Control Systems (ELE320)

The content is related to automation and control of industrial process, including matematical modeling and simulation, state space analysis, transfer functions, frequency response analysis, and tuning of standard controllers (P, PI, PID).

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



Introduction to mathematical modeling using linear differential equations. Laplace transform. Transfer functions. Block diagrams. Time response of first and second order systems. Stability of feedback systems. Stability criteria. Standard controllers (P, PI, PID). Root locus. Frequency response. State space representation. Linearization of nonlinear systems.

Learning outcome

  • To understand the concept of mathematical modelling and simulation of systems described by differential equations.
  • Knowledge of the use of MATLAB to simulate systems
  • To understand the concept of negative feedback
  • To present mathematical models as block diagrams
  • To find transfer functions and to perform the frequency response analysis
  • To investigate stability issues and tune standard regulators (P, PI, PID).
  • To have a basic understanding of systems analysis and control design techniques.
  • To organize models as state space models and to perform linearization of nonlinear systems.

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

MAT200 Mathematical Methods 2, TN101 HSE-course for bachelor students, ÅMA260 Mathematical Methods 2


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written exam 1/1 4 Hours Letter grades No printed or written materials are allowed. Approved basic calculator allowed

Digital exam

Coursework requirements

Exercises, Lab.exercises

8 theoretical assignments of which 4 must be approved. 6 compulsory lab assignments.

Mandatory work demands (such as hand in assignments, lab- assignments, projects, etc) must be approved by subject teacher within the specified deadlines.

Course teacher(s)

Course teacher:

Damiano Rotondo

Laboratory Engineer:

Didrik Efjestad Fjereide

Course coordinator:

Damiano Rotondo

Head of Department:

Tom Ryen

Method of work

The subject will have eight hours of lectures per week, which will be used to cover the theoretical content of the subject, to solve exercises, and for gamified recaps.

Between two and four hours student assistance sessions will be arranged each week, where the students can get help with solving the obligatory assignments.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Control systems (BIE240_1) 10

Open for

Battery and Energy Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Electrical Engineering, Vocational Path - Bachelor's Degree Programme Electrical Engineering - Bachelor's Degree Programme Energy and Petroleum Engineering, Vocational Path - Bachelor in Engineering Energy and Petroleum Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Medical technology - Bachelor in Engineering
Admission to Single Courses at the Faculty of Science and Technology
Industrial Economics - Master of Science Degree Programme, Five Year
Exchange programme at Faculty of Science and Technology

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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