Students with disabilities or special needs have the right to appropriate individual accommodations for educational institutions, teaching, learning materials, and exams to ensure equal educational opportunities. Accommodations can not compromise the academic requirements of each program.
Accommodations for examinations
If you have a disability or special needs that significantly affect your performance during exams, you can apply for individual accommodations.
Students with disabilities or special needs can apply for individual accommodations. It is required that the disability or special need significantly affects performance during exams.
- Disability refers to the loss, damage, or deviation in a body part or one of the body’s psychological, physiological, or biological functions.
- Special needs involve physical, psychosocial, and/or learning challenges. These difficulties can be permanent or temporary but must be significant.
Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed even if you meet one of the criteria above. Accommodations are assessed based on your individual needs, academic requirements, and available resources.
- Fall Semester: September 1 (this also applies to new and deferred exams taking place in February/March)
- Spring Semester: February 1 (this also applies to new and deferred exams taking place in August/September).
If your application is based on a disability or a special need that has arisen after the application deadline, or if other special reasons warrant it, you can submit the application after the deadline.
Applications with documentation must be submitted via Digital Student Services within the specified deadlines. The documentation must confirm your disability or other specific needs and describe the disadvantages you face during exams as a result. If the need for accommodations arises after the deadline, this should be clearly indicated in the documentation.
Application form for accommodations during exams
If an unforeseen situation arises during the exam period that requires an extended deadline, you can apply for extra time for take-home exams, as well as for bachelor's and master's theses. See Regulations relating to studies and examinations at the University of Stavanger §3-12.
Accommodations during exams should compensate for the disadvantages caused by disabilities or special needs. Accommodations should not provide an advantage compared to fellow students and cannot lead to a reduction in the academic requirements set for the course.
Examples of accommodations during exams include:
- Extended exam time (as specified in the regulations for studies and exams at the University of Stavanger, §4-3 points 4 to 6)
- Rest breaks (outside the exam room)
- LingDys (software for reading and writing support)
- Adapted seating
- Breastfeeding time
- Shielded space (individual rooms are granted only in specific cases due to resource constraints)
Accommodations in everyday study
Students with disabilities or special needs can apply for accommodations in their everyday studies.
Accommodations in the study routine may include adjustments to the learning environment, teaching methods, and learning materials.
Students with disabilities or special needs can apply for individual accommodations. It is required that the disability or special need significantly affects performance during exams.
- Disability refers to the loss, damage, or deviation in a body part or one of the body’s psychological, physiological, or biological functions.
- Special needs involve physical, psychosocial, and/or learning challenges. These difficulties can be permanent or temporary but must be significant.
Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed even if you meet one of the criteria above. Accommodations are assessed based on your individual needs, academic requirements, and available resources.
Accommodation in your everyday studies should compensate for the disadvantages caused by disabilities or special needs. However, it should not provide an advantage compared to fellow students and cannot lead to a reduction in the academic requirements of the course.
Here are some specific forms of accommodation:
Course materials in alternative formats
Students with ADHD, cognitive challenges, reduced vision, or reading difficulties can benefit from course materials provided as audiobooks, e-books, or Braille.
You can borrow audiobooks from the library for adapted literature (TiBi). The service is free, and you can apply for borrowing rights.
Physical accommodations
Students with physical disabilities or special needs can apply for physical accommodations. Examples include reserving a fixed reading space, borrowing an adjustable chair, or using other assistive devices.
If you have a permanent need for assistive equipment, you can apply for equipment loans from NAV Hjelpemiddelsentral.
UiS Mazemap is a navigation system that helps you find your way around buildings, lecture halls, offices, and meeting rooms. It offers an accessibility mode that shows the quickest route, free from obstacles.
You can also find parking spaces marked with HC (handicap) parking. Students with blue parking cards issued by the municipality can use these spaces.
If you face challenges with public transportation to and from UiS, you can seek support from NAV for work and educational travel.
Blind and visually impaired students can apply for support from NAV for reading and secretarial assistance. Details and application forms are available on NAV’s website.
Reading and writing support
If you have documentation of reading and writing difficulties or dyslexia, you can apply for the LingDys reading and writing support program from Nav hjelpemiddelsentral. This program can be used during exams and in your daily studies. See procedure for applications at
Accommodations for hearing impairment
Auditoriums at UiS are equipped with speaker systems and microphones. All instructors should use microphones without prompting, and questions or comments from other participants should be repeated into the microphone.
If needed, you can apply to NAV for equipment loans, such as a dedicated microphone for instructors. The sound can be transmitted wirelessly to hearing aids or cochlear implants (CI) or through a suitable receiver.
For sign language interpreters or speech-to-text services, contact NAV Tolketjenesten. We recommend reaching out shortly after starting your studies due to high demand.
Pregnancy and parenting
Pregnant students and those caring for children can apply for accommodations during their studies, exams, and practical activities.
Pregnant students have the right to deferred exams if the exam date falls between three weeks before the due date and six weeks after childbirth. The other parent also has this right if the exam date falls within the period from birth to two weeks after childbirth.
