Greenhouse publications

This is an overview of publications of scholars affiliated with the Greenhouse since 2023. We update this list regularly, but it might be incomplete. For older or most recent publications, please check the profiles of individual scholars.

Published Updated on


Bowman, Daniel. “Nation of Mechanics: Automobility, Animality, and Indigeneity in John Joseph Mathews’s Sundown (1934)”, European Journal of American Studies 19, no 1 (2024);

Bowman, Daniel. “Cars, Cans, and Crying Indians: Automobility, Littering, and Indigeneity in 1970s US Environmental Literature.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (2024). doi: 10.1093/isle/isae046 

Brandt, Katla Cortsen and and L. V. Laibjørn, ”Museumsmagasinets glemte genstande - Junkens livsfortælling.” Maritime Perspektiver 1 no 1 (2024):43-50; 

Buns, Melina Antonia. “H-Diplo | RJISSF Roundtable Review 15-24 Elisabeth Roehrlich. Inspectors for Peace: A History of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022” H-Net (22 January 2024);

Buns, Melina Antonia. “Explosive Waste: Scandinavian Anti-Nuclear Movements’ Campaign against the Reprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel.” In Cooperation and Confrontation in Nordic Civil Societies since 1800, edited by Sunniva Engh, Ruth Hemstad, and Mads Mordhorst, 241-259. Routledge, 2024. 

Chatterjee, Animesh, “History of Technology in Global Perspectives”, ICON: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology, 29, no 1 (2024): 9–45; 

Fojuth, Marie-Theres and Finn Arne Jørgensen. “Colettes reise : Postkort og formidlingen av Norge som turistland anno 1901,” in I Steinlens fotspor: Paris - Aulestad tur-retur, ed. Else Braut, 47-61. Museumsforlaget, 2024. 

Holmes, Matthew. “Bird Boxes and Sparrow Traps: The Technological Regulation of Avian Life in the United States.” Technology and Culture 65 (2024) 819–842; 

Holmes, Matthew. “On the Cover: Invasive Sparrows and the American Bird Box.” Technology and Culture 65 (2024) 753–759; 

Holmes, Matthew. The Graft Hybrid: Challenging Twentieth-Century Genetics. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024. ISBN: 9780822947936; 

Jorgenson, Mica. “Wild Smoke: Managing Forest Pollution in Northern British Columbia since 1950.” Environment and History 30, no 2 (April 2024; pre-published online 2023): 267-290; 

Jørgensen, Dolly. The Medieval Pig. Boydell & Brewer, 2024.  

Jørgensen, Dolly. “Seeing through Windows, Walls, and the Web in Public Aquarium,” in Sharing Spaces: Technology, Mediation, and Human-Animal Relationships, eds. Finn Arne Jørgensen and Dolly Jørgensen, 133-149. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024. 

Jørgensen, Dolly. Review of Kaori Nagai, ed. Maritime Animals: Ships, Species, Stories. H-Environment, H-Net Reviews, February 2024; 

Jørgensen, Dolly and Finn Arne Jørgensen, “Making digital ecologies visible,” in Digital ecologies: Mediating more-than-human worlds, eds. Jonathon Turnbull, Adam Searle, Henry Anderson-Elliott and Eva Haifa Giraud. Manchester University Press, 2024. 

Jørgensen, Finn Arne and Dolly Jørgensen, eds. Sharing Spaces: Technology, Mediation, and Human-Animal Relationships. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024.  

Jørgensen, Finn Arne and Dolly Jørgensen, “Bearing Witness to Technological Multispecies Entanglements” in Sharing Spaces: Technology, Mediation, and Human-Animal Relationships, eds. Finn Arne Jørgensen and Dolly Jørgensen, 3-13. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024.  

Jørgensen, Finn Arne. “Dogs with Antennas and the Coproduction of Hunting in a GPS-Enabled World,” in Sharing Spaces: Technology, Mediation, and Human-Animal Relationships, eds. Finn Arne Jørgensen and Dolly Jørgensen, 74-87. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2024.  

Kvangraven, Endre Harvold. Literary Birding: Human–Bird Relations in Contemporary Novels from Norway and Sweden. PhD dissertation. University of Stavanger, 2024. 

Kvangraven, Endre Harvold. “Of Birds and Men in Rural Norway: Self, Place and Landscape in Vesaas and Lirhus.” European Journal of Scandinavian Studies, 54, no 1 (2024): 1–18. 

