Strengthening education and research in Applied Informatics for Energy System Integration

The 5-year NORPART project AI-ESI aims to make a contribution by conducting joint activities between the partner universities in Norway, Egypt, and Palestine. Academic cooperation will target educational programmes development, teaching, research and supervision, and mutual virtual and physical student/researcher mobility.

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University of Stavanger, Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering


Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills through the NORPART scheme


Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (Egypt) Palestine Ahliya University (Palestine)

Energy systems of the future

About the project

The AI-ESI project (short for 'Applied Informatics for Energy System Integration') seeks to bring together educational and research strengths across the partner universities to provide their students/researchers with a multidisciplinary-, 360-degree- view of sustainable energy systems engineering. The project will cover the major topics essential for energy transition towards more sustainability including renewable energy resources, energy systems integration, and energy technologies. In addition to the core energy knowledge, students will be equipped with an essential toolkit of applied informatics and energy data analytics to manage real-life energy projects and therefore making them ready for a variety of careers in the energy industry. Thus, the project will enable the students to tackle complex energy and climate challenges by developing and implementing technological concepts and solutions, understanding the energy business environment, and analysing available energy-related data through the use of artificial intelligent techniques and machine learning skills in their countries. In addition the project is designed to positively impact and support gender equality in the energy sector workforce in the academia/private sector.

A large part of the planned project activities comprise mobility grants for students (at post-graduate level) and researchers. More information will be made available in the sections below.

We also encourage students to apply for Norstip, a scholarship scheme for degree-seeking master’s students from selected partner institutions outside the EU/EEA.

Contact persons

Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
University of Stavanger
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty Administration TN
Project Support and PhD Administration TN


Project team

University of Stavanger
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty Administration TN
Project Support and PhD Administration TN
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Head of Department
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Head of Administration
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty Administration TN
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Postdoctoral Fellow
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering
Peter Breuhaus
Chief Scientist
Rania Rageh
Head of Accredited International Programs
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
Yasser Gaber Dessouky
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)
Khaled Shanaa
Head of the Projects Department
Palestine Ahliya University
Labib Arafeh
Dean of engineering and Information tech faculty
Palestine Ahliya University
Ahmed Abdou
Head of engineering department
Palestine Ahliya University
Nahla Ezzeldin Zakzok
Associate Professor
Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport
Rana Maher Mohamed Ahmad
Associate Professor
Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport
Moataz Mohamed Elsayed Amer
Associate Professor
Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport
Emma Qumsiyeh
Palestine Ahliyeh University (PAU)
Muhammed Tmeizeh
PhD Candidate
University of Granada

New EU Erasmus+ project awarded

The partners within the AIESI NORPART project together with six other universities from Germany, Egypt, Tunisia and Palestine secured funding from the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education.


The project idea was initiated from the members of the AIESI project and after a hard team work, the proposal was submitted in February 2024.

The new project, SPEED - Strategies for caPacity building of hybrid Electric vehicle in Engineering Division, aims at empowering Middle Eastern nations to navigate the Hybrid Electric Vehicle / Electric Vehicle revolution by bridging the skills gap. This will be done through performing needs assessments, engaging learning resources, and practical training, equipping individuals and fostering regional collaboration.
The project started in the end of 2024 and will last for three years. SPEED is coordinated by the University of Stavanger (UiS) and is hosted at the Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology."

As for the photo, please insert the Vertical LOGO of The EU, attached to the email.


Annual general meetings and workshop

Stavanger, September 17th-20th 2024

En gruppe mennesker kledd i gule vester og gule hjelmer.
The guided tour by Professor Mohsen Assadi to the UiS’ Energy Facilities at Risavika.

In the first day of the annual general meetings and workshops of the AIESI NORPART project, participants were welcomed to the University of Stavanger and received a short presentation about UiS by the Head of Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering, Mr. Øystein Arild. The project manager, Associate Professor Mohammad Mansouri, then provided a short introduction to the AIESI NORPART project. The need for state-of-the-art pilot facilities to conduct advanced research were presented by Professor Mohsen Assadi (Professor at UiS) when he introduced the hydrogen and geothermal energy facilities of the UiS. Mr. Peter Breuhaus (Chief Scientist at NORCE) gave an overview of various European and nationally funded projects on integrated energy systems, among them EU Horizon 2020 Robinson project, and the challenges that require to be tackle to successfully implement such demonstration projects. Day 1 of the annual meetings was filled with other important presentations such as “Information about the NORSTIP scholarship programme” by Siri Elisabeth Haug from the UiS International Office, and the “UiS admission process for master programs” by Elias Conde Pais (the Admission Office).

