English 1 - Teaching Methodology for Young Learners (1-7) (MGL1033)
The new national curriculum describes English as a school subject which should give learners the ability to communicate with others, to gain access to information and ideas beyond Norway, and to have an intercultural understanding of themselves in the world in comparison with others. The subject should prepare learners for their life, both as pupils and later at their job so that they feel comfortable when they use English to read, write, speak and listen in communication with others both locally and globally.
Our courses on the Master in Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education aim to give our teaching students the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to effectively teach the new curriculum in ways that are inclusive, creative, and motivating for all their learners, regardless of the learners’ abilities and interests.
Course description for study year 2024-2025
Course code
Credits (ECTS)
Semester tution start
Number of semesters
Exam semester
Language of instruction
Clearly understanding the status and importance of the English language in Norwegian society, we in the English department aim to educate creative and motivated English language teachers. Within the English department, our aim is that the students become confident in their abilities, drawing on both theory and practice, and can respond to the society’s needs.
School children of all ages deserve creative and motivated English teachers, who are confident in their own language abilities, and that is what we in the English department try to help you become. Although MGL 1-7 students can gain formal competence to teach English with the courses in the Spring (English 1), we highly recommend that all students continue to complete the autumn semester (English 2). Experience shows us that the increase in fluency and a feeling of security that this extra semester brings is invaluable for all our students.
It is expected that students will use every opportunity to practice and to use English throughout the course. In the Spring semester students will be offered the opportunity of a two-week study tour to the Norwegian study centre in York, UK. There are also opportunities for students to take their second semester (English 2) with partner universities abroad.
Learning outcome
At the end of the course the student will have knowledge of:
- How teacher beliefs can affect the decision making and roles language teachers play in the classroom and how the EPOSTL will help them to notice their teaching abilities
- How young learners learn their L1 (mother tongue) and acquire a L2 (second/foreign/additional language) based on current theories and practices. In connection to this, the use of L1 to support L2 development will be introduced
- How young learners differ in their strategies and abilities in English and the role that focused observation can make in understanding their needs
- The various sections of the current English curriculum for schools and its connection to the Council of Europe's Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages and documents such as the Språkpermen
- A variety of materials, resources (both traditional and digital), approaches and activities, ways of planning and strategies which can be used to create an inclusive, motivating and creative language classroom for all their learners
- A variety of methods of feedback and evaluation, including national testing of reading in 5th grade, self-, peer- and final assessment
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
- Take on a number of different roles according to the nature of the lesson aim and the background experiences of the learners, using the EPOSTL to support their development
- Be able to develop an inclusive learning environment for all EFL pupils
- Use the current curriculum, the CEFR and the European language portfolio as the basis for their learning aim/s and their lesson plans
- Use a variety of methods, planning techniques, strategies and assessment procedures which are grounded in current theories and practices to create a creative and motivating language learning environment
- Utilise a wide variety of resources both traditional and digital in order to offer all their learners a variety of activities to support the development of communication skills, basic skills, knowledge of the English language whilst supporting learners' autonomous development
General competencies
The student:
- Can use relevant subject material and communicate in English at a level (B2 or above) which is suitable for both university and teaching practice classes
- Can reflect over their own learning by using the EPOSTL together with their logs so that they can chart their own development and progress
- Can show and practically apply an understanding of the professional ethics and responsibilities for the individual learners' development that being a teacher entails
- Can evaluate teaching practice in an informed way and suggest changes and improvements.
