Maximiliaan Willem Pierre Thijssen

Associate Professor

Maximiliaan Willem Pierre Thijssen



Room: EOJ SV-211

Location: EOJ 211


Faculty of Arts and Education

Knowledge Centre for Education

About me

Maximiliaan is a doctoral candidate (stipendiat) at the University of Stavanger Business School, Department of Economics and Finance. He started his Ph.D. in 2017 and is expected to finish in 2022. His research primarily focuses on early childhood development and the economics of education. In 2019, he spent 12 months as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment and the Center for Labor Economics at the University of California, Berkeley (Sponsor: Professor David Card).

Maximiliaan is associated with the kindergarten project Play-based Learning and works with experimental data from the Agder Project and Two Teachers Projects.

Originally from Venray, the Netherlands, Maximiliaan has a Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration from the University of Twente, alongside a Master of Science in Business Administration (with distinction) from the University of Twente.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Rege, Mari; Solli, Ingeborg Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


Cross Productivities of Executive Functions: Evidence from a Field Experiment.

Journal of Human Capital.

ISSN 1932-8575.

Volum 18.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1086/732483

Huang, Xiaohong; Kabir, Rezaul; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


Powerful female CEOs and the capital structure of firms.

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance.

ISSN 2214-6350.

Volum 41.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jbef.2023.100879

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Rege, Mari; Solheim, Oddny Judith


Teacher relationship skills and student learning.

Economics of Education Review.

ISSN 0272-7757.

Volum 89.

Hefte 89.

DOI: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2022.102251

Bøker og kapitler

Ree, Marianne; Guldbrandsen, Astrid; Friestad, Nina Kalvatn; Helgøy, Kjersti Velde; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Forsström, Sanna Erika; Njå, Morten Bergsten


Empirisk barnehageforskning for de skandinaviske landene i 2022 og 2023, Forskningskartlegging og vurdering..

ISBN 978-82-8439-329-2.

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


Human Capital Production in Childhood: Essays on the Economics of Education.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 9788284390864.

Hefte 647.


Rønningstad, Sara Helene; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


Supportive Classrooms: The Effect of Primary School Class on Mental Health.

2nd Workshop on Education Economics and Policy (WEEP);

2024-09-09 - 2024-09-10.

Rege, Mari; Bru, Lars Edvin; Solli, Ingeborg Foldøy; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Tharaldsen, Kjersti Balle; Vestad, Lene; Ertesvåg, Sigrun K.


The Causal Impact of Teaching Youth's Coping Skills on Mental Health and Academic Achievement.

Seminar, Aarhus University;


Rege, Mari; Bru, Lars Edvin; Solli, Ingeborg Foldøy; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Tharaldsen, Kjersti Balle; Vestad, Lene; Ertesvåg, Sigrun K.


The Causal Impact of Teaching Youths Coping Skills on Mental Health and Academic Achievement.

Labor group seminar;


Rege, Mari; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


The Road Not Taken: Socioemotional Learning and Academic Rigor.

Economics & Econometrics of Education;

2023-05-30 - 2023-05-31.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


The Long-Term Impact of Family Disruptions in Childhood.

Research Seminar;


Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Rege, Mari; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


Cross-Productivities of Executive Functions.

44nd Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists;

2022-10-25 - 2022-10-26.

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Rege, Mari; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


Cross-Productivities of Executive Functions.

44nd Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists;

2022-10-25 - 2022-10-26.

Rege, Mari; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


Cross-Productivities of Executive Functions .

CESIfo Economics of Education Conference;

2022-05-20 - 2022-05-21.

Rege, Mari; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


What Matters in Preschool? New Findings .

2022 Rohit and Harvanit Kumar Conference on the Economics of Early Childhood Education;

2022-02-24 - 2022-02-25.

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


Estimating the Technology of Skill Formation in Continuous Time.

43nd Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists;

2021-01-07 - 2021-01-08.

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Rege, Mari; Solheim, Oddny Judith


Teacher Quality: Emotional Support and Classroom Climate.

EALE | SOLE | AASLE World Conference;

2020-06-25 - 2020-06-27.

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Rege, Mari; Solheim, Oddny Judith


Teacher Quality: Emotional Support and Classroom Climate.

42nd Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists;

2020-01-06 - 2020-01-07.

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre; Rege, Mari; Solheim, Oddny Judith


Teacher Relationship Skills and Student Learning.

European Economic Association Congress;

2020-08-24 - 2020-08-27.

Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


Teacher Quality: Emotional Support and Classroom Climate.

Spring 2019 Visitors Workshop Institute for Research on Labor and Employment;


Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


It Takes More than Two to Tango: Classroom Interactions and Student Learning (Preliminary).

Workshop Economics of Education 2018;

2018-12-13 - 2018-12-14.