Philosophiae Doctor Disputation - Faculty of Science and Technology.
On Thursday 9th of January, Ressi Bonti Muhammad will be presenting his trial lecture, and subsequently on Friday January 10th, defend his PhD thesis at the University of Stavanger, Kjølv Egelands House, room E-164.
Thursday 9th of January
Kl. 10.00: Trial lecture “Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) for Sequential Decision Making in Well Placement and Control"
Friday 10th of January
Kl. 12.15: Disputation “A Probabilistic Reinforcement Learning Framework for Optimized Decision-Making in Geosteering”
Both the disputation and trial lecture are open to all interested/the public
Assessment Committee:
- Professor Tapan Mukerji, Stanford University, USA
- Dr. Brage Kristoffersen, Aker BP
- Professor Dan Sui, University of Stavanger, administrator
- Main supervisor: Professor Reidar Brumer Bratvold, University of Stavanger
- Co-supervisor: Senior scientist Sergey Alyaev, NORCE
Chair of the defense:
- Head of Department Alejandro Escalona Varela, Department of Energy Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger
Digital participation for the trial lecture in Teams on January 9th 15.00 PM
Meeting ID: 322 819 943 823
Password: wB7338z6
Digital participation for the disputation in Teams on January 10th 15.00 PM
Meeting ID: 369 025 221 061
Password: hT3wL7qo