Anders Riel Müller

Associate Professor

Anders Riel Müller


Telephone: 51831048


Room: KE C-327


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Safety, Economics and Planning

About me

My original name is Song Yeongjun/송연준. I am Associate Professor in City and Regional Planning and currently project lead for the Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities, an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty initiative and project lead for the NFR Capacity Lift project Future Energy Hub aiming to strengthen research and regional competences for sustainable buildings and neighborhoods. 


I teach and supervise in the Urban and Regional Planning programme at the Department of Economics, Safety and Planning. I am also affiliated with the Department of Media and Social Sciences where I teach and supervise in the Master in Energy, Environment and Society.

I currently responsible for the following course(s): 

I am also a regular guest lecturer in the following courses:


My research areas include the cultural political economy of urban and regional transformations, economic development, land use politics, energy, and food with a focus on aspects of justice, democracy, and alternative economies. I am also engaged in questions of colonialism, post-colonialism, imperialism, and deimperialisation. My geographical areas of expertise are mainly East Asia and Scandinavia. I am currently active in two research groupsat UiS: Sustainable urban development, planning and design and Social and Spatial Justice,. I am also co-host of the podcast Challenging Nordic Innocence where we explore social, spatial, and environmental justice in the Nordic region.

Current Projects

ULALABS: University Lab of Labs for Transformative Societal Innovation - Erasmus+

Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities (Lead) - Universitetsfondet

Future Energy Hub (PI) - Research Council of Norway

New European Bauhaus Stavanger (NEB-Star) - EU European Green Deal

Keep the City Ticking: Architectures of Fulfilment and the Infrastructures of Migration and Labour - Independent Research Fund Denmark

Ghosts of Empire in the North Sea 

Past projects

Tested in Rogaland (PI) - Regionalt Forskningsfond Rogaland

The North Sea: Europe's Energy Frontier - UiS Seed Funding - Green Transition

The ECIU University Research Institute for SMART European Regions (Task 4.2 Lead)

ECIU Urban Transformation Collaboratory - ECIU Seed Funding Grant

Academic Development through bilateral peer-learning activities on mission-oriented innovation for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities (Local Lead) - EEA Norway Grant

Building bilateral research network towards resilient, smart and sustainable cities and regions - EEA Norway Gran

Youth Marginalisation in Urban Areas (Seoul, Shanghai, Copenhagen) - Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science International Network Programme

The Nordplus Network Global & Intercultural competence through practicum in the global south (GIPS) - Nordplus

Professional Experience

Before returning to academia in 2011 to pursue a PhD, I worked with regional economic development planning in Northern and Eastern Europe and the US within the areas of renewable energy, urban agriculture, and climate change adaptation. I worked 5 years in Silicon Valley/San Francisco where I also founded a non-profit tech start-up in 2009 developing geo-spatial visualisation tools (GIS, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality) for climate change mitigation and adaptation in partnership with UN Habitat among others. I founded an organic urban farm in Denmark back in 2005 focused on preserving older non-commercial, but genetically and culturally important, vegetable varieties with financial support from the EU Social Fund. I have also co-founded two political organisations in the US and Denmark respectively and worked with numerous other organisations and movements around the world advocating for food sovereignty, land rights, and environmental justice. 

My research

  • Arealpolitikk og arealkonflikter/Land use politics and lad use conflicts
  • Energiomstilling/Energy transitions
  • Naturressurser/Natural ressources
  • Mat og matpolitikk / Agro-food studies
  • Regional økonomisk utvikling/Regional economic development
  • Demokrati og byutvikling/Democracy and urban development
  • Smarte byer/Smart cities

Academic background

Ph.d. International Development Studies from Roskilde University (2015)
M.Sc. in Business Studies and Technological, Socio-economic, and Environmental Planning from Roskilde University (2003)
B.Sc. Business Studies from Roskilde University (2000)

I have been a visiting researcher at 

University of Manchester, Department of Geography (2014)
Yonsei University, Department of Cultural Anthropology (2012)
Concordia University/Université Concordia, Department of Religion (2002/2003)





Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Müller, Anders Riel; Sareen, Siddharth


The maintenance of carbonscapes: Enacting Net Zero in Stavanger, Norway.


