Sebastian Rehnman


Sebastian Rehnman


Telephone: 51834124


Room: KA A-273


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Caring and Ethics

About me

Sebastian Rehnman’s research interests have over the years been broad and stretch themselves over metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, moral philosophy, philosophical counseling and history of philosophy. Currently he focuses partly on the philosophical foundations of psychotherapy, partly on exercises towards self-knowledge such as dialogue, journaling, reading and meditation where individuals conceive themselves so fundamentally that they partly constitute their existence and ethos. Here the research draws on Rehnman’s experience as certified philosophical and existential counselor as well as supervisor of existential psychotherapy. Publications are forthcoming on confidential conversation, therapeutic writing, Socratic dialogue and philosophy with poetry.

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Principles & Perplexities: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Jonathan Edwards.

      Universitetet i Oslo.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian



      Artos & Norma bokförlag.

      ISBN 9789175807133.

  • Formidling
    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Undran inför liv och död.

      Modern Psykologi.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Frågans företräde framför svaret i existentiella och etiska dialoger.

      11:e Nordiska Hermeneutik-seminaret;


    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Thomism in John Owen by Christopher Cleveland (review).

      The Thomist.

      ISSN 0040-6325.

      Volum 80.

      Hefte 1.


      DOI: 10.1353/tho.2016.0008

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Aristoteles vänskapsbegrepp.

      Världsfilosofidagen 2016;


    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Petrus Martyr Vermigli Kommentar zur Nikomachischen Ethik des Aristoteles.


      ISSN 0042-7543.

      Volum 52.


    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Theology within the Bounds of Language.


      ISSN 1893-7969.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      The Sources of Edwards's Idealism.

      Göteborgs universitet;

      2014-09-10 - .

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Edwards's Metaphysics.

      Philosophy Department, King's College London;

      2014-11-13 - .

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      The Philosophical Theology of Jonathan Edwards.

      Filosofisk institutt, Göteborgs universitet;

      2014-12-10 - .

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Edwards's Idealism.


      2012-11-16 - 2012-11-17.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Vermigli on Virtue.

      Reformation Research Consortium;

      2012-05-10 - .

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Why do we care about human health?.

      Forskerseminar i praktisk filosofi;

      2012-09-28 - .

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Catalogues of Books: The Works of Jonathan Edwards.

      British Journal for the History of Philosophy.

      ISSN 0960-8788.

      Volum 19.

      Hefte 2.


      DOI: 10.1080/09608788.2011.555167

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Real Essentialism.

      Review of Metaphysics.

      ISSN 0034-6632.

      Volum 62.

      Hefte 3.


    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      T.M. Crisp, M. Davidson and D. vander Laan (eds.) Knowledge and Reality.

      Ars Disputandi : The Online Journal for Philosophy of Religion.

      ISSN 1566-5399.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Edwards and Impartialism.

      God and Morality;

      2009-09-16 - 2009-09-18.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Natural Theology and Epistemic Justification.

      Teologins vetenskapliga status;

      2009-06-08 - 2009-06-10.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Behövs Gudshypotesen?.


      Volum 02.apr.

      Hefte 14.


    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Jonathan Edwards on divine attrbutes.

      King¿s College Philosophical Theology Seminar;

      2008-04-28 - 2008-04-29.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      Epistemic Justification and Natural Theology.

      Beyond Paley: Interdisciplinary Conference;

      2008-06-23 - 2008-06-25.

    • Rehnman, Sebastian


      John Owen on Faith and Reason.

      John Owen Today;

      2008-08-19 - 2008-08-22.

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