Physical Activity and Health (MID411)

The course physical activity and health provides knowledge about the recommendations for physical activity; the current level of physical activity and physical fitness in the general population; and methods to measure physical activity and physical fitness. The course also teaches the connection between physical activity and non-communicable diseases. Physical activity as a preventive and health promoting measure for different population groups, in different settings is an important theme in this course. Theories explaining motivation for physical activity and lifestyle changes are also discussed.

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The connection between physical activity and health

Development of physical fitness and recommendations for physical activity

Physical activity for children and youth, and schools as potential arenas for increased physical activity

Strategies and methods to promote participation in physical activity.

Knowledge of possible negative health effects from elite sport and physical activity

Project development of health promoting measures - methodology, implementation and assessment.

The use of relevant research methods and research tools in an independent way

Learning outcome

Upon the successful completion of the course, the candidate should demonstrate the following competence:


  • Advanced knowledge of the connection between physical activity and health
  • Knowledge of various factors that can influence the achievement of a lifestyle change that involves increasing physical activity.
  • Knowledge of potential effects - including sustainability - that can come from a lifestyle change that involves increasing physical activity
  • Knowledge of various factors that can influence the implementation of exercise programs for different population groups.


  • Apply knowledge, theories and methods from the subject area, in order to assess different ways to influence physical activity and physical fitness in different population groups.
  • Plan, implement and assess a lifestyle change.
  • Plan and carry out physical fitness tests, and assess the tests' strengths and limitations.

General competence

  • Analyze and reflect upon problems and questions relevant for exercise medicine.
  • Communicate with the health service sector and the public about relevant issues, analyses and conclusions regarding physical activity and health.
  • Contribute to new ways of thinking and innovations that can facilitate higher levels of physical activity levels for different population groups.

Required prerequisite knowledge



Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Individuell skriftlig oppgave 1/1 7 Days Letter grades

The exam is a written home exam over 7 days. Formal requirements: The paper should be 2000 words (+/- 10%), including a summary. Calibri or equivalent font with size 12 and line spacing 1,5. Front page, table of contents, bibliography, as well as any tables and figures, are not included in the word limit. APA 7 shall be used as the reference system.

Coursework requirements

Planlegge, gjennomføre og evaluere egenintervensjon, Analyse av vitenskapelig artikkel med framføring, Obligatorisk oppmøte, Gruppeoppgave innen utfordringsbasert læring

The students must pass these mandatory assignments to sit for the exam at the end of term:

  • Written report based on group task within challenge.based learning, where the groups immerse themselves in one or more challeges given by an external partner. The size of the written report is adapted to the assignment, but is estimated around 1500 words (+/- 10%).
  • The student will plan, implement and evaluate a lifestyle change, from which the main experiences will be presented orally.
  • In groups: Analyze a scientific paper. The groups present the papers in class.
  • At least 80% presens at lectures is required.

Students who have one or more of the assignments assessed as not approved on first submission are given the opportunity to resubmit the assignment(s) in an improved version. Students are not entitled to new tutoring hours when resubmitting.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Sindre Mikal Dyrstad

Course teacher:

Sindre Mikal Dyrstad

Course teacher:

Cathrine Nyhus Hagum

Course teacher:

Thomas Bjørnsen

Study Program Director:

Sindre Mikal Dyrstad

Study Adviser:

Solveig Röwekamp

Method of work

In total: 6 days. Lectures, discussions, group work, presentations, lifestyle change and various practical sessions.

The amount of time spent on a 10P course is estimated to be 250 - 300 hours.

Open for

Public Health Nursing - Master's degree

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


The syllabus can be found in Leganto