ISSN 0016-7185.

Volum 153.

DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2024.104040

Müller, Anders Riel


Rice Fields, mountains and the invisible meatification of Korean agriculture. I: Forces of Nature: New Perspectives on Korean Environments.

Cornell University Press (CUP).

ISBN 978-1-5017-6879-8.


Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn; Müller, Anders Riel


A smart city for all citizens: an exploration of children’s participation in Norway’s smartest city.

International Planning Studies.

ISSN 1356-3475.


DOI: 10.1080/13563475.2023.2259110

Müller, Anders Riel; Sørensen, Bo Ærenlund


I was never in it for the money: Media narratives of celebrity chefs and the gastro-capitalist social entrepreneur.

European Journal of Cultural Studies.

ISSN 1367-5494.

DOI: 10.1177/13675494221081547

Müller, Anders Riel; Park, Joon; Sonn, Jung Won


Finding the old in the new: Smart cities in the national and local trajectories of urban development.

International Journal of Urban Sciences (IJUS).

ISSN 1226-5934.

Volum 27.

Hefte sup 1.


DOI: 10.1080/12265934.2022.2153472

Müller, Anders Riel; Leer, Jonatan


Mainstreaming new Nordic cuisine?: alternative food politics and the problems of scale jumping and scale bending. I: Alternative food politics : from the margins to the mainstream.


ISBN 9781138300804.


Sørensen, Bo Ærenlund; Müller, Anders Riel


Meyer som appetitvækkende gastrokapitalist.

Social kritik : tidsskrift for social analyse og debat.

ISSN 0904-3535.

Volum 27.

Hefte 144.


Müller, Anders Riel


South Korea: Food security, development and the developmental state. I: New Challenges to Food Security: From climate change to fragile states.


ISBN 9780415822558.


Aki, Tonami; Müller, Anders Riel


Trajectories of Japanese and South Korean Environmental Aid: A Comparative Historical Analysis.

The Journal of environment & development.

ISSN 1070-4965.

DOI: 10.1177/1070496513510518

Müller, Anders Riel


Green Mountain Coffee Roasters: relacoes com fornecedores e desenvolvimento comunitario no Mexico. I: Responsabilidades Sociais: Práticas De Empresas Internacionais Na América Latina.

ISBN 8585541687.


Müller, Anders Riel


Green Mountain Coffee Roasters: Supplier Relations and Community Development. I: International business and the dilemmas of development: Case studies in South Africa, Madagascar, South Korea, Mexico and Columbia.

Palgrave Macmillan.

ISBN 1403921296.


Bøker og kapitler

Müller, Anders Riel; Jacobsen, Troels Gyde; Ronaldo, Munck; Neset, Tina S.; Telešienė, Audronė; Petrulis, Vaidas


SMART-ER Guidelines for Public Engagement.

ISBN 978-609-02-1854-9.

Müller, Anders Riel; Munch, Ronaldo; Jacobsen, Troels G.; Neset, Tina S.; Telesiene, Audrone; Petrulis, Vaidas; Wessels, Olga


ECIU Position Paper on Public Engagement.

ISBN 978-609-02-1854-9.

Müller, Anders Riel


Teknologiske testarenaer som drivkraft for regional innovasjon og utvikling.

ISBN 978-82-8439-228-8.

Kourkoutas, Konstantinos; Saez, Begonya; Junjan, Veronica; Kuipers, Vero; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Hernandez-Palacio, Fabio Alberto ; Müller, Anders Riel; Malmgren, Sara


ECIU Position Paper on Living Labs and Experimentation Spaces.

ISBN 978-82-8439-236-3.

Müller, Anders Riel; Jordao, Ticiano Costa; Svítek, Miroslav


EU Climate and Smart City Missions: Universities Bridging Research & Education: Vol. 2 of Sourcebook Series: Building Capacity in Higher Education for Climate Change and Smart cities.

