The Network is a facilitator for patient and stakeholder involvement in SHARE. The Network representatives participate in national and international program committees as well as contributing to stakeholder gatherings such as annual Network seminars.

Network for Carer Research was established at the University of Stavanger in 2013. In 2018, the coordination of the Network was integrated in the SHARE Centre. Currently, the Network consists of approximately 195 affiliated members with a range of different backgrounds such as researchers, healthcare professionals, and representatives from other stakeholder groups.
The main purpose of the Network is to contribute to development and dissemination of knowledge and competence within the field of informal carer research, by primarily gathering researchers, healthcare professionals, and representatives from other stakeholder groups.
During 2024 there was a change in the network coordinator group. Solveig Hodne replaced the role of Inger Johanne Bergerød, and we thank the latter for her contribution to the network.
Solveig Hodne together with Cecilie Erga and Egil Kloster Osmundsen will going forward ensure the follow-up of the revised five year strategy for the Network.
The Network has a reference group which consists of informal caregivers, decision makers in the health and welfare services, and representatives with professional and research expertise. The group function as an advisory body in the network’s strategy work, and development of action plans and other activities. The reference group has its own mandate.
Digital Seminars
This year the Network for Carer Research has organized two digital seminars. On March 21 we had the first seminar with the two following themes: "Improving the living situation for relatives of patients with serious self-harm." This lecture was given by PhD candidate Kenneth Haugjord, psychologist specialist at the District Psychiatric Centre, East Agder. The second lecture was held by Kristin Skutle, project leader in The health Authority in Oslo Municipality. This lecture was entitled “Good and systematic cooperation with next of kin is the goal - work with the implementation of the Oslo standard for next-of-kin cooperation.”
The second digital seminar was organized on October 23. The seminar had two exciting lectures. Cahtrine Hørte, PhD candidate and specialist in Drug and Addiction, University og Agder, gave a lecture on “Children and young carers in a close relationship with a family member with drug addiction: How do they cope with their situation, and what kind of help do they need?" The second lecture was given by Rannveig Lind, professor of Intensive care, University of Tromsø. The theme for her lecture was "The experience of nurses in charge of children with facilitation for children who are carers in intensive care units."
The digital seminars are a great way to communicate carer research within the network and facilitate discussions and ideas for further collaborations.
Digital National Carer Conference 2024
The theme of the national digital carer conference this year was “When everyday life turns”. The conference was held on September 18th, and the Network for Carer Research organized a gathering at Campus Ullandhaug, University of Stavanger for members to meet and discuss this year´s theme.