The University of Stavanger must react when academic misconduct or attempted academic misconduct is uncovered. Academic misconduct is copnsidered a serious breach of trust towards the university, fellow students and the society in general.
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Regulations relating to studies and examinations at UiS section 6-1 states what the university considers as cheating or attempted cheating during tests:
a) Having illegal support materials available during the test
b) Presenting the work of others as one’s own. c) Quoting sources in an assignment without using quotation marks, italics or other methods to indicate that the text is a quotation. d) Quoting or otherwise utilising one’s own previously submitted work without sufficient reference. e) Using sources in written work without adequate references. f) Unauthorised collaboration between exam candidates or groups. g) Acting in violation of applicable regulations or guidelines that apply to the test
All formal testing is subject to the rules on cheating, including mandatory coursework
During a school exam you are only allowed to bring the permitted aid listed in the course description or by the course teacher. Everything else is considered as illegal aids and is thereby considered as academic misconduct.
Examples of academic misconduct:
The student keeps a mobile phone, personal rough sheets/notes, calculator, curricula, collection of formulas or dictionaries not listed as permitted aids with them into the exam room.
Students who keep illegal aids outside the exam room
conversation or any other form of communication between candidates during the exam, inside or outside the exam room
Be aware that it is sufficient that the illegal aid was available for you during the exam. It is not essential to document that the student actually made use of the illegal aid during the exam.
Be aware that access to or use of mobile phones and/or personal organisers during the examination/assessment will be regarded as academic misconduct or attempted misconduct. This applies even if mobile phones are switched off. Mobile phones are to be placed together with bags, coats etc. at the designated area within the examination locality.
At examinations without supervision, suspicions of cheating and/or attempted cheating may arise if:
the examination paper has not been completed by the student him/herself.
the examination paper has previously been handed in at another examination at UiS or at another national or international educational institution.
the examination paper reproduces the student’s own work without specifying the source
the examination answer paper reproduces others’ work (for example academic literature/articles/websites) without specifying the source
Artistic or practical work which is made by someone else than yourself
The student uses material from other sources, either directly quoted or slightly paraphrased, without referencing the original source(s) and/or without marking direct quotes as quotations (using quotation marks, italicized text, etc.)
The student uses material from other sources, either direct quotes or partially rewritten, without quoting the original text(s), or doesn't quote directly by using quotation marks, italics or similar.
Irregular collaboration with other students, where you hand in wholly or partly identical papers.
The use of ChatGPT will be a legal aid in exams where all aids are allowed. However, if the student submits text, calculations, etc., that are directly copied from a writing bot, it will be considered presenting someone else's work as their own, and thus cheating.
Academic misconduct or attempt of academic misconduct can be discovered in many different ways. During a school exam an invigilator or IT-help may notice something irregular, and home exams are checked for plagiarism. Academic misconduct can be discovered by the examiner when grading the paper or fellow students may notify the university.
In accordance with the act relating to universities and university colleges § 12-4 (2) and § 12-4 (3) there may be the following consequences
annulment of exam or test and/or
exclusion from the university and withdrawal of the right to trial
To determine the consequence of academic misconduct an objective conclusion of academic misconduct must have been made and the student must have acted with intent or with culpable negligence. If there is intentional cheating, the initial response will be the cancellation of the exam and exclusion for two semesters (up to 12 months).Grossly culpable negligence cheating normally results in the cancellation of the exam and exclusion for one semester (up to 6 months). However, the institution must always make a concrete overall assessment of each individual case
The decision concerning the suspension will be registered in RUST (the register of excluded students). This information is deletad after the suspension period is completed.
It is the faculty and department to which the student belongs that investigates and assesses whether there is reason to initiate a cheating case. If it is assessed that there is reason to proceed with the case, it will be sent to the secretariat for the committee for student affairs.
The secretariat informs the student and calls for a meeting to provide a statement on the case and to become familiar with the case documents. If the case is forwarded to the committee for student affairs, the student will receive a written notice of the case, outlining the background of the case and the student's rights in such a situation. The student has the right to present their view on the case both in writing and orally in the meeting with the secretariat for the committee. The student also has the right to access the case documents.
