Renata Aradi
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Ihlebæk, Camilla; Aamodt, Geir; Aradi, Renata; Claussen, Bjørgulf; Thoren, Anne-Karine Halvorsen
Association between urban green space and self-reported lifestyle-related disorders in Oslo, Norway..Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
ISSN 1403-4948.
Volum 46.
Hefte 6.
Aradi, Renata; Thoren, Anne-Karine Halvorsen; Fjørtoft, Ingunn
The urban landscape as affordance for adolescents’ everyday physical activity.Landscape Research.
ISSN 0142-6397.
Volum 41.
Hefte 5.
Aradi, Renata
Kartlegging av barns bruk av plass. Erfaringer fra Fredrikstad, Norge.
Kart og Plan.
ISSN 0047-3278.
Thorén, Anne-Karine H.; Trier, Øivind Thorvald Due; Lieng, Einar; Aradi, Renata
Kartlegging av urban grønnstruktur med satellittdata.
Kart og Plan.
ISSN 0047-3278.
Volum 70, årg. 103.
Hefte 4.
Thorén, Anne-Karine H.; Aradi, Renata
Green structure planning. A Norwegain approach. I: Proceedings of Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 2010.
ISBN 9789635034093.
Thorén, Anne-Karine H.; Aradi, Renata
The Influence of Urban Landscape on Physical Activity in Adolescents. I: Abstract of Presentations. 21. IAPS conference. Vulnerability, Risk and Complexity: Impact of Global Change on Urban Habitats. Leipzig 27. June- 2. July.
ISBN 9783000314384.
Thorén, Kine Halvorsen; Nordh, Helena; Aradi, Renata
Public health through walks in neighboring green areas. Spatial factors influencing use and non use of neighboring green areas for walks.
24th International Association of People and Environment Studies ;
2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01.
Thoren, Anne-Karine Halvorsen; Nordh, Helena; Aradi, Renata
Public health through walks in neighboring green areas Spatial factors influencing use and non use of neighboring green areas.
IAPS conference;
2016-06-27 - 2016-07-01.
Ihlebæk, Camilla; Aamodt, Geir; Aradi, Renata; Claussen, Bjørgulf; Thoren, Anne-Karine Halvorsen
The association between urban green space and health in Oslo.
Norsk Epidemiologi, Supplement.
ISSN 0803-4206.
Volum 22.
Fjørtoft, Ingunn; Thorén, Anne-Karine H.; Löfman, Owe; Tveite, Håvard; Aradi, Renata
Research Profile, Norwegian University of Life Sciences: How the environment affords physical activity: A transdisciplinary study of the environmental correlates of physical activity in adolescents.
The Global Positioning Systems in Health Research Network News Update.
Hefte January.
Thoren, Anne-Karine Halvorsen; Aradi, Renata; Fjørtoft, Ingunn; Løfman, Owe; Tveite, Håvard
How Urban Landscapes Afford Physical Activity in Adolescents?.
Open space- people space;
2011-06-27 - 2011-06-29.
Aradi, Renata
Digitalt barnetråkk - kartlegging av barns bruk av nærmiljøet.
Park & anlegg : fagblad for grøntanleggssektoren.
ISSN 1503-1950.
Aradi, Renata
LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS METHODS IN THE EXAMPLE OF The adolescents’ urban landscape.
ECLAS Conference 2010;
2010-09-29 - 2010-10-02.
Aradi, Renata
Urban landscape and physical activity.
Seminar i forbindelse med den Europeiske Mobilitetsuken;
Aradi, Renata
How the environment affords physical activity?.
Folkehelseprogrammets forskersamling;
2009-10-19 - 2009-10-20.
Aradi, Renata
Adolescents' physical activity and activity patterns. Preliminary results from a research project.
Kommunal planlegging for friluftsliv og folkehelse;