Disputation for Giovanna Monticelli

Thursday 30 May 2024 10:00-15:30,
Zoom meeting.

Giovanna Monticelli defends her dissertation for the degree of PhD at the University of Stavanger the 30th of April.

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Giovanna Monticelli

Giovanna Monticelli will defend her PhD thesis at a zoom meeting room.

10.00: Trial lecture "The use of antibiotics in aquaculture and risks to non-target species and human health (and mitigation strategies?)"

12.15: Disputation “Fish gut microbiome changes as biological response to contaminants exposure”

Both the disputation and trial lecture are open to all interested/the public.

Assessment Committee:

  • Assist. Professor Nishdad Jayasundara, Duke University, USA
  • Professor Jasmine Nahrgang, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Associate Professor Krista Kaster, University of Stavanger


  • Main supervisor: Professor Daniela Pampanin, University of Stavanger
  • Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Joseph H Bisesi, University of Florida, USA
  • Co-supervisor: Professor Daniel Schlenk, University of California Riverside, USA

Chair of the defense: 

  • Head of Department Ingunn Jolma, Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger

Digital participation in Zoom

Meeting ID: 677 5913 1780

Password: 435514