Tore Tjora
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51833618
Room: KA A-220
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
Associate Professor
Telephone: 51833618
Room: KA A-220
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
Sætren, Sjur Skjørshammer; Hegelstad, Wenche; Tjora, Tore; Hafstad, Gertrud Sofie; Augusti, Else-Marie
Validation of the short version of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for adolescents in Norway.Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
ISSN 1403-4948.
Volum 42.
Hefte 3.
The role of persuasion by significant others and engagement in bank-switching intention.Journal of Financial Services Marketing.
ISSN 1363-0539.
Volum 29.
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Tjora, Tore; Joa, Inge; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Sætren, Sjur Skjørshammer; Hegelstad, Wenche
Early and later remission from clinical high risk of psychosis. A latent class and predictor analysis.Schizophrenia Research.
ISSN 0920-9964.
Volum 274.
Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Tjora, Tore
Safety voice climate: A psychometric evaluation and validation.Journal of Safety Research.
ISSN 0022-4375.
Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Tjora, Tore; Bergh, Linn Iren Vestly; Jain, Aditya; Leka, Stavroula
The differential impact of organizational restructuring and downsizing on the psychosocial work environment and safety climate in the petroleum industry.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 166.
Hakvaag, Tonje Catrin; Knapstad, Marit; Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Tjora, Tore
A scooping review of Scandinavian studies of sick-listed' and social insurance officers' experiences of their encounters'.Social Policy & Administration.
ISSN 0144-5596.
Volum 56.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.1111/spol.12796
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Tjora, Tore; Langeveld, Johannes Hendrik; Joa, Inge; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Friedman‐Yakoobian, Michelle; Hegelstad, Wenche
Reduced Expression of Emotion: A Red Flag Signalling Conversion to Psychosis in Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (CHR-P) Populations.Psychiatry.
ISSN 0033-2747.
Tjora, Tore; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Sivertsen, Børge
Establishing the Association Between Snus Use and Mental Health Problems: A Study of Norwegian College and University Students.Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
ISSN 1462-2203.
Volum 25.
Hefte 1.
DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntac208
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Tjora, Tore; Langeveld, Johannes Hendrik; Stain, Helen J.; Joa, Inge; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Friedman‐Yakoobian, Michelle; Hegelstad, Wenche ten Velden
Exploring specific predictors of psychosis onset over a 2‐year period: A decision‐tree model.Early Intervention in Psychiatry.
ISSN 1751-7885.
DOI: 10.1111/eip.13175
Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Tjora, Tore; Bergh, Linn Iren Vestly
Speaking up about safety concerns in high-risk industries: Correlates of safety voice in the offshore oil rig sector.Safety Science.
ISSN 0925-7535.
Volum 145.
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Moltu, Christian; Veseth, Marius; Tjora, Tore
Rethinking Social Interaction: Empirical Model Development .Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).
ISSN 1439-4456.
Volum 20.
Hefte 4.
DOI: 10.2196/18558
Tjora, Tore; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Sivertsen, Børge
Increasing similarities between young adults' smoking and snus use in Norway: a study of the trends and stages of smoking and snus epidemic from 2010 to 2018.BMC Public Health.
ISSN 1471-2458.
Volum 20.
The association between smoking and depression from adolescence to adulthood.Addiction.
ISSN 0965-2140.
Volum 109.
Hefte 6.
DOI: 10.1111/add.12522
Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Lissner, Lauren; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Tjora, Tore; Stewart, Robert
Snus use and cardiovascular risk factors in the general population: the HUNT3 study.Addiction.
ISSN 0965-2140.
Volum 108.
Hefte 11.
DOI: 10.1111/add.12313
Tjora, Tore; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Wold, Bente; Øverland, Simon Nygaard
Late-onset smokers: how many, and associations with health behaviours and socioeconomic status.Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
ISSN 1403-4948.
Volum 40.
Hefte 6.
Tjora, Tore; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard; Øverland, Simon Nygaard
Distal and proximal family predictors of adolescents' smoking initiation and development. A longitudinal latent curve model analysis.BMC Public Health.
ISSN 1471-2458.
Volum 11.
Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Tjora, Tore; Hetland, Jørn; Aarø, Leif Edvard
Associations between adolescent socioeducational status and use of snus and smoking.Tobacco Control.
ISSN 0964-4563.
Volum 19.
Hefte 4.
Tjora, Tore
Smoking from adolescence through adulthood: the role of family, friends, depression and socioeconomic status.
Universitetet i Bergen.
ISBN 978-82-308-2925-7.
Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Tjora, Tore
Safety Voice Climate: are different organizational roles associated with different climate perceptions?.
16th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference;
2024-06-05 - 2024-06-27.
Tjora, Tore; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Sivertsen, Børge
The association between snus use and sleep problems: A study of Norwegian college and university students .
SRNT 2023;
2023-03-01 - 2023-03-04.
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Tjora, Tore; Joa, Inge; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Hegelstad, Wenche ten Velden
Early detection and intervention in Clinical High Risk for psychosis and symptom-level predictors of course.
Thematic congress on early intervention in psychiatry across the life span;
2022-06-23 - 2022-06-25.
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Joa, Inge; Tjora, Tore; Hegelstad, Wenche ten Velden
Early detection and intervention in psychosis and clinical high risk states.
Thematic congress on early intervention in psychiatry across the life span. (2022). Symposium. ;
2022-06-22 - 2023-06-25.
Hakvaag, Tonje Catrin; Knapstad, Marit; Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Tjora, Tore
Factors perceived to impact return to work in Scandinavian sickness insurance: a scoping review of encounters between sick-listed and social insurance officers.
Tjora, Tore
«Klar til å voldta i dag i badstuå» og oppfordring til sex med mindreårige. Russepresidentene ber russegrupper tenke seg om.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Hakvaag, Tonje Catrin; Knapstad, Marit; Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Tjora, Tore
Interpersonal encounters in Return to Work.
2021-11-10 - 2022-11-12.
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Moltu, Christian; Veseth, Marius; Tjora, Tore
Models of social interaction do not reflect current social life - blog entry World of Psychology, Psych Central..
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Veseth, Marius; Moltu, Christian; Tjora, Tore; Trøen, Tonje Noreng
- Det treng ikkje vere skadeleg å ikkje ha fysisk kontakt.
Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Tjora, Tore; Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal
Det trengs mer psykologikompetanse inn i forebygging.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Moltu, Christian; Veseth, Marius; Tjora, Tore
Preferring to be social on social media rather than face-to-face is not deviant. It’s the new normal.
Tjora, Tore; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Sivertsen, Børge
Snusbruken nå ligner mer og mer på røyking for noen år siden. Er snart også snustoppen nådd?.