Management perspectives - Annual report 2024

Application for funding, mobility, internationalization, international seminars, conference organizing, and strategic efforts to position the Centre in the forefront of the international research has been the main activites of 2024.

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Siri Wiig
Siri Wiig, centre director of SHARE

SHARE is a multidisciplinary Centre with over 70 researchers affiliated including nurses, medical doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, lawyers, sociologist, anthropologists, engineers, and safety scientists. PhD scholars are crucial in pioneering research in areas such as teamwork, involvement, learning processes, risk perception, implementation and evaluation of improvement measures. The PhD scholars apply diverse perspectives to their research to address, understand and improve health services in a national and international perspective. Currently, SHARE has 31 ongoing PhD projects and in 2024 the Centre experienced an all-time high number of completed PhDs totaling to nine new Philosophia Doctors. A huge congratulation for the great achievement to them all.

The year of 2024 has involved a high activity level in terms of application for funding, mobility, internationalization, international seminars, conference organizing, and strategic efforts to position the Centre in the forefront of the international research. Key activities in the consortium have been partner meetings to operationalize the research strategy, develop joint applications for funding, seminars with national and international speakers in addition to a broad range of dissemination activities.

Internationalization and incoming and outgoing mobility have characterized the year of 2024. In addition to researchers being invited to speak as keynotes in large international congresses, the Centre has received several requests from acknowledged international researchers related to research visits and various talks. Our researchers have spent time at various location overseas such as Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden, and England. While we have had the pleasure of hosting incoming researchers from other parts of Norway as well as from Australia, Scotland, Finland, and England for several months during 2024.

Two key highlights of 2024 have been hosting two international conferences – the Resilient Healthcare Society’s (RHCS) annual meeting in June and the International Meeting on Behavioural Science Applied to Healthcare (BSAH) in November. Researchers from all over the world were participating when the Tools4Teams project were hosting the BSAH conference together with running a winter school for the PhD students in the project.  Overall, this demonstrates the research excellence, and the international position SHARE has established over the years.

In March 2024 the first EU project – Support4Resilience - coordinated by SHARE had its kickoff in Stavanger. More than 50 participants from the partners attended and visited the University campus and the city. The project will develop a toolbox for leaders in European elderly care and contribute to support resilience and mental wellbeing for staff and informal caregivers. The project has 14 partners in 9 countries PhD scholars and post doctors have been recruited.  

We would like to thank all the researchers for their incredible effort in developing and disseminating new knowledge. Last but not least, we welcome new researchers and collaborators and international contacts to the Centre and look forward to the future development of our joint activities and collaborations in 2025.

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