- Can work independently or together with a group to identify the challenges and offer possible solutions to create a good learning environment for all learners
Required prerequisite knowledge
Recommended prerequisites
Portfolio and presentation
Form of assessment | Weight | Duration | Marks | Aid |
Portfolio | 7/10 | Letter grades | ||
Presentation | 3/10 | 20 Minutes | Letter grades | Power-point |
A written portfolio and an oral presentationPORTFOLIO (7/10 of total grade, A-F)The portfolio includes:1) a written personal statement (1.000 words, +/-10%) about their current language background, teacher beliefs and course expectations, submitted for assessment and feedback during the semester.2) A paper written during a five-day take home exam. The main aim of the take home exam is for student to see the connection between the principles and practice of teaching English within the Norwegian context. The exam aims to evaluate the student’s subject matter knowledge (theoretical knowledge), their pedagogical content knowledge (practical knowledge), and knowledge about the learners (tailoring their teaching principles and activities to pupil needs). The word count for the five-day take home exam is 4.000 words (+/-10%).3) a final reflection report (1000 words, +/- 10%) in which students self-assess their progress in the subject, giving examples of progress made and areas which they may need to improve in the futureAll three parts (personal statement, paper, and final reflection) are submitted together in the take home exam.Grades (A-F) will be given on an individual basis. Language use (aligned with CEFR criteria), presentation and content will be evaluated. The criteria will be made available for students in advance. The take home exam is to be written in English and candidates are expected to meet a minimum requirement of B2 in production in order to be awarded a passing grade.The portfolio accounts for 7/10 of the final grade.ORAL PRESENTATION (3/10 of total grade, A-F)The oral presentation draws on an inquiry from the student’s teaching practice. During practice, the students choose a topic that they wish to explore in detail. This inquiry can focus on the learners, the teacher, or teaching materials. The presentation should include both theory and empirical evidence gathered during the practice period. The student’s topic of inquiry will have to be approved by the course instructor(s) prior to teaching practice. More instructions about the assignment will be given in class.Grades (A-F) will be given on an individual basis. Language use (aligned with CEFR criteria), presentation and content will be evaluated. The criteria will be made available for students in advance. The presentation is to be held in English and candidates are expected to meet a minimum requirement of B2 in production in order to be awarded a passing grade.The oral presentations are to be held individually. The grade accounts for 3/10 of the final grade.
Coursework requirements
- Students need to complete 2/3rds and/or pass their teaching practice (3 weeks) in order to be able to be examined.
- English is a communicative, wide-ranging and dynamic subject that is best learned in an environment, which encourages socio-constructive learning. Students, together with their teacher will need to discuss and argue critically all subject areas. Many of the practical activities that students will need to use in their own classrooms will also be demonstrated. These discussions are not only important for the building of knowledge in the students but in their practice and development of their own language abilities. It is therefore assumed that students will make every effort to attend all lectures and seminars. If, however, they are unable to do so, then a minimum of 70% attendance will be required for qualification. Students may be asked to cover any topics missed by completing additional course work requirements.
- A weekly diary log (500-1000 words), in which the student reflects on the topics introduced each week. These diary logs will be written and posted, as well as assessed (Pass/Fail), using Canvas during the semester. The diary logs will focus on the connection between theories and ideas presented at the university and the practice experience - principles into practice. The student must be awarded a passing grade in order to be able to be examined.
Students who have one or more assignments not approved at first submission, will be given one more submission opportunity for a new and improved version.
Course teacher(s)
Course coordinator:
Anders Otterbech Jølbo MyrsetCourse teacher:
Nina LazarevicCourse teacher:
Milica SavicStudy Program Director:
Ingeborg KnævelsrudStudy Adviser:
Ida Margrethe EikaasPlacement coordinator:
Karen Elizabeth Gilje WoieMethod of work
This course will utilise a combination of lectures, seminars, discussions and demonstrations. The aim of this course is to give all students from both MGL 1 & 2 a good grounding in the principles and practices of English language teaching and learning. Most of the knowledge base of this course is specific to learner ages. However, in some cases the students in both groups (1-7 and 5-10) may attend classes together. The course syllabus and lectures are in English. This means that it is important that the students engage with the material, such as weekly course reading. This will help the students immerse themselves in the language, as well as ensure that they become familiar with the terminology and topics relevant for the course.
Suggested division of work:
Lectures & preparation for lectures: 72hrs + 24hrs = 96hrs
Research lesson project + presentation: 50 hrs Logs and other written work: 34hrs
School practice, 15days: 135hrs Self-study: 105hrs
Total: 420hrs
The practice period is 15 days.
Students who have completed their practice must request opportunities to visit a school in order to undertake their research assignment.
Overlapping courses
Course | Reduction (SP) |
English 1 (GLU1030_1) | 15 |
English 1; Teaching Methodology for Young Learners (1-7) (GLU1033_1) | 15 |