Silas Moritz Ploner
PhD Candidate

Telephone: 51832311
Location: Museum of Archaeology
Museum of Archaeology
Department of Conservation
About me
Silas Ploner is pursuing his PhD in the Sticking Stones Project, led by the Museum of Archaeology / UiS, where he will research medieval stone adhesives in the context of cathedrals in northern Europe.
He studied restoration & conservation of stone at the Universities of Applied Sciences in Erfurt and Potsdam (Germany).
After graduating, Silas worked as a freelance-restorer on various restoration projects before taking up a permanent position with the Bavarian Palace Administration in Munich. The last years, he was responsible for the planning, supervision and management of all stone restoration campaigns in the state-owned palaces, castles and historic sites.
Silas specialises in the theoretical and practical conservation of built heritage and has a passion for translating theory into practical concepts.