Maths and physics drop-in support centre

There is a new, free, maths and physics drop-in support centre at UiS. The service is offered by Theta, the linjeforening for maths and physics students, with support from Department of Mathematics and Physics.

Published Updated on

Monday and Friday 14-16

Get personal one-on-one help from the tutors

Tina studied Mathematics and Physics.
Matte og fysikk
Photo: Elisabeth Tønnessen/UiS

The service is currently only open to students who can also be members of Theta:

Please note that you must be in one of the above study programs to use the service, but that you do not need to be a member of Theta.

You can bring your lecture notes or exercises from your maths and physics courses to the drop-in centre, and get personal one-on-one help from the tutors. You can also get help with background knowledge in maths and physics; maybe there are some topics from high-school that you need help revising, and which could be making it difficult to follow your university courses.

Just come and ask the friendly tutors, and they will make sure to help you in the way that you need!

The maths drop-in support centre is open every Monday and Friday from 14-16, in the Theta room KE D-102.

There is no need to make an appointment, just come by! And if you join Theta (60 kr per year) you can make use of the room at any other time too for study and socialising.

PS. Here is a video about the maths drop-in support centre at the University of Adelaide, Australia. The UiS drop-in centre is only just beginning, but this should give you a good idea of what it is all about.

Your student union

About us

Theta has an active environment and disposes of club premises in Kjølv Egeland's house with associated workplaces for its members. The association has students from both bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. levels and maintains a close collaboration with the department.

As a small association, Theta works actively to look after the members. Internal lectures and extracurricular gatherings are therefore organized with a focus on the social.

The staff

PhD Candidate
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics and Physics
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics and Physics
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics and Physics