Schedules and group study rooms

Find your schedule in TP.

Published Updated on

The schedule for the autumn semester is published June 15. The schedule for the spring semester is published December 1. 

NB: Changes to the schedules may occur.

New scheduling system from the New Year

The agreement UiS previously had with TimeEdit has expired, and UiS has decided to transition to the scheduling system TP, developed and provided by UiO.

You can find the schedules in TP

Group study rooms

Group study rooms can be booked in TP.

Rules for use of group study rooms:

  • If a group study room is still unused 10 minutes after the time of the reserved period begins, the reservation is no longer valid, and the room may be used by others.
  • Group study rooms must be used by at least two persons.
  • Please remember to throw away garbage and clean up after yourself.
  • Group study rooms may be reservered all days from 08.00 to 22.00.
  • Students can book eight hours each week divided between no more than four reservations each week. Exceptions can be made for group exams. If necessary, please contact us at Remember to specify the course code and include your student number.

Reserving a Room for Student Activity

If you wish to reserve a classroom for student activity, please contact us at

Remember to provide the following information:

  • Name/Student number
  • Affiliated student organization
  • Type of event
  • Preferred date and time
  • Preferred room type (lecture hall or seminar room)
  • Number of participants

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