Ella Bjerga Pettersen
Telephone: 51832930
Email: ella.b.pettersen@uis.no
Room: HG Q-260
Location: Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
About me
I am a phd candidate associated with the INTERACT project, planned to be finish during spring 2025.
My research
My research is on situational engagement and teacher-student interactions in the classroom, at lower- and upper secondary school. I am sertified as a trainer in 2nd edition CLASS pre-K-3rd (3-8 år), and as a CLASS observer at secondary level.
Academic background
I am educated a primary school teacher, and took a master degree in special education. My master thesis focused on student engagement and teacher behaviour. I worked two years at primary school before I stated my phd-thesis.