Daniela Müller-Eie


Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
KE C-323
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I am a Professor in Urban Planning with an educational background in architecture and urban design, and a PhD in sustainable urban development (architecture) from the Mackintosh School of Architecture / Glasgow University (2012). 


I am part of the research group in Sustainable urban development, planning and design and the Smart sustainable cities research network. In my research, I focus on 
•    Urban sustainability: sustainable development of the urban built environment and sustainable urban mobility, related land use and transport planning measures and the assessment of their effectiveness
•    Urban sustainable behaviour: the human, social, and cultural aspects of urban sustainable lifestyles and the need for behaviour change
•    Urban quality: spatial quality and its relationship to quality of urban live, as well as human behaviour and perception  




I teach at the 5-year master in City and Regional Planning (since 2013) and I have been study program leader (2016-2020).

I currently teach the following courses:

BYG105 Spatial understanding and urban theory
BYG500 Urban analysis and planning methods

I am also responsible for:

Bachelor thesis in civil engineering - urban and regional planning
Master thesis in city and regional planning
BYG900 PhD Project course in Urban Planning

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Gholami, Hassan


      Feasibility Study of Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) as a Building Envelope Material in Europe.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-8439-031-4.

      Hefte 608.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Alvarez, Ana Llopis; Leknes, Einar


      Paradis: En sosiokulturell stedsanalyse.

      NORCE Norwegian Research Centre.

      ISBN 978-82-8408-165-6.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Bayer, Stian Brosvik; Leknes, Einar


      Evaluering av mobilitetstiltaket «hjemjobbhjem».

      NORCE Norwegian Research Centre.

    • Jonvik, Merete; Lindland, Kristiane Marie; Tvedt, Helge Lea; Müller-Eie, Daniela; Melberg, Kjersti


      Hillevåg - En sosiokulturell stedsanalyse.

      ISBN 978-82-490-0916-9.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Urban Environmental Performance and Individual Behaviour: A Comparison between Freiburg and Stavanger.

  • Formidling
    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Lyngstad, Ingfrid; Alvarez, Ana Llopis; Røstvik, Harald Nils


      Er planleggere godt nok rustet til å takle klimaendringene?.

      Teknisk Ukeblad.

      ISSN 0040-2354.

    • Palacio, Fabio Hernandez; Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Mellom kvalitet og profitt på sykehus­tomten.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Kommentar til UiS Mobilitetsundersøkelse 2024.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Stedsanalyse for bærekraftig stedsutvikling.

      Nasjonal Masterklasse;

      2023-03-15 - 2023-03-16.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Byutvikling og mobilitet.


      2023-04-21 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Smart Sustainable Mobility - The role of new mobility and technology for urban planning and urban travelers .

      Smart City Research Symposium;

      2023-12-06 - 2023-12-07.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Kosmidis, Ioannis; Pritchard, Ray; Berre, Helmer; Henriksen, Espen Strand


      What is the role of cycling and walking in smart cities?.

      Education, research and innovation for the green transition;


    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Pritchard, Ray


      Travel behaviour and attitudes in the Stavanger city region.

      International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology;

      2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Mobilitet på Nord-Jæren.


      2022-05-25 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Sageidet, Barbara Maria


      Smart City book project - Do you want to contribute?.

      Annual Smart City Seminar - UiS;


    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Leknes, Einar


      Et paradigmeskifte i byplanleggingen?.

      Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling.

      ISSN 0805-083X.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Leknes, Einar


      Paradis: En sosiokulturell stedsanalyse.

      NORCE Norwegian Research Centre.

      ISBN 978-82-8408-165-6.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Knutsen, Eivind; Selland, Eileen Pedersen


      Personal Travel Planning - A review of soft transport measure cirteria and effects.

      Sustainable City;

      2019-10-01 - 2019-10-03.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      HjemJobbHjem – Gjennomføring og effe.

      Kollektivforums Årskonferanse 2019;

      2019-02-12 - 2019-02-13.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Fremtidens mobilitet.

      Mobilitetskonferanse 2019;

      2019-03-21 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela



      Kåkå Debatt;

      2019-04-02 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Bom eller ikke bom - hva er alternativet?.

      Forsker Standup;

      2019-09-24 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Bayer, Stian Brosvik; Leknes, Einar


      Hva skal til for at du lar bilen stå?.


      ISSN 1891-635X.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Geographic Transport Planning Principles in Norwegian City Regions: The Case of Work Travel in Stavanger.

      Conference in Sustainable Urban Mobility;

      2018-05-24 - 2018-05-25.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Personlig transportplanlegging og kampanjer.

    • Bayer, Stian Brosvik; Leknes, Einar; Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Befolkningsundersøkelse: Bomringene ser ut til å gi 10 prosent færre biler på veiene.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Fremtidens Byer.

      Seminar om Byutvikling og Mobilitet;

      2017-03-10 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Fremtidens Byer: Mål, Virkemidler, Mennesker.

      NTVA Fagseminar;

      2017-04-05 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Reiseatferd & Reiseplanlegging.

      Seminar om Byutvikling og Mobilitet;

      2017-03-10 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Bærekraftig mobilitet.

      Nettverket for Bypakkekommunikasjon;

      2017-10-26 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Bærekraftig byliv.

      BOBY Fagmøte;

      2016-06-06 - .

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela; Røstvik, Harald Nils


      Bærekraftig Byliv i Freiburg – Hva kan vi lære?.

      Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling.

      ISSN 0805-083X.

      Volum 47.

      Hefte 5.


    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Et sentrum vil fort bli uinteressant hvis det er ett av mange.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Müller-Eie, Daniela


      Kritisk masse: Hvor mange mennesker trenger byen og hvor mye by trenger menneskene?.

      Plan: Tidsskrift for samfunnsplanlegging, byplan og regional utvikling.

      ISSN 0805-083X.

      Hefte 5.


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