The main objective of this work package is to improve the reservoir energy production strategy with carbon capture and storage.
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Lead: Viktoriya Yarushina (IFE)
Achieving the net-zero emission target by 2050 requires further development of CO₂ sequestration sites and exploration of alternative energy, such as H₂ and heat. Therefore, developing methods and tools that can enhance the capacity of geological sites for storage (CO₂ and H₂), and production of geothermal energy on the Norwegian Continental Shelf is of importance. Specific targets of work package 2 are:
Contribute to forming young career scientists through several PhD and MSc projects
Publication/conference presentation on modeling of subsurface fluid flow coupled with geomechanical and geochemical processes arising in energy transition
Report/conference presentation on analog modeling of focused fluid flow and benchmarking of numerical models
Report/conference presentation on coupled hydro-mechanical modeling of the fault stability during CO2 injection
Report on tracers for reservoir characterization
Report on experimental setup for H2 injection into porous media and first experimental results
Work package 2 summed up
Developing methods and tools that can enhance the capacity of geological sites for storage (CO₂ and H₂), and production of geothermal energy on the Norwegian continental shelf is of importance.
Work package 2 summed up
Four projects have been defined:
The North Sea is considered to be the most important region for CO2 Storage in NW-Europe. Chimney structures and pockmarks are widespread in this area. They have been reported from existing and proposed storage sites. Speed-up of CCS in Europe requires identification and characterization of more available storage space. Very little is known about the leakage potential of chimneys and about the factors triggering their formation. Understanding these processes is crucial for assessing the geotechnical significance of such features and for the development of a CCS infrastructure in the North Sea.
Project Manager: Viktoriya Yarushina (IFE)
The NCS has a wide variety of fields modelled with finite element technology to estimate deformation and stress change in the subsurface resulting from the exploitation of oil and gas. Typical reservoir types modeled with finite element technology are cases that will induce large scale (meters) of seafloor subsidence or significant subsurface deformations that can impact the well structures themselves and their integrity. These are fields like Troll, Ekofisk area, and Valhall area. The development of HPHT fields on the NCS has also increased the use of these models. Thus, there is a need for cooperation between industry and academia to address geomechanical problems.
Project Manager: Nestor Cardozo (UiS)
This project intends to develop tracing methods and tracers to produce data that will in-crease the understanding of the subsurface on the NCS aiming for its use for CCS and H2 storage. CO2-EOR will also be considered. Tracers remain as the only dynamic tool available for description of fluid saturation and distribution in the reservoir and thus can significantly contribute for value creation within the energy transition framework. We will aim for the development of new CO2 tracers, and a tracing methodology to monitor the development of salt caverns for H2 storage.
Project Manager: Georgios Kalantzopoulos (IFE)
Injection of H2 for storage and back production in reservoirs will give variation of conditions (temperature and pressure). The potential for modification of porous media properties during H2-storage should be determined. Proposed project is based on experience with periodic CO2 injection, improvement of volumetric sweep in EOR processes, injectivity challenges, flow assurance and chemical analysis. The project will establish method for efficient and safe in-jection, storage and back production of H2 in porous reservoirs of different types.