Students who become parents during their studies are entitled to leave during pregnancy and for childcare. They retain study rights and can still take exams.
Note that you must meet payment and registration requirements by the deadline if you plan to take exams during your leave. Conditions for taking exams must be fulfilled. Learn more about leave from studies.
Are you going on an exchange?
The International Office can assist students with accommodation needs who wish to go on an exchange. It’s essential to inform the International Section early in the process to ensure the best possible accommodation during your exchange period. Start planning well in advance and explore possible accommodations at the study location where you’ll be staying.
Accommodation needs must be documented by a doctor or other expert. Our partner organizations request such documentation in English. If you have an accommodation decision from UiS, make sure to have it translated before your exchange period.
There are specific support programs for students going on exchange through Erasmus+. Learn more about accommodations for students on Erasmus+ exchanges.
If you require accommodations during your exchange, contact the International Section through the Exchange Guide in Digital Studentweb.
Read more about accommodation needs during exchanges.
Changes to your study plan and extended study rights
If you need more time to complete your studies with a reduced workload each semester, you can apply for changes to your study plan. If it’s not possible for you to complete your education within the allocated study time, you can apply for extended study rights.
Learn more about changes to your educational path.
Applications with documentation must be submitted via Digital Student Services within the specified deadlines. The documentation must confirm your disability or other specific needs and describe the disadvantages you face during exams as a result. If the need for accommodations arises after the deadline, this should be clearly indicated in the documentation.
Accommodations during practical training periods
Students with disabilities or special needs that make it challenging to complete the practical training period can apply for accommodations. These accommodations should not lead to a reduction in the academic requirements set for the study and practical period.
Students with disabilities or special needs can apply for individual accommodations. It is required that the disability or special need significantly affects performance during the practical period.
- Disability refers to the loss, damage, or deviation in a body part or one of the body’s psychological, physiological, or biological functions.
- Special needs involve physical, psychosocial, and/or learning challenges. These difficulties can be permanent or temporary but must be significant.
Please note that accommodations are not guaranteed even if you meet one of the criteria above. Accommodations are assessed based on your individual needs, academic requirements, and available resources.
- If you are a first-year student and have a practical training period in your first semester of studies, you must apply by September 1st.
- If your practical period starts in the fall semester, the deadline is April 1st.
- For spring semester practical periods, the deadline is October 1st.
However, if your application is based on a disability or a special need that arises after the deadline, or if there are other exceptional reasons, you can submit your application after the deadline
Applications with documentation must be submitted via Digital Student Services within the specified deadlines. The documentation must confirm your disability or other special needs and describe the disadvantages you face during exams as a result. If the need for accommodations arises after the deadline, this should be clearly indicated in the documentation.”
The practical training period is an intensive and demanding time for students. Accommodations during this period should offset the disadvantages caused by disabilities or specific needs. However, these accommodations should not provide an advantage compared to fellow students and cannot compromise the academic requirements set for the study and practical period. Both the learning objectives in the practical course and the curriculum may limit the accommodations that can be offered.
Examples of accommodations during practical training include:
- Breastfeeding Breaks
- Physical Adaptations at the Practical Placement
- Extended Time for Self-Assessment or Practical Reports
Useful information about accommodations
Applications for accommodations and the associated documentation are treated confidentially. Each application is assessed based on your needs, academic requirements, and what is feasible.
The processing time can take up to four weeks from the receipt of the application or from the application deadline. If the processing time exceeds this, you will receive a preliminary feedback.
You have the right to appeal decisions regarding accommodations. More information about the appeals process will be provided along with the decision.
Students applying for accommodations must provide documentation of their specific needs. This involves attaching a certificate from a doctor or other expert to the application. The certificate should confirm your disability or other special needs and describe the disadvantages you face during exams as a result. Please use the medical certificate form (PDF in norwegian).
The documentation must be in a Scandinavian language or in English.
UiS may request updated documentation if necessary to assess the application
- Learning support scenter at UiS - academic support for students with dyslexia and/or ADHD
- Accessibility for outbound exchange students
- TiBi– library for adapted literature - offers a collection of literature in accessible formats
- NAV hjelpemiddelsentralen - provides assistance for students with disabilities
- NAV tolketjenesten - NAV interpreting service
- Medical certificate form (pdf) - can be used to document your accommodation needs
If you become ill or have reduced functional capacity that prevents you from working alongside your studies, you can apply to the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen) for support:
Additional grant for reduced functional ability
You can receive additional stipends if you have reduced functional capacity. Learn more about additional grants.
Illness grant
If you are ill for more than two weeks, you can apply for illness grants. Find out more about illness grants.
Support for Students with Children
If you have children, you can receive additional grants and loans. Explore child-related stipends and loans.
If you experience delays in your studies, learn about the consequences of delays and interruptions.
Remember to contact the Norwegian State Education Loan Founds directly to determine the specific support available in your situation.
If you have any questions about adapting teaching and learning materials, reach out to the study advisor for your study program. Find your study advisor.
You can also contact the Guidance Service at