  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Claussen, Tor


      Academic Letter -The origin of the historical uniqueness of the bourgeoise society. Kant and Marx, -and beyond?.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Review of review -and publication processes.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Living – Dying – Eternal Living.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.


    • Claussen, Tor


      Critical reflections on uncertainty and crises - Marx and beyond.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Establishments trustworthiness or conspiracy. Facts, fakes and conspiracy in public media and science, a consideration voiced through critical reflections on Darwin and Kant.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Capitalism – Crises; “A Return to Marx and Then Beyond”.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Academia Letters Fake, Facts, and Conspiracy – Kant revised and Beyond.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Academic Letter -On some prospects of human species -Kant versus Darwin.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Establishments trustworthiness or conspiracy?.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond Sanne; Ravn, Johan Elvemo


      Deliberative and material organizational becoming : Sociotechnical leadership of digital transformation. I: Strategic management in the age of digital transformation.

      Diamond Scientific Publishing.

      ISBN 978-1-838-15243-7.


      DOI: 10.51432/978-1-8381524-3-7_4

    • Claussen, Tor


      Weber and Habermas: A critical review.

      Academia Letters.

      ISSN 2771-9359.

    • Claussen, Tor


      A return to Marx - and then beyond.

      Nova Science Publishers.

      ISBN 978-1-5361-7696-4.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Liv, død – evig liv. Liv, død og evig liv drøftet med bakgrunn i Kant og nykantianismen.

      Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.

      ISSN 0029-1943.

      Volum 54.

      Hefte 3.


      DOI: 10.18261/issn.1504-2901-2019-03-03

    • Claussen, Tor


      Introduction to the Special Issue on Marx & Marxism.

      Journal of Classical Sociology.

      ISSN 1468-795X.

      Volum 17.

      Hefte 1.


      DOI: 10.1177/1468795X17693920

    • Ørvig, Kjersti; Claussen, Tor


      Welfare technology dilemmas facing young people with intellectual impairment–some illustrated theoretical explorations.

      Nordic Social Work Research.

      ISSN 2156-857X.

      Volum 8.

      Hefte 3.


      DOI: 10.1080/2156857X.2017.1403365

    • Claussen, Tor


      Klassisk blikk på fortiden, samtiden, fremtiden: Dilemmaer i går, i dag og i morgen belyst ut fra klassikerne Weber, Durkheim og Marx.

      Akademika forlag.

      ISBN 9788232100057.

    • Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond


      Creating new opportunities, exploiting possibilities and learning from differences: A systemic way of innovation. I: Creating Collaborative Advantage : innovation and knowledge creation in regional economies.

      Gower Publishing Ltd..

      ISBN 978-1-4094-0333-3.


    • Claussen, Tor


      22. juli - perspektiver, verdier og ansvar. I: 22. juli: Forstå, forklare, forebygge.

      Abstrakt forlag.

      ISBN 9788279353362.


    • Claussen, Tor


      Psychopathic communicative performance in organizations: an approach to malfunctioning language and communication in organisations exemplified by psychopathic communicative performance. I: Humanities, Historical and Social sciences: selected and peer reviewed papers from the 2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011).

      International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press.

      ISBN 9789810899264.


    • Claussen, Tor


      The hijab - secularity and beyond: analysing debates on cultural diversity (hijab) through classical social science theory. I: Humanities, Historical and Social sciences: selected and peer reviewed papers from the 2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011).

      International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press.

      ISBN 9789810899264.


    • Claussen, Tor; Karlsson, Jan Christer


      Inledning. I: Den sköra balansen : arbetslivet mellan flexibilitet och stabilitet.

      Växjö universitet.

      ISBN 978-91-89317-56-7.


    • Claussen, Tor


      Globale utfordringer og fleksible strukturer i arbeidslivet. I: Den sköra balansen : arbetslivet mellan flexibilitet och stabilitet.

      Växjö universitet.

      ISBN 978-91-89317-56-7.


    • Claussen, Tor


      What's special about the Nordic countries? : on flexibility, globalization and working life. I: Flexible organizations and the new working life : a European perspective.


      ISBN 978-0-7546-7420-7.


    • Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond; Ennals, J.R.


      Integrated Innovation. I: Handbook of Regional Economics.

      Nova Science Publishers.

      ISBN 978-1-60741-036-2.


    • Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond; Ennals, Richard


      Introduction. I: Integrated and participatory innovation.


    • Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond


      Concepts and contexts of integrated innovation. I: Integrated and participatory innovation.


    • Claussen, Tor


      Globalization and integrated innovation. I: Integrated and participatory innovation.


    • Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond; Ennals, Richard


      Concluding reflection - beyond integrated innovation. I: Integrated and participatory innovation.


    • Claussen, Tor


      Tillitsvalgte som kapitalister : hva er i ferd med å skje?. I: Å tjene på samarbeid : medvirkning, partssamarbeid, bedriftsutvikling.

      Gyldendal Akademisk.


    • Claussen, Tor


      Felles evner til kunnskap om natur og samfunn?.

      Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.

      ISSN 0029-1943.

      Volum 41.

      Hefte 3.


    • Claussen, Tor


      Reflections on the relation between flexibility, globalisation and working life. I: Facets of flexibility : proceedings from an international workshop on flexibility.

      Høgskolen i Østfold.


    • Johnsen, Hans Chr. Garman; Claussen, Tor


      Democracy, Participation and Communicative Change – When Democracy becomes a Mean and Not an End. I: Researching enterprise development : action research on the cooperation between management and labour in Norway.

    • Claussen, Tor; Foss, Lene; Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann; Kvadsheim, Henrik; Levin, Morten; Løvland , Jarle; Ravn, Johan Elvemo


      Epilogue. Research on enterprise development: Lessons learned. I: Researching Enterprise Development Action Research on the cooperation between management and labour in NOrway.

      John Benjamins Publishing Company.

      ISBN 90-272-1784-X.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Arbeidslivets klassikere og dagens arbeidsliv Arbeidsliv og arbeidsfellesskap - Er vi på rett vei?.

      Unipub forlag.

      ISBN 8274770676.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Bedriftsutvikling, arbeidsmiljø og filosofi.

      Unipub forlag.

      ISBN 8274770277.

    • Lindøe, Preben; Claussen, Tor


      Medarbeiderdeltakelse i utvikling av internkontroll.

      Nordisk ergonomi.

      Hefte 3.


  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Claussen, Tor


      Judging Cultural Diversity. I: New Challenges for Multiligualism in Europe.

      ISBN 9789537467036.


    • Claussen, Tor; Karlsson, Jan Christer


      Den sköra balansen : arbetslivet mellan flexibilitet och stabilitet.

      Växjö universitet.

      ISBN 978-91-89317-56-7.

      Hefte 2009:4.

    • Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond; Ennals, Richard


      Integrated and participatory innovation.

      ISBN 1872058299.

    • Haga, Trond Sanne; Claussen, Tor


      Orchestration of networking processes.

      ISBN 978-82-471-1898-6.

      Volum 2007.

      Hefte 86.

    • Claussen, Tor; Ørvig, Kjersti


      Sosiale dilemmaer i det moderne.

      ISBN 8274771478.

  • Formidling
    • Claussen, Tor; Haga, Trond Sanne; Ravn, Johan Elvemo


      Socio-technics and beyond: an approach to organisation studies and design in the second machine age.

      European Journal of Workplace Innovation.

      ISSN 2387-4570.

      Volum 4.

      Hefte 2.


    • Claussen, Tor


      Kant i lys av den «lingvistiske vending». Hva om Kant fortolkes alternativt? En kommentar til «Fornuftens selvinnhenting og selvbegrunnelse» av Audun Øfsti..

      Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift.

      ISSN 0029-1943.

      Volum 53.

      Hefte 1.


      DOI: 10.18261/ISSN.1504-2901-2018-01-04

    • Claussen, Tor


      The Hijab - secularity and beyond.

      2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011);

      2011-10-21 - 2011-10-22.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Challenging issues in the global community - terror in Norway.

      2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011);

      2011-10-21 - 2011-10-22.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Psychopathic communicative performance in organizations.

      2011 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences (CHHSS 2011);

      2011-10-21 - 2011-10-22.

    • Claussen, Tor


      Arbeidslivsforskningens tverrfaglige historie - to stemmer - Taylor og Durkheim?.

      Forelesning på samling for masterstudenter;


    • Claussen, Tor


      Psychopathic communicative performance in organizations An approach to malfunctioning language and communication in organisations exemplified by psychopathic communicative performance.

      The International Society for Language Studies Conference;

      2009-06-11 - 2009-06-13.

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