ISBN 9788284393032.

Kerssen, Tanya M; Müller, Anders Riel


The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Threat to Democracy and Food Sovereignty. I: Food First: Selected Writings From 40 Years of Movement Building.

ISBN 9780935028461.


Müller, Anders Riel


The Celebration of Gastrocapitalist Entrepreneurs in Fine Dining.

Natural Wine, Labour, and and Migration: On working with wine and other perspectives ;


Syse, Helleik Rosenvinge; Hågbo, Trond-Ola; Giljarhus, Knut Erik Teigen; Müller, Anders Riel


Er små vindmøller en god investering?.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Pezzotta, Micol; Müller, Anders Riel


Leadership and orchestration of PED projects: an organizational perspective.

Net-Zero Future 2024;

2024-06-19 - 2024-06-21.

Müller, Anders Riel


Utopian Cities and Just Urban Planning.


2024-10-24 - 2024-10-25.

Müller, Anders Riel


Frontiers of Hope.

Greenhouse Research Talks;


Müller, Anders Riel


Sydkoreas præsident erklærer militær undtagelsestilstand.

Müller, Anders Riel


Future Energy Hub​: Mål, status og fremtidige aktiviteter.

Future Energy Hub Seminar;


Müller, Anders Riel; Fisker, Jens Kaae


Towards the Street Smart City: A Research and Planning Agenda for Just Cities.

ECIU Webinar Series on Public Engagement;


Rytz, Camilla; Müller, Anders Riel


Hemmeligheden i skyggearkivet.

Müller, Anders Riel


Guidelines for Public Engagement .

ECIU SMART-ER Research Conference ;

2023-10-03 - 2023-10-04.

Müller, Anders Riel


Searching for the New Oil: Preemptive hope and post-oil futures in Norway's oil capital.

Urban Transformation and Global Change Seminar Series;


Müller, Anders Riel


Hva er Innoasis Urban Energy Lab.

Åpning Innoasis Urban Energy Lab;


Müller, Anders Riel


Is the smart city losing traction?.

Research Symposium: Is the smart city losing traction and what may come next?;

2023-12-06 - 2023-12-07.

Müller, Anders Riel


Hvorfor uttaler Tuastad seg som han gjør om Israel-boikott?.


ISSN 1893-1618.

Hefte 07-12-2023.

Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland; Müller, Anders Riel; Stensland, Kristine M.


Snakk om framtidsmennesket.



Stensland, Kristine M.; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland; Müller, Anders Riel


Podcast: Snakk om framtidsmenneske med Ingvil Hellstrand og Anders Riel Müller.

Müller, Anders Riel; Borgen, Turid; Skretting, Hallgeir; Drønen, Tomas Sundnes; Maasen, Peter


Internasjonalisering og Akademisk ansvar.

50 år med samfunnsfag i Stavanger;

2022-04-27 - 2022-04-28.

Müller, Anders Riel; Hillesund, Terje; Sætra, Henrik Skaug; Solheim, Eirik


Er en digital fremtid smart?.

50 år med samfunnsfag i Stavanger;

2022-04-27 - 2022-04-28.

Müller, Anders Riel; Røstvik, Harald Nils; Syse, Helleik L.; Fiuren, Ronny


How do we create positive energy districts for the future?.

UiS at Nordic Edge Expo 2022;


Fisker, Jens Kaae; Müller, Anders Riel


Towards the Street Smart City: The Imagined Average, Experts and Smart City Technologies.

Beyond Smart Cities;

2022-06-16 - 2022-06-17.

Müller, Anders Riel


Smart City and Digital Sovereignty panel: Developing strategies for raising awareness about digital sovereignty.

Smart City & Digital Sovereignty Workshop;

2022-06-14 - 2022-06-15.

Müller, Anders Riel


Rice fields, Mountains, and the Invisible Meatification of Korean Agriculture. .

Agricultural History Society - Annual Meeting 2022;

2022-08-04 - 2022-08-06.

