Energy Norway 2022

Save the date for our conference on subsurface utilization for energy transition, 25-26 April 2022.

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Stavanger, Norway

Conference fees

See section below

Registration deadline

20 April


25-26 April 2022


Subsurface utilization for energy transition

From a previous conference at University of Stavanger.

About the conference

Energy Norway 2022 is a meeting place for subsurface professionals in Norway and international communities, policy makers, regulatory bodies, and students.

In December, University of Stavanger with partners was awarded the National Centre for Sustainable Utilization of Energy Resources on the Norwegian Shelf (NCS2030). The new centre is to be the scientific and technology driver to facilitate an energy-efficient, multi-purpose utilization of the subsurface into a “Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain” to reach the NZE goals on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). At Energy Norway 2022 you will get scientific presentations linked to the scope of the new centre, namely subsurface energy systems, net-zero emission production, digitalization, and society.

About NCS2030

Transitioning the NCS into the future Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain requires a new way of thinking across disciplines and integration of new offshore industries. The transition time is short; therefore, it is crucial to integrate research, education, collaboration, and innovation to transfer research results into timely applications. Increased understanding of the subsurface for hydrogen and CO2 storage, geothermal energy, in addition to efficient hydrocarbon production, are elements that the centre will focus on to achieve the goal.

The centre is one of the largest research and industry consortia in Norway and includes an expert team of geoscientists, reservoir engineers, modellers, data scientists, economics, among others, that will work together with industry experts. The University of Stavanger (main host) together with NORCE, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) and University of Bergen, are the main research institutions.

See below for detailed program.

Energy Norway poster session

The poster session is for PhD and master students within energy related disciplines.

En kvinne viser fram forskningen sin på en poster
Photo: Marius Vervik / UiS

NCS2030 invite PhD and master students with an interest in energy related topics to participate in the poster session at Energy Norway 2022.

Venue: Tjodhallen, University of Stavanger, Stavanger

When: April 25-26, 2022

Energy Norway 2022 poster session

PhD candidates and master students from universities worldwide are invited to submit a poster to be presented at the conference. Poster themes:

  • Energy-efficient and low-emission hydrocarbon production
  • Efficient subsurface utilization
  • Digital subsurface & Digitalization for faster and better decisions
  • CCS/H2 opportunities

Please submit your draft poster in PDF format in an email here before March 15th, 2022 to be considered for the poster session.

All submitted poster drafts will be evaluated based on scientific quality, relevance and themes. Posters that correlate with the conference themes will be prioritized. Confirmation will be issued March 25th 2022, along with presentation guidelines (it is expected that the candidates prepare a 1-minute oral presentation of their poster and participate in the poster sessions at the conference).

Reimbursement of travel costs for PhD students

You may claim reimbursement of moderately priced travel (air ticket, bus, train), accommodation and conference participation fee. No food costs will be reimbursed. The maximum amount for reimbursement is NOK 7500.
Documentation and original receipts confirming all expenses must be enclosed (booking confirmations or invoices are not valid as receipts).


See our list of speakers and sessions.

