Disputation for Janronel Calog Pomicpic

Tuesday 17 September 2024 10:00-15:30,
Kjølv Egelands Hus, University of Stavanger,

Philosophiae Doctor Disputation.

Published Updated on

Tuesday 17th of September Janronel Calog Pomicpic will defend his PhD thesis at the University of Stavanger, Kjølv Egelands Hus room E-164.

Kl. 10.00: Trial lecture “Positive Applications of Gas Hydrates

KL. 12.15: Disputation “Maleic-Based Polymer Formulations as Inhibitors of Natural Gas Hydrates, Scale, and Corrosion”

Both the disputation and trial lecture are open to all interested/the public

Assessment Committee:

  • Professor Nicolas von Solms, Technical University of Denmark
  • Senior Scientist, Xiaoyun Li, Equinor
  • Associate Professor Krista Michelle Kaster, University of Stavanger


  • Main supervisor: Professor Malcolm Andrew Kelland, University of Stavanger

Chair of the defense: 

  • Head of Department Päivi Annele Teivainen-Lædre, Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger

Digital participation in Teams

Meeting ID: 319 353 899 074

Password: HDuSgd