Webinar: Introduction to data management plans (DMPs)

Tuesday 23 April 2024 09:00-11:00,

Did you know that all staff members at UiS who conducts research should have a data management plan?

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classes from the library

Introduction to data management plans

A data management plan describes how research data should be handled throughout a research project: Which data will be created/reused, how they should be described, secured, stored and how they potentially can be shared.  

In this course you will be able to get started with planning your data management. We will teach you what a data management plan is, what the benefits are, and how you can create one. We will work through what topics to cover in your plan, review various templates and tools, and teach you how to utilize the plan to manage your data well throughout the research process. You will also get the opportunity to start writing your own data management plan. 

Target audience: PhD candidates and staff at UiS.

Teaching method: Lecture and discussion.

No. of participants: 50.

Language: English.

Where: Teams.

Registration needed.

After the course you should be familiar with: 

  • What a data management plan is 
  • Benefits of having your own data management plan 
  • How to create a data management plan 
  • Templates and tools available 
  • UiS and funder requirements and guidelines 

Do you have questions?

Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Senior Librarian
Ullandhaug / Arkeologisk Museum
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Senior Librarian
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library