Marie Herredsvela og Maria Bue Kessel. Foto: Kjersti Riiber
Photo: Kjersti Riiber / UiS
Monday 25th April
  • 09:00 Registration, Tjodhallen
  • 10:00 Opening – musical entertainment
  • 10:05 Prorector Merete Vadla Madland, University of Stavanger
  • 10:10 Ying Guo, IOR centre director
  • 10:15 Alejandro Escalona, NCS2030 director
  • 10:20 Greetings from Terje Lien Aasland, Minister of Petroleum and Energy
  • 10:35 Kjersti Dahle Grov, assistant director of technology and coexistence, NPD: Future opportunites on the NCS
  • 10:50 Gunnar Lille, managing director OG21: A new chapter: The new OG21 technology strategy for the Norwegian petroleum sector
  • 11:05 Torfinn Harding, professor UiS Business School: NCS and the business climate
  • 11:20 Questions
  • 11:35 Poster announcement 
  • 11:45-12:45 Lunch
  • 12:45 Malin Torsæter, centre director, LowEmission Centre: How the Low Emission Centre contributes to reducing emissions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
  • 13:00 Arne Stavland, chief scientist, NORCE: Conformance Control to low Carbon Footprint
  • 13:15 Hamid Nick, senior researcher DTU: Modified salinity water flooding and CO2 storage in chalk reservoirs
  • 13:30 Rolf Johan Lorentzen, senior researcher, NORCE: Drainage optimalization
  • 13:45 Questions (15 min) 
  • 14:00-14:30 Break
  • 14:30 Fridtjof Riis, senior geologist NPD: A new phase of geological storage of CO2 in the Norwegian shelf
  • 14:45 Sarah Gasda, research director, NORCE: Site selection and assessment of CO2 and hydrogen storage resources
  • 15:00 Zachary Alcorn, researcher UiB: CO2 Foam Mobility Control in CO2 EOR and CO2 Storage
  • 15:15 Stephane Polteau, research scientist IFE: Reservoir and Basin-Scale Fluid Migration
  • 15:30 Dora Marín, associate professor UiS: Impact of salt heterogeneity on hydrogen geological storage
  • 15:45 Questions
  • 16:00 End of scientific program day 1  
Tuesday 26th April
  • 09:10 Erlend H. Vefring, vice president, NORCE Energy: SFI DigiWells: Digital Well Centre for Value Creation, Competitiveness and Minimum Environmental Footprint
  • 09:25 Yuqing Chang, researcher, NORCE: An Ensemble-Based Decision Workflow for Reservoir Management
  • 09:40 Felix Feldmann, postdoc UiS/IFE: IORSim – Numerical simulation of a complex water diversion field case
  • 09:55 Questions (15 min) 
  • 10:10–10.40 Break
  • 10:40 Pom S Sabharwal, sales manager Halliburton: Automated ML data ingestion and analytics using Data Science Platform ( on Diskos and OSDU
  • 10:55 Aojie Hong, UiS: Create Value from Future Information in Sequential Decision Making
  • 11:10 Chunming Rong, UiS: Cognitive Analytics by Federated AI: Edge2Cloud Image Processing from Cancer to Energy
  • 11:25 Mario Silva, IFE: Tracers: a tool to unveil the hidden features of the reservoir
  • 11:40 Questions (15 min) 
  • 11:55 Poster announcement (15 min)
  • 12:10–13:10 Lunch
  • 13:10 Reinier van Noort, IFE: Overview of geological challenges related to underground H2 storage
  • 13:25 Leon Prebeau-Menezes, Equinor: Equinor’s Hydrogen position & ambitions in the UK
  • 13:40 Katriona Edlmann, Edinburgh University: Geological storage of Hydrogen for Net Zero: An update from the HyStorPor project
  • 13:55 Martin Blunt, Imperial College: Pore-scale analysis of subsurface hydrogen storage and the impact of hysteresis
  • 14:10 Questions (15 min) 
  • 14:25–15:00 Break
  • 15:00 Alejandro Escalona, UiS and NCS2030 director: Towards a Sustainable Subsurface energy system: NCS2030 research centre
  • 15:10 Ying Guo, Special Adviser and NCS2030 vice director, NORCE: Contributing to the future sustainable Norwegian Continental Shelf with research and innovation
  • 15:20 Arne Graue, UiB: Energy Transition Perspectives: Disruptive CCUS Technologies and CO2 Storage Enable Petroleum as Energy Security
  • 15:30 Martin Smedstad Foss, Research Director, IFE: Flexibility – a key to the future of the NCS
  • 15:40 Questions (10 min) 
  • 15:50 Skjæveland Award
  • 16:10 Summing up with professor Ann Muggeridge, Imperial College
  • 16:30 End of Energy Norway 2022 

Conference fees

More information about prices can be found here.

Energy Norway 2022 is a meeting place for subsurface professionals in Norway and international communities, policy makers, regulatory bodies, and students. The conference is held at University of Stavanger.

The conference is organized by the National Centre for Sustainable Utilization of Energy Resources on the Norwegian Shelf (NCS2030) and hosted by the University of Stavanger with partners NORCE, IFE and UiB.

Reimbursement of travel costs for PhD students

PhD students attending the poster session may claim reimbursement of moderately priced travel (air ticket, bus, train), accommodation and conference participation fee. No food costs will be reimbursed. The maximum amount for reimbursement is NOK 7500.

Documentation and original receipts confirming all expenses must be enclosed (booking confirmations or invoices are not valid as receipts).

 Price/in presencePrice/digital
Regular3000,- NOK2000,- NOK
Students1500,- NOK1000,- NOK


Postdoctoral Fellow
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty Administration TN

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