The UiS Learning Environment Committee (LEC) is appointed by the University Board. The LEC attends to the environment that the studies and their contents are offered within. This includes the physical, digital, psychosocial, organisational and educational learning and study environment.

The Learning Environment Committee works for a learning environment that supports the university's strategy and complies with the provisions of the Universities and University Colleges Act.
The Learning Environment Committee is the university's primary body in matters concerning the learning environment. It also constitutes the institution's learning environment committee requirement as stated in the Universities and University Colleges Act. The Committee's main concern is how the university works to improve the quality of the surroundings and enviromment of the contents in the study programmes. The Committee works to ensure compliance with current requirements and guidelines for the educational, psychosocial, digital, organisational and physical learning environment, and towards achievement of the university's objectives for these areas.
The structure and content of the studies are both key elements of the quality of each study programme. Equally important is the environment within which the study content is offered. The Education Committee has a particular responsibility for the quality of the study programmes' academic content (including relevance) and structure, and the Learning Environment Committee has a particular responsibility for following up the quality of the study content's surroundings, and on how accessible the study content is. Together, the Education Committee and the Learning Environment Committee form the university's central quality in education body.
Through annual reports and plans, the Learning Environment Committee lay the foundation for the university's systematic work with the learning environment, and contributes to an imroved study and learning environment. The work of the Learning Environment Committee is closely linked to the Education Committee's work, and the two committees usually have their meetings on two consecutive days of the same week.
The Learning Environment Committee's meetings and matters are published on the Learning Environment Committee's page on OpenGov (in Norwegian only).