Practical introduction to customs and border management (TOL280)

NB! The next time this course will be taught and assessed is autumn semester 2025

Customs and border management is a field of study that requires practical training in addition to theoretical knowledge. In order for students to see the connection between theory and practice, an introduction to the customs profession based on practical training will be given through this course. The practical training involves a combination of seminars, supervision, observational practice, skills training and simulation. In Supervised professional training 1, emphasis will be placed on observation and supervision.

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Language of instruction



Themes included

• Forms of sanctioning

• Shipping/customs procedures and declaration control

• Customs forwarding, customs procedures and declaration control

• The pyramid of power and compliance

• First Aid

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the student must have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:

After completing the course, students should have knowledge of:

  • give an account of the Norwegian Customs Authority's customs procedures for the transport of goods and how classification, customs value, origin and quantity are important in determining the correct duty/tax and restriction
  • carry out declaration checks to assess the correctness of classification, origin, quantity and determination of customs value against the determination of customs duties, taxes and restrictions • assess and reproduce the possibility of cooperation between declaration control and post-control
  • the customs agency's system for declaring goods and determining the customs role as a customs officer in the Customs Agency, and the agency's role, tasks, organization and function as social protector • how customs officers can prevent the illegal import and export of goods
  • how to relate practice to current legislation, framework conditions and professional ethical guidelines that regulate work as a customs officer

After completing the course, students should be able to:

  • under guidance, participate in and carry out declaration checks to assess the correctness of classification, origin, quantity and determination of customs value against the determination of customs duties, taxes and restrictions
  • explain which penal reactions occur in the event of a customs violation and their application

After completing the course, students must have general competence to:

  • show willingness and ability to make use of guidance and feedback
  • identify own knowledge needs, show self-awareness in relation to own learning needs as well as acquire and acquire new knowledge and skills
  • reflect on power, judgment and professionalism • interact with fellow students and colleagues
  • under guidance see and create connections between the more theoretical subjects, Here in particular TOL200, and TOL220

Required prerequisite knowledge

TOL130 Customs in an Organizational and Societal Perspective, TOL200 Customs and Movement of Goods, TOL220 Customs Law and Other Customs-related Legal Topics


The overall final assessment will be made by the main supervisors in the Norwegian Customs and the course coordinator at UiS. The supervisors at each location will ensure that studens attend all work assignmenst with checklists provedes by teh main supervisor. A written reflection report from the completed supervised professional training must be submitted one week after the end of Practice 1, and is part of the course assessment (must be 1500 words +/- 10%).If there is any doubt about the approval of Practice 1, students must be notified in writing within a reasonable period of time. The notification must indicate what the student is not able to master and the requirements that must be met in order to have the course approved. Should the student, despite showing satisfactory progress of study throughout their training, demonstrate actions/behaviour that clearly do not provide a basis for passing the practice, the student may still be given a ‘fail’ grade even if prior notification of doubt was not given.In order to pass Practice 1, students must have fulfilled a minimum of 80% of the practical training activities. Separate assessment criteria will be drawn up for the practical training periods in collaboration with Norwegian Customs.

Coursework requirements

First Aid course, of one day in length

Course teacher(s)

Head of Department:

Tore Markeset

Method of work

Students will receive continuous feedback from the supervisor on their own practice and behaviour.

A reflection report must be submitted at the end of the practical training period and is included as a basis for assessment.

Open for

Customs and Border Management - Bachelor's Degree Programme

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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