In addition to project-specific discussions, the second day was full of scientific presentations from both UiS and the partner universities. Professors from AASTMT, Dr. Rana Maher (Associate Professor in Electrical and Control Engineering) and Dr. Nahla Zakzouk (Professor in Electrical and Control Engineering), gave talks on “smart systems and energy management”, “Egypt’s energy statistics” and “faults and mitigation techniques in grid-tied RESs”. Associate Professor Merkebu Z. Degefa presented the power transmission and distribution systems of Norway and the need for “transitioning from reactive to proactive power distribution network operation practices”. The day was concluded by a guided tour by Mr. Ståle Freyer (Laboratory Manager) to different laboratories of the UiS’ Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Similarly, in day 3, researchers (PhD candidates) had the chance to introduce their research areas and receive feedback from other scientific members of the AIESI NORPART project. Kasra S. Beglar (PhD candidate at UiS) presented “time series analysis with a focus on forecasting in energy systems”, Emma Qumsieh (PhD candidate from PAU) presented “discovering gene associations across diseases using an integrative knowledge-based machine learning approach”, and Muhammed Tmeizeh (PhD candidate from PAU) gave a talk on “the use of Blockchain as a tamper-proof storage, on-chain solution” and he presented the potential of blockchain use for integrated energy systems.
In the last day of the annual general meetings and workshops of the AIESI NORPART project, the project participants had a guided tour by Professor Mohsen Assadi to the UiS’ Energy Facilities in the premises of NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS located at Risavika (in the Stavanger region).


Visit from Arab Academy For Science, Technology & Maritime Transport

Stavanger, June 26th-27th 2024

Visit to UiS from Arab Academy For Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
AI-ESI partners from UiS and AASTMT (from left to right): Norbert Puttkamer, Yasser Gaber Dessouky, Mohammad Mansouri, Bente Karin Dale, Mona Fouad Moussa, Øystein Arild.

Prof. Yasser Gaber Dessouky (Dean of Scientific Research and Innovation) and Prof. Mona Fouad Moussa (Academic Dean for Smart Village Campus) from Arab Academy For Science, Technology & Maritime Transport – AASTMT in Egypt visited UiS on 26th and 27th of June 2024.

During this visit, a joint meeting with colleagues from Palestine Ahliya University (PAU) was arranged in which the AI-ESI project members received an overview of the activities in the recent months and discuss the upcoming activities.

In addition, researchers at the Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering shared their recent research activities with the visiting members of the AI-ESI project from AASTMT, Egypt.


Visit to Norway from Palestinian partners

Stavanger, November 28th-29th 2023

The core team of the Palestinian partner visited Norway in November.

The 3 days program included discussion around collaboration within:

Mobility: presentation of rules of admission for exchange/visiting students at UiS. More info can be found here:

Education: shared online platform for collaboration in education

Research: current research within the Energy field, with presentations by PhD students at UiS, managers of existing projects and by the partner research organization NORCE.


NORPART project seminar 2022

OsloMet, September 21st-22nd 2022

En kvinne står utenfor Oslo Met.

The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-Dir) arranged a meeting for the project core teams of all the ongoing NORPART projects.

NORPART is the 'partnership program for global academic collaboration'. The objective of the program is to strengthen the academic collaboration and mutual mobility of students between Norway and countries of the global South.

Some representatives of UiS and of the core team of the AI-ESI project participated in the meeting where they could listen to the experiences of other project coordinators. The speakers shared lessons learned, challenges and suggested solutions. Among them, also some students currently staying in Oslo for their mobility period shared their first impressions, and plans for their stay.

At the photo: Micol Pezzotta.

The program and the presentations held during the seminar are available at HK-Dir website here,


Kick-off meeting

The project started on February 16th with a digital meeting (via TEAMS) where all partners met to review the work-plan and discuss the tasks and deliverables.