Lundsteen, Sebastian. “Shadow Places, Environmental Justice, and the Submergence of Pollution.” Environmental History 29, no 2 (April 2024): 281-306;


Buns, Melina Antonia. “Making a model: the 1974 Nordic Environmental Protection Convention and Nordic attempts to form international environmental law.” Scandinavian Journal of History 48, no. 1 (2023, pre-published online 2022): 93-115;

Buns, Melina Antonia. “Green Internationalism on Display: Motives, Structures, and Dynamics of Nordic Environmental Diplomacy during the 1970s.” Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society 5 (2023): 301-320;

Buns, Melina Antonia and Dominic Hinde. “Green States in a Dirty World: 1975 and the Performance of Nordic Green Modern,” In Nordic Media Histories of Propaganda and Persuasion, eds. Fredrik Norén, Emil Stjernholm, and C. Claire Thomson, 243-260. Palgrave Macmillan 2023; 

Buns, Melina Antonia. “Review of Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha by Robert A. Jacobs.” Technology and Culture 64, no. 3 (2023): 983–85. 

Chatterjee, Animesh, "Manual and Electrical Energies in the Visualisation of “Electrical Calcutta”, c. 1890-1925", Journal of Energy History/Revue d'Histoire de l'Énergie [Online], n°8, published 17 April 2023, URL: 

Chatterjee, Animesh & Daniel Pérez-Zapico, "Shifting Narratives of Electricity and Energy in Periods of Transition", Journal of Energy History/Revue d'Histoire de l'Énergie [Online], n°8, published 16 January 2023, URL : 

Fojuth, Marie-Theres. “Mountains on Display: Curating Time, Uncontrollability and Vulnerable Ecosystems at Haus Der Berge and Norsk Fjellsenter.” Museum International 75, no. 1-4 (2023): 84–95. DOI: 10.1080/13500775.2023.2343208. 

Holmes, Matthew. “A Parochial Approach: Colonial Entomology on the Plantations of Nineteenth-Century Sri Lanka.” Itinerario 47 (2023) 203–222;  

Holmes, Matthew.  "A Plague of Weasels and Ticks: Animal Introduction, Ecological Disaster, and the Balance of Nature in Jamaica, 1870–1900." The British Journal for the History of Science 56 (2023) 391–407; 

Holmes, Matthew. “ALAN BROOKE, Nature’s Missionary: Seth Lister Mosley – Naturalist, Museum Curator and Mystic 1848–1929 (Huddersfield: Huddersfield Local History Society, 2022).” Northern History 60 (2023) 291–293; 

Holmes, Matthew. “Hybrid Teaching: A Classroom Case Study on the History of Mendelian Genetics.” Agricultural History 97 (2023) 622–627; 

Holmes, Matthew, “Johan Alfredo Linthorst, Research between Science, Society and Politics: The History and Scientific Development of Green Chemistry. Utrecht: Eburon, 2023. Pp. 268. ISBN 978-9-4630-1434-2. €36.00 (paperback).” The British Journal for the History of Science 56 (2023) 589–591;  

Holmes, Matthew. “Yeast, Coal, and Straw: J. B. S. Haldane's Vision for the Future of Science and Synthetic Food.” History of the Human Sciences 36 (2023) 202–220; 

Hoving, Aster. “Chlorophyll.” Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions, eds. Cymene Howe, Jeff Diamanti, and Amelia Moore, 49-62. Punctum Press, 2023. 

Jorgenson, Mica. The Weight of Gold: Mining and the Environment in Ontario, Canada, 1909-1929. University of Nevada Press, 2023.  

Jørgensen, Finn Arne, Marie-Theres Fojuth, and Karen Lykke, “Å finne veien – stedsansen som kulturell praksis,” Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 2(21), 2023, 3-11. 

Kvangraven, Endre Harvold. “Human–Bird Relations and Ethics of Care in Contemporary Norwegian Fiction.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (2023) isad076. 

Kvangraven, Endre Harvold. “Emplacement and Narrative Identity in Tomas Bannerhed’sKorparna.” Ecozon@, 14, no 2 (2023): 162–176. 

Wrigley, Charlotte. Earth Ice Bone Blood: Permafrost and Extinction in the Russian Arctic. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2023. 

Wrigley, Charlotte. “An explosive landscape: Arranging the Barnacle Goose on the Solway Firth.” Journal of Historical Geography 82, 2023, 110-121.  

Wrigley, Charlotte. ““Going deep: Excavation, collaboration and imagination at the Kola Superdeep Borehole. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 41(3), 2023, 549-567.