During 2024 SHARE hosted and organized a series of international conferences and seminars.
Throughout 2024, the SHARE Centre and its members successfully hosted a variety of conferences and seminars. Such events provide all participants with the chance to acquire new skills, forge new friendships, and expand their professional networks.
Resilience in Healtcare Summer meeting 2024
As a part of the milestones in the Resilience in Healthcare project, the SHARE Centre for Resilience in Healthcare hosted the annul Resilient in Healthcare Society Meeting of 2024. With presenters comming from a large international resilience in healthcare community such as Norway, Sweden, Brazil, USA, UK, Japan and Taiwan. The conference experienced great interest and were able to gather the largest number of participants for any RHCS conference with over 75 participants.
Over the course of the conference the participants had the opportunity to attend 12 different sessions, with over 40 different oral presenters and 22 lightening talks. The themes ranged from Resilient performance and adaptive capacity, to strategies, tools and interventions for translating resilience into practice, as well as stakeholder involvement, theory development, governance, and policy recommendations. The conference hosts is particularly proud that one of the founders of the Resilience in Healthcare Society, Erik Hollnagel were able to atted, and give the lecture: 'From managing healthcare safety to managing healthcare safely -- a different perspective'. The organizing committee consisted of: Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland, Lene Schibevaag, Birte Fagerdal, Hilda Bø Lyng, Inger Bergerød, Veslemøy Guise and Siri Wiig.
18th International Meeting on Behavioural Science Applied to Healthcare (BSAH)
On 29–30 November 2024, SHARE hosted the 18th International Workshop on Behavioural Science Applied to Healthcare (BSAH), which brought together 71 researchers from 11 countries and various disciplines. The conference was opened by Thor Ole Gulsrud, Vice Dean for Research and Innovation at the Faculty of Health Sciences, and Siri Wiig, Centre Director for SHARE. Chaired by Professor Karina Aase, the event focused on the use of behavioural science to improve healthcare systems. Keynote lectures addressed topics such as effective teamwork in prehospital and emergency settings (Guttorm Brattebø, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen), patient and family involvement in safe care (Jane O’Hara, THIS Institute, Cambridge), interprofessional teamwork in primary care (Alissa Lysanne van Zijl and Bram Steijn, Erasmus University, Rotterdam), and teamwork interventions in hospitals (Randi Ballangrud, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik, and Oddveig Reiersdal Aaberg, University of Agder).
Tools4Teams Winter School
In conjunction with this, SHARE also hosted the second Tools4Teams Winter School on 26–28 November. Led by Sissel Eikeland Husebø, the three-day programme provided doctoral candidates with both theoretical and practical training. Sessions included topics such as psychological safety in debriefings, questionnaire design, and statistical methods, with contributions from Jan Schmutz, Peter Dieckmann, Petter Viksveen, and Jo Røislien.
The organising committee for both events comprised Sissel Eikeland Husebø, Karina Aase, Lene Schibevaag, Asma Sabri, and Jicke Höök.
Global State of Patient Safety and the Role of Leadership
On the 8th of March SHARE hosted the workshop 'Global State of Patient Safety and the Role of Leadership'. The workshop was based on the Global State of Patient Safety 2023 report, from the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College, London. The report shows that Norway ranks number one in the world in patient safety. But is this realy the case? And if so, what can we learn from these highly positive results? To dive into these interesting research questions some of the world's leading thinkers and practitioners in patient safety were gathered for a more nuanced examination of this achievement. Asking questions like; how could this position be maintained by continued focus on leadership, workforce dynamics, and the invaluable contributions of informal caregivers?
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaithe had the pleasure of introducing the issue and provide some context, before two of the creators of the report Professor Michael Durkin and senior researcher Melanie Leis from Imperial college, UK dived into the details of the report. The workshop focused on bringing people together to discuss challanges and solutions.
The future of leadership and support for the workforce and informal caregivers
On Friday 15 March 2024 09:00-13:00, at the Ydalir Hotel, the SHARE - Center for Resilience in Healthcare hosted a open seminar 'The future of leadership and support for the workforce and informal caregivers'.
The seminar rooted in the current and future challenge across the world where elderly care experiences labour shortages, lack of qualified healthcare workers and a major mismatch of capacity and demands in healthcare services, causing stress, burnout, and reduced mental health and wellbeing among healthcare workers, leaders, and informal caregivers. To discuss how such challanges can be adressed the seminar gathered international recognized researchers such as Professor Charles Vincent, Professor Catherine Calderwood, Senior Research Fellow Louise Ellis and founding Member of Patients For Patient Safety, USA Martin Hatlie. The speakers adressed the issues from different viewpoints such as theory, practice adnd patient and family members point of view.

Participants at the RHCS summer meeting during the final conference dinner of the RHCS 2024 summer meeting. Photo: Siri Wiig

Moring strole at Sola beach before the RHCS conferfence program starts. Photo: Siri Wiig

Lene Schibevaag and Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland is making the final preparations before the RHCS conference to start. Photo: Siri Wiig

Several of the participants also held own meetings during the RHCS conference, here is a group meeting in the Resilience in Healthcare project. Photo: Siri Wiig

The organizing committee dressed up in their national costumes to show all the participants during the RHCS summer meeting. Photo: Siri Wiig

Eric Hollnagel the founder of the RHCS summer meeting participated when the conference was held at Sola, Stavanger. Photo: Siri Wiig

During the RHCS conference the partcipants had the oportunity to join a beautiful concert in Sola Ruin Church. Photo: Siri Wiig

After each conference session the participants in the RHCS summer meeting partcipated in a panel debate do discuss the content of the talks. Photo: Siri Wiig

Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland, Jane O'Hare and Siri Wiig at the RHCS 2024. Photo: Siri Wiig

Doctoral candidates partcipating at the Tool4Teams Winter school hosted at UiS in 2024. Photo: UiS

Key note speakers at the open seminar: The future of leadership in healthcare – supporting resilience and mental wellbeing 15th of march 2024. Photo: Siri Wiig

Participants SHARE Workshop 'Global State of Patient Safety and the Role of Leadership'. Photo: Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland

Melanie Leis and Michael Durkin from Imperial College presenting their
Global State of Patient Safety report from 2023 where Norway ranks as number one in the world. Photo: Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland

Jan Schmutz from the University of Zurich presenting at the Winter School. Photo: Jicke Höök

Jo Røislien presenting at the Winter School arranged together with the BSAH conference. Photo: Jicke Höök

Karina Aase introducing key note speaker Jane O'Hare at the BSAH conference. Photo: Jicke Höök

Participants at the Winter School participating in a Lego building challenge. Photo: Jicke Höök

The organising committee for both events BSAH 2024 and Tools4Teams Winter School comprised Sissel Eikeland Husebø, Karina Aase, Lene Schibevaag, Asma Sabri, and Jicke Höök. Photo: Jicke Höök

Happy partcipants at the 18th BSAH Conference. Photo: Jicke Höök

Asma Sabri, and Jicke Höök welcoming the participants at the BSAH conference. Photo: Jicke Höök

Key Note speakers at the BSHA conference 2024. Photo: Jicke Höök