a digitally signed transcript in Studentweb. This replaces the old transcript on paper.

In the Diploma registry, you will find an overview of all your passed courses and degrees obtained. From here, you can share results with potential employers or other relevant parties. You choose which results you want to share and enter the e-mail address of the recipient. You can decide how long the recipient should be able to see your results. You will also find an overview of which results you have previously shared. The Diploma registry generates an electronic link that is sent to the recipient via e-mail. Recipient can also download your results in the form of a PDF. You do not have to wait to receive a transcript of records from the institution, and the recipient can be sure that the results they receive are genuine. Go to www.vitnemalsportalen.no to log in and share your results. You log in with your Feide user or with the ID port (BankID, MinID, Buypass or Commfides)

You can also download a digitally signed transcript in Studentweb. This is ready within a few minutes of ordering - so you do not have to wait to receive a transcript in the mail. You get digitally signed transcripts by logging in to Studentweb and go to orders. Select "Grade printing with digital signature" and press "Order". After approx. 10 minutes you can download the transcript as a digitally signed Pdf by going to Documents.

Do you still need a transcript on paper? Then you can order this by sending an e-mail to studentservice@uis.no. Please note that the transcript will be sent to the address registered in StudentWeb. Hence, if you are currently not a student at the University of Stavanger you may need to update your home address (click on “show address”). 

If you have recently completed an exam, you should wait ordering the transcript until your examination results have been announced (in StudentWeb). When ordering a transcript of records in English, an explanatory text of the credit and grading system will be included. The transcript will be issued in approximately one week. The service is free of charge. 

The transcript shows the grade for all passed courses. The grade distribution is shown with a percentage distribution for subjects with a graded grade scale A- F. Failed grades are not included in the distribution. All results from the last five years are included in the calculation. The distribution is also shown for topics that have been active for less than five years. It is a prerequisite that there are at least 10 approved results during the period.

Diploma supplement

The Diploma Supplement is an international supplement to the diploma that provides information in English about the qualification system for higher education in Norway.

Everyone who completes a degree in Norway is entitled to a Diploma Supplement. You will be sent a Diploma Supplement together with the diploma. The diploma supplement will be issued in English and is only valid when present with the diploma itself. 

The intention of the diploma supplement is to give information about the study programme and degree and thus create greater transparency for international purposes. 

For further information on the history, goals and implementation of the diploma supplement in Norway, please see NOKUT's additional information. 

NB! Keep your addresses up to date in StudentWeb at all times.

Postponed Diploma

A diploma is issued automatically when you complete a study program and obtain a degree. You have the opportunity to request a postponement of the diploma to improve grades in courses or take additional courses. If you improve or take courses after the degree has been awarded, this will be reflected in the diploma’s transcript with a footnote.

You can apply for a postponed diploma before the final grades of your last exam in your degree are published in the digital student service.

Elective bachelor’s degree

If you have achieved 180 credits but you have not been awarded a degree, the University of Stavanger has the opportunity to award elective bachelor’s degrees within the subject areas offered by the University.

In accordance with the regulations relating to studies and examinations at the University of Stavanger, Section 2-3, the following conditions must be met: A student may achieve an elective bachelor's degree by application.

The elective bachelor’s programme must include: Either a major unit or an approved integrated two-year vocational programme, as well as a minor unit of at least 60 credits in a subject or course group. The minor unit can be within the same or a different subject/course group than the major unit. The major unit must include independent work of at least 10 credits and must have been taken at the University of Stavanger.

Please note that only the degree “Bachelor” will be awarded for elective bachelor’s programmes without any additions or specified major.

The individual faculties will determine which subjects/courses/course groups may be approved as major and minor units in the elective bachelor’s degree programme.

How to apply

If you are a student at the University of Stavanger:

The application form for elective bachelor’s degrees can be found by logging into the digital service desk. 

If you are no longer an active student at the University of Stavanger:
An application, including documentation of the studies that may be included in the degree, can be submitted via the application form in Studentweb. Please note that former students who no longer have an active admission to a course or specific programme of study must log in using the ID portal (BankID/MinID).

If you have any further questions about elective bachelor's degrees at the University of Stavanger, please contact the relevant faculty or our central advisory office.

Contact information:

Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at the University of Stavanger.

New dual degree

Have you achieved a bachelor’s or master's degree at the University of Stavanger but want to further develop your expertise through a new dual degree with us?

If you have already achieved a bachelor’s or master's degree at the University of Stavanger and want to take a new dual degree with us, the following minimum requirements must be met:

  • When recognising studies that have previously been included in the calculation basis for a degree, part of a degree or vocational training, the student must also have completed at least 60 new credits before a new certificate or new degree can be awarded.
  • The student also needs to have been admitted to a course or specific programme of study in which the student wishes to achieve a new degree.

How to apply: 

Applications for new dual degrees can be submitted by logging into the digital service desk.

Please contact  the study consultant for the programme in which you wish to achieve a new degree if you require any further information.

Verification of University of Stavanger Education

Do you need a verification of the validity of a Diploma or Transcript of Records from the University of Stavanger?

Employers and others who require confirmation of the authenticity of a degree Diploma or a Transcript of Records from UiS, can send an e-mail to: vitnemaal@uis.no

Please include the following information in the request:

  • the student’s complete name, including any former names, and date of birth
  • degree awarded
  • the year degree was awarded
  • the student's signature to authorise release of the information
  • a scanned copy of the document (if available)

Please note: In accordance with general privacy regulations UiS may not release student information beyond that which is described here.

Credit system and grades

The Norwegian grading system consists of two grading scales; a scale with the grades passed and failed and a graded letter grade scale from A to E for passed and F for failed.

The grading scale is used absolute. This means that the assessments are criteria-based.

For the graded scale, the following qualitative descriptions apply.

GradeDescriptionGeneral, qualitative description of valuation criteria 
AExcellentAn excellent performance, clearly outstanding. The candidate demonstrates excellent judgement and a high degree of independent thinking. 
BVery goodA very good performance. The candidate demonstrates sound judgement and a very good degree of independent thinking. 
CGoodA good performance in most areas. The candidate demonstrates a reasonable degree of judgement and independent thinking in the most important areas. 
DSatisfactoryA satisfactory performance, but with significant shortcomings. The candidate demonstrates a limited degree of judgement and independent thinking. 
ESufficient A performance that meets the minimum criteria, but no more. The candidate demonstrates a very limited degree of judgement and independent thinking. 
FFailA performance that does not meet the minimum academic criteria. The candidate demonstrates an absence of both judgement and independent thinking.