Disputation for Bindiya Dutt

Monday 21 October 2024 10:00-15:30,
On Teams.

Bindiya Dutt will defend her thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD).

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Trial lecture at 10 am:

Given trial lecture topic:

In what ways can the mediatization of private lives through datafied practices challenge traditional boundaries between the public and private spheres?

Disputation at 12 pm:

Thesis title:

Digital Wellbeing. User perception on wellbeing in digital communications

Assessment Committee:

1st opponent: Professor Jannie Møller Hartley, Roskilde University, Denmark

2nd opponent: Associate professor Colin Porlezza, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland

Administrator: Professor Gunnar Thesen, UIS
Substitute Member: Associate professor Tevfik Murat Yildirim, UIS

Main supervisor: Professor Helle Sjøvaag, UiS

Co-supervisor: Professor Raul Ferrer Conill, UiS        

Chair of the defence: Oluf Langhelle, The Head of department of Media and Social Sciences

Both the defence and trial lecture are open to all interested/the public.

Join the disputation on Teams.

Meeting ID: 368 533 382 043

Password: 3JxoYP