About CARNorge
CARNorge (Collaborative Action Research Network in Norway) is an open and inclusive network for supporting Norwegian action research activities. -candidates conducting action research
The network aims to:
- provide sustainable conditions for more and new action research projects in Norway
- create a dialogue arena and research forum with a critical perspective
- develop more knowledge about action research in Norway in terms of public information and in terms of concrete development of new knowledge
- develop and contribute into competence development for academic and professional staff and PhD-candidates conducting action research
Collaborative Action Research Network in Norway
CARNorge is committed to support and improve the quality of professional practice, through systematic, critical, and creative inquiry of goals, processes, and various professional contexts.
Steering committee
- Tove Andersen, OsloMet
- Rasa Holen, NMBU
- Annfrid Steele, UiT
- Kristine Ludvigsen, HVL
- Nina C. A. Vasseljen, NTNU
- Dag Husebø, UiS
Upcoming events
Previous events
- 25/11/2022: James Karlsen, The Action Concept in Action Research
- 20/01/2022: Dag Husebø, Didaktisk aksjonsforskning
- 09/02/2023: Marlene Bruun Lauridsen, Interpersonal Competence in Challenging Encounters
- 27/03/2023: Ann Lisa Sylte, Lærerutdanningsskoler og lærerutdanningsbedrifter i yrkesfaglærerutdanningen (LUSY)
- Minutes from årsmøtet (Bergen, 22.05-23.05)
- James Karlsen - Grønn omstilling
- Marit Ulvik and Dag Roness - Aksjonsforskning i høyre utdanning