Jorunn Nærland Skjærpe

Associate Professor

Jorunn Nærland Skjærpe


Telephone: 51832214 / 97767039


Room: OD B-2478


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Public Health

About me


Coordinating care for people with serious mental illness: A qualitative study with service users and professionals

Pågående forskning

Medforsker: Digital hjemmeoppfølging i friskliv og mestring og miljøtjenesten.

Medforsker: Digital mental health for individuals with serious mental illness.


2025-dags dato: Universitet i Stavanger: Førsteamanuensis i helsevitenskap.  

2019-2025: Universitet i Stavanger: PhD-student. 

2017-2019: Jæren distrikts­psykiatriske senter: Vernepleier.

2012-dags dato: Hå kommune: Vernepleier. 


2019-2025: Universitet i Stavanger: Doktorgrad i helse og medisin.

2016-2018: Universitet i Stavanger: Master i helsevitenskap.

2009-2012: Diakonhjemmet høgskole: Bachelor i vernepleie.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Storm, Marianne


Responsible coordination of municipal health and care services for individuals with serious mental illness : a participatory qualitative study with service users and professionals.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 24.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-024-10999-w

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Hegelstad, Wenche ten Velden; Joa, Inge; Storm, Marianne


Exploring key determinants of health among individuals with serious mental Illness : qualitative insights from a first episode psychosis cohort, 20 years postdiagnosis.

BMC Psychiatry.

ISSN 1471-244X.

Volum 23.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1186/s12888-023-05270-1

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Joa, Inge; Willumsen, Anna Elisabeth; Hegelstad, Wenche; Iakovleva, Tatiana Aleksandrovna; Storm, Marianne


Perspectives on coordinating health services for individuals with serious mental illness : a qualitative study.

Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.

ISSN 1178-2390.

Volum 15.


DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S384072

Storm, Marianne; Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Myers, Amanda L.; Bartels, Stephen J.; Fortuna, Karen L.


Usability testing of a mobile health application for self-management of serious mental illness in a Norwegian community mental health setting.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH).

ISSN 1661-7827.

Volum 18.

Hefte 16.

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18168667

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Kristoffersen, Margareth; Storm, Marianne


Brukermedvirkning i samhandling i psykisk helsearbeid.

Sykepleien Forskning.

ISSN 1890-2936.

Volum 15.

DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2020.80125

Bøker og kapitler

Storm, Marianne; Joa, Inge; Hegelstad, Wenche ten Velden; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland


Coordinating care for people with serious mental illness: A qualitative study with service users and professionals.

Universitetet i Stavanger.


Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland


Bruk av digital hjemmeoppfølging.

Møte m/kommunene;


Johannessen, Torunn Beate; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland


Digital hjemmeoppfølging.

Møte m/kommunene i Sør- Rogaland, UIS og VID;


Sneberg, Cathrine; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland


Personer med alvorlig psykisk sykdom lever ofte kortere enn andre.

Storm, Marianne; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Fortuna, Karen L.


Ansvarlig samskaping av et digitalt verktøy: PeerTECH.


2023-11-02 - 2023-11-03.

Storm, Marianne; Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Myers, Amanda; Fortuna, Karen L.


User-testing and co-designing a mobile application for self-management of serious mental illness and service integration.

30th RESER International Congress;

2021-01-21 - 2021-01-22.

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Storm, Marianne


Social innovation in the coordination of health services for people with a serious mental illness .

Value Co-creation and Innovation in the New Service Economy - 30th RESER International Congress;

2021-01-21 - 2021-01-22.

Dolonen, Kari Anne; Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland


Ønsker tettere samarbeid mellom DPS-er og kommunene .

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Kristoffersen, Margareth; Storm, Marianne


Opportunities for shared decision-making in care coordination in mental health.

Den 3 nasjonale helsetjenstekonferansen;

2019-03-12 - 2019-03-13.

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland; Kristoffersen, Margareth; Storm, Marianne


Shared decision-making in care coordination for individuals with serious mental illness.

10th international Shared decision making conference;

2019-07-07 - 2019-07-10.

Skjærpe, Jorunn Nærland


Coordination and social innovation in health services for people with serious mental illness.

KIck-off meeting Releasing the power of users - articulating user interests to accelerate new innovative pathways in digital health and welfare sector;

2019-11-05 - 2019-11-06.