Müller, Anders Riel


Searching for the new oil: Climate change and post-carbon futures in a second tier petro-region..

International Symposium on Critical Policy Studies;

2022-08-17 - 2022-08-18.

Müller, Anders Riel; Fisker, Jens Kaae; Sunde, Ola; Norland, Arne


Forskningspub om Rogaland som matfylke under energikrisen.

Forskningspub om Rogaland som matfylke under energikrisen;


Müller, Anders Riel; Fisker, Jens Kaae


Reframing justice in urban planning.

Impact Attribution Lab Workshop;


Müller, Anders Riel


Å bekjempe boligspekulasjon.


Hefte Høst 2022.


Müller, Anders Riel; Sareen, Siddharth; Kalesi, Poppy


Ripple Effects: Societal perspectives.

MEES conference: crossroads & transitions;


Müller, Anders Riel


Inter-sectoral collaboration between researchers and practitioners for smart sustainable cities.

Nordiske frontrunners indenfor smart city;


Müller, Anders Riel


Opening of UiS/Nordic Edge Smart City Research Symposium.

UiS/Nordic Edge Research Symposium;


Müller, Anders Riel


The Story of Korean Beef - Nationalism, Myth-Building and Anti-Americanism.

Müller, Anders Riel


Totale Telematik.

Wyckmans, Annemie; Lavik, Karina; Laderud, Øyvind; Müller, Anders R.; Mjøen, Kristian


Veien til klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer?.

Veien til klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer?;


Muller, Anders Riel


What about Humans,Nature and Culture in the Smart City?.

Nordic Edge Expo;


Muller, Anders Riel


Everyday Experiences of Youth Marginalisation in Gentrifying Areas of Seoul and Copenhagen..

Push - Filmfremvisning og refleksjon;


Muller, Anders Riel


Smart cities, co-creation and democratic citizenship .

DEMCI Symposium;


Muller, Anders Riel


Is Blade Runner’s Los Angeles a smart city? .

Blade Runner 2019;


Lee, Su-Kyeung; Müller, Anders Riel


South Korean External Strategy Qualms: Analysis of Korean Overseas Agricultural Investment within the Global Food System.

Global Land Grabbing II;

2012-10-18 - 2012-10-19.

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Müller, Anders Riel; Nielsen, Sebastian Lundsteen; Larsen, Cecilie; Keskitalo, Aili


Challenging Nordic Innocence. A Podcast about Spatial and Social Justice Episode 2: Green Colonialism – Wind farms and the Sámì struggles against the Norwegian State.

Müller, Anders Riel; Nielsen, Sebastian Lundsteen; Sunnercrantz, Liv; Lautrup, Andy


Challenging Nordic Innocence: A Podcast about Social, Spatial and Environmental Justice episode 1: Introduction to the Concept of Justice.

Müller, Anders Riel; Nielsen, Sebastian Lundsteen; Thierry, Jean; Gregory, Tobias


Challenging Nordic Innocence. A Podcast about Spatial and Social Justice Episode 3: The Danish “ghetto law” and the racist and capitalist attack on Denmark’s General Non-profit Housing Sector.

Müller, Anders Riel; Nielsen, Sebastian Lundsteen; Graugaard, Naja Dyrendom; Stage, Josefine Lee; Sørensen, Victoria Pihl


Challenging Nordic Innocence Episode 4: Spiralprogrammet i Kalaallit Nunaat som kolonialt folkemord.

Müller, Anders Riel; Nielsen, Sebastian Lundsteen; De Leeuw, Georgia


Mining, Green Steel and the Comfort of Alignment with extractivism in the Swedish North.

Müller, Anders Riel; Brieghel, Signe Skjoldborg; Nielsen, Sebastian Lundsteen


Challenging Nordic Innocence Episode 6: Chemical Pollution and Shadow Places in the Danish Welfare State.

Syse, Helleik Line; Müller, Anders Riel; Kern, Leslie


How do we design just and sustainable cities?.