Courses in the PhD programme in Health and Medicine

We offer a number of courses that can be a part of the training component. External candidates may apply for admission for single courses. PhD courses from other institutions may also be a part of the training component of the doctoral study.

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Courses at the University of Stavanger

Course coordinator: Sebastian Rehnman


Semester: spring

Course schedule 2025:
Weeks 5 and 14
Lectures: mon/wed 9-15, tue/thu/fri 9-12

Course description

Course coordinators: Kristine Rørtveit og Kari Kaldestad


Semester: spring

Course schedule 2025

Course description

Course coordinator: Thomas Westergren


Semester: spring

Course schedule: March 13-14 (digital) and May 20-22 (physical attendance on campus).

New course dates: September 25 - 26 (digital) and December 9 - 11 (on campus)

Course description

Course coordinators: Steffen Krüger (UiO) og Birgitta Haga Gripsrud (UiS)


Semester: spring

Course schedule:

Course schedule

Course coordinator: Aleksander Hagen Erga


Semester: spring

Course schedule: January 27 - 31 2025

Course schedule

If the cIf the course has less than five registered students, the course will be arranged as self-studies, only.

Course coordinator: Anne Marie Lunde Husebø og Marianne Storm


Semester: spring

Course schedule


Course coordinatpr: Camilla Koskinen og Linda Susanne Nyholm


Semester: spring

Course schedule:
30-31.october 09.00-16.00.
1.november 09.00-13.00
Seminars: 12-13.december 09.00-16.00

Course description

This course is a collaboration between the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Course schedule: Anne S. Selbekk og Ingunn Studsrød


Semester: spring

Course schedule: TBA

Course description

Course coordinators: Siri Wiig og Karina Aase


Semester: spring

Course schedule: TBA

Course description

If you do not find relevant courses, you can create an individual reading curriculum together with your supervisor. This will be accredited as a “mini course” and can give between 1 and 5 ECTS credits. One ECTS credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of work.

Applications for individual reading curricula should be sent to

TN907 Statistiske metoder i medisinsk forskning 1

TN908 Statistiske metoder i medisinsk forskning 2

TN900 Theory of Science and Ethics (at the Faculty of Science and Technology)

ELE922 Biomedical Data Analysis (at the Faculty of Science and Technology )

PHD105 Research ethics in social sciences (at the Faculty of Social Sciences)

PHD102 Philosophy of Social Sciences (at the Faculty of Social Sciences)

DUH200 Introduction to Meta-Analysis (at the Faculty of Arts and Education)

PHD305 Communicative Power in Politics and Professions (at the Faculty of Social Sciences)

The list is not exhaustive. Please contact the relevant faculty for registration.

How to register for PhD-courses: