Tor Claussen

Telephone: 51833796
Room: P11 017
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
Telephone: 51833796
Room: P11 017
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
Claussen, Tor
Academic Letter -The origin of the historical uniqueness of the bourgeoise society. Kant and Marx, -and beyond?.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
Review of review -and publication processes.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
Living – Dying – Eternal Living.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
Critical reflections on uncertainty and crises - Marx and beyond.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
Establishments trustworthiness or conspiracy. Facts, fakes and conspiracy in public media and science, a consideration voiced through critical reflections on Darwin and Kant.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
Capitalism – Crises; “A Return to Marx and Then Beyond”.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
Academia Letters Fake, Facts, and Conspiracy – Kant revised and Beyond.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
Academic Letter -On some prospects of human species -Kant versus Darwin.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
Establishments trustworthiness or conspiracy?.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond Sanne; Ravn, Johan Elvemo
Deliberative and material organizational becoming : Sociotechnical leadership of digital transformation. I: Strategic management in the age of digital transformation.Diamond Scientific Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-838-15243-7.
Claussen, Tor
Weber and Habermas: A critical review.
Academia Letters.
ISSN 2771-9359.
Claussen, Tor
A return to Marx - and then beyond.
Nova Science Publishers.
ISBN 978-1-5361-7696-4.
Claussen, Tor
Liv, død – evig liv. Liv, død og evig liv drøftet med bakgrunn i Kant og nykantianismen.Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0029-1943.
Volum 54.
Hefte 3.
Claussen, Tor
Introduction to the Special Issue on Marx & Marxism.Journal of Classical Sociology.
ISSN 1468-795X.
Volum 17.
Hefte 1.
Ørvig, Kjersti; Claussen, Tor
Welfare technology dilemmas facing young people with intellectual impairment–some illustrated theoretical explorations.Nordic Social Work Research.
ISSN 2156-857X.
Volum 8.
Hefte 3.
Claussen, Tor
Klassisk blikk på fortiden, samtiden, fremtiden: Dilemmaer i går, i dag og i morgen belyst ut fra klassikerne Weber, Durkheim og Marx.
Akademika forlag.
ISBN 9788232100057.
Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond
Creating new opportunities, exploiting possibilities and learning from differences: A systemic way of innovation. I: Creating Collaborative Advantage : innovation and knowledge creation in regional economies.
Gower Publishing Ltd..
ISBN 978-1-4094-0333-3.
Claussen, Tor
22. juli - perspektiver, verdier og ansvar. I: 22. juli: Forstå, forklare, forebygge.
Abstrakt forlag.
ISBN 9788279353362.
Claussen, Tor
Psychopathic communicative performance in organizations: an approach to malfunctioning language and communication in organisations exemplified by psychopathic communicative performance. I: Humanities, Historical and Social sciences: selected and peer reviewed papers from the 2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011).
International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) Press.
ISBN 9789810899264.
Claussen, Tor
The hijab - secularity and beyond: analysing debates on cultural diversity (hijab) through classical social science theory. I: Humanities, Historical and Social sciences: selected and peer reviewed papers from the 2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011).
International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) Press.
ISBN 9789810899264.
Claussen, Tor; Karlsson, Jan Christer
Inledning. I: Den sköra balansen : arbetslivet mellan flexibilitet och stabilitet.
Växjö universitet.
ISBN 978-91-89317-56-7.
Claussen, Tor
Globale utfordringer og fleksible strukturer i arbeidslivet. I: Den sköra balansen : arbetslivet mellan flexibilitet och stabilitet.
Växjö universitet.
ISBN 978-91-89317-56-7.
Claussen, Tor
What's special about the Nordic countries? : on flexibility, globalization and working life. I: Flexible organizations and the new working life : a European perspective.
ISBN 978-0-7546-7420-7.
Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond; Ennals, J.R.
Integrated Innovation. I: Handbook of Regional Economics.
Nova Science Publishers.
ISBN 978-1-60741-036-2.
Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond; Ennals, Richard
Introduction. I: Integrated and participatory innovation.
Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond
Concepts and contexts of integrated innovation. I: Integrated and participatory innovation.
Claussen, Tor
Globalization and integrated innovation. I: Integrated and participatory innovation.
Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond; Ennals, Richard
Concluding reflection - beyond integrated innovation. I: Integrated and participatory innovation.
Claussen, Tor
Tillitsvalgte som kapitalister : hva er i ferd med å skje?. I: Å tjene på samarbeid : medvirkning, partssamarbeid, bedriftsutvikling.
Gyldendal Akademisk.
Claussen, Tor
Felles evner til kunnskap om natur og samfunn?.
Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0029-1943.
Volum 41.
Hefte 3.
Claussen, Tor
Reflections on the relation between flexibility, globalisation and working life. I: Facets of flexibility : proceedings from an international workshop on flexibility.
Høgskolen i Østfold.
Johnsen, Hans Chr. Garman; Claussen, Tor
Democracy, Participation and Communicative Change – When Democracy becomes a Mean and Not an End. I: Researching enterprise development : action research on the cooperation between management and labour in Norway.
Claussen, Tor; Foss, Lene; Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann; Kvadsheim, Henrik; Levin, Morten; Løvland , Jarle; Ravn, Johan Elvemo
Epilogue. Research on enterprise development: Lessons learned. I: Researching Enterprise Development Action Research on the cooperation between management and labour in NOrway.
John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 90-272-1784-X.
Claussen, Tor
Arbeidslivets klassikere og dagens arbeidsliv Arbeidsliv og arbeidsfellesskap - Er vi på rett vei?.
Unipub forlag.
ISBN 8274770676.
Claussen, Tor
Bedriftsutvikling, arbeidsmiljø og filosofi.
Unipub forlag.
ISBN 8274770277.
Lindøe, Preben; Claussen, Tor
Medarbeiderdeltakelse i utvikling av internkontroll.
Nordisk ergonomi.
Hefte 3.
Claussen, Tor
Judging Cultural Diversity. I: New Challenges for Multiligualism in Europe.
ISBN 9789537467036.
Claussen, Tor; Karlsson, Jan Christer
Den sköra balansen : arbetslivet mellan flexibilitet och stabilitet.
Växjö universitet.
ISBN 978-91-89317-56-7.
Hefte 2009:4.
Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond; Ennals, Richard
Integrated and participatory innovation.
ISBN 1872058299.
Haga, Trond Sanne; Claussen, Tor
Orchestration of networking processes.
ISBN 978-82-471-1898-6.
Volum 2007.
Hefte 86.
Claussen, Tor; Ørvig, Kjersti
Sosiale dilemmaer i det moderne.
ISBN 8274771478.
Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond Sanne; Ravn, Johan Elvemo
Socio-technics and beyond: an approach to organisation studies and design in the second machine age.
European Journal of Workplace Innovation.
ISSN 2387-4570.
Volum 4.
Hefte 2.
Claussen, Tor
Kant i lys av den «lingvistiske vending». Hva om Kant fortolkes alternativt? En kommentar til «Fornuftens selvinnhenting og selvbegrunnelse» av Audun Øfsti..Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.
ISSN 0029-1943.
Volum 53.
Hefte 1.
Claussen, Tor
The Hijab - secularity and beyond.
2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011);
2011-10-21 - 2011-10-22.
Claussen, Tor
Challenging issues in the global community - terror in Norway.
2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011);
2011-10-21 - 2011-10-22.
Claussen, Tor
Psychopathic communicative performance in organizations.
2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011);
2011-10-21 - 2011-10-22.
Claussen, Tor
Arbeidslivsforskningens tverrfaglige historie - to stemmer - Taylor og Durkheim?.
Forelesning på samling for masterstudenter;
Claussen, Tor
Psychopathic communicative performance in organizations An approach to malfunctioning language and communication in organisations exemplified by psychopathic communicative performance.
The International Society for Language Studies Conference;
2009-06-11 - 2009-06-13.