Once the student has received notice of the case, they have the right to be assisted by a lawyer or other representative at all stages of the proceedings. The institution covers the costs for this. The condition is that the lawyer's fees follow the state's rates and that the time spent is reasonable and necessary based on the factual and legal circumstances of the case.
Throughout the process, from the time one is suspected of cheating, one can contact the student ombudsman at the university for information and assistance in the case. If the student has received notice of the case and wishes to be assisted by a lawyer or other representative, the student ombudsman can also help find a lawyer.
Courses at the library
Ask the subject teacher for information
Students are under the obligation to become familiar with the prevailing regulations for examination support materials and with the use of sources and the rules for citing and quoting from others’ work when writing assignments and theses. Inadequate knowledge of the regulations on cheating and/or attempted cheating and the rules for citing and quoting does not exempt students from liability.
How suspicion of cheating is handled at the University of Stavanger (UiS)
When the faculty/department has forwarded the case to the secretariat of the committee for student affairs, they take over the responsibility for the case processing. They review the case and ensure that the necessary documents are attached. The student concerned will be called in for a meeting. After the meeting, the secretariat will assess the case based on previously handled cases before deciding whether to pursue the case further. If the case is not to be pursued further, the student will be informed of this in writing, and the case will be closed. If the case is to be pursued further, the student will be notified (preliminary notice – notice of case). The student will also be informed of their right to be assisted by a lawyer and informed of any potential consequences. The notice of the case will be sent well in advance (approximately 2 weeks) before the meeting of the committee for student affairs. Furthermore, the student will be given the opportunity to appear before the committee and explain their case orally.
The student will be informed of the outcome of the case by the decision being sent. The decision is sent via P360 and preferably to a digital mailbox. If the student does not have a digital mailbox, the decision will be sent by mail. A copy of the decision is sent to the department/faculty via P360. The decision is normally sent out one week after the committee meeting.
Right to appeal
The decision will inform the student of their right to appeal. If the student appeals the decision of the committee for student affairs, the case will be reconsidered by the committee for student affairs before it is possibly forwarded to the joint appeals committee. The student has the right to be assisted by a lawyer during the forwarding of the appeal and the proceedings with the joint appeals committee.
The joint appeals committee will review and reassess the case, with possible outcomes being a change, annulment, or upholding of the decision.
Frequently asked questions about cheating
What happens if I am found guilty of cheating?
You will receive a decision with the reasoning and information about the reaction in your case. Any exclusion will apply from the time you receive the decision. The decision can be appealed to the Joint Appeals Committee. Information about this will be included in the decision.
What happens to my previously completed exams this semester if I am caught cheating?
Previously completed exams in this semester will still be valid. The annulment will only affect the specific assignment or exam that is annulled, without impacting your previous performances.
Will it be possible to receive a grade for an exam taken before the exclusion, but graded after the exclusion is implemented?
Yes, you will still receive a grade for exams taken before the exclusion was implemented.
What happens if I am participating in group work when I am excluded?
You will no longer be able to participate in the group work.
Will mandatory activities submitted before the student was excluded be valid?
Mandatory activities submitted before you were excluded will be valid if they are approved. Whether they will be approved for a later exam in the subject depends on whether it is allowed to carry over previously approved mandatory activities in the subject. You need to check this with the department that the subject belongs to.
What happens if I am excluded in the middle of a semester?
The exclusion will apply for the rest of the semester and possibly the next semester.
I have been informed that there is a suspicion of cheating. Should I attend the university as usual?
We strongly recommend that you continue to participate in university activities, submit coursework, and take exams as usual. It is important to maintain your study routine while the case is being processed, as the outcome is still unknown.
Am I automatically found guilty of cheating if the secretariat for the committee for student affairs forwards the case to the committee for assessment?
No, it is the committee for student affairs that makes the decision on cheating, not the secretariat. Until the case is fully processed by the committee for student affairs, there is only a suspicion of cheating. The committee may find that there is cheating, or you may be acquitted of the suspicion.