Lars Ingvar Bergkvist


Lars Ingvar Bergkvist


Telephone: 51831889


Room: EAL H-336


Faculty of Social Sciences

NHS – Department of Leadership and Service Innovation

About me

Lars Bergkvist is a Professor of Marketing at the Norwegian School of Hotel Management at the University of Stavanger, Norway. Before joining NHS he held academic positions at Zayed University, UAE, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, Stockholm University, Sweden, the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Asia, Singapore, the University of Wollongong, Australia, and the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden. He has also been a Visiting Professor at Yonsei Graduate School of Management, Korea, and the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), China. In addition to his academic work, he has several years of experience working at media agencies and market research companies. His research interests include advertising, consumer behavior, brand management, and research methodology. He has published in journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Advertising, Marketing Letters, the International Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Brand Management. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Advertising.


Selected publications before 2022

Bergkvist, L., and M. Eisend (2021). “The Dynamic Nature of Marketing Constructs.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 521 - 541.

Bergkvist, L. (2021). “Measure Proliferation in Advertising Research: Are Standard Measures the Solution?” International Journal of Advertising, 40, 311-323.

Bergkvist, L. (2020). “Preregistration as a Way to Limit Questionable Research Practice in Advertising Research.” International Journal of Advertising, 39, 1172-1180.

Bergkvist, L. (2017). “Celebrity Trait Transference: When Brands Pick Up Endorsers’ Personality Traits.” International Journal of Advertising, 36, 663-681.

Bergkvist, L., and T. Langner (2017). “Construct Measurement in Advertising Research.” Journal of Advertising, 46, 129-140.

Bergkvist, L., and C. R. Taylor (2016). “Leveraged Marketing Communications: A Framework for Explaining the Effects of Secondary Brand Associations.” AMS Review, 6, 157-175.

Bergkvist, L. (2016). “The Nature of Doubly Concrete Constructs and How to Identify Them.” Journal of Business Research, 69, 3427–3429.

Bergkvist, L., H. Hjalmarson, and A. Mägi (2016). “A New Model of How Celebrity Endorsements Work: Attitude toward the Endorsement as a Mediator of Celebrity Source and Endorsement Effects.” International Journal of Advertising, 35, 171-184.

Bergkvist, L. (2015). “Appropriate Use of Single-Item Measures Is Here to Stay.” Marketing Letters, 26, 245-255.

Bergkvist, L., D. Eiderbäck, and M. Palombo (2012). “The Brand Communication Effects of Using a Headline to Prompt the Key Benefit in Ads with Pictorial Metaphors.” Journal of Advertising, 41, 67-75.

Bergkvist, L. (2012). “The Flipside of the Sponsorship Coin: Do You Still Buy the Beer When the Brewer Underwrites a Rival Team?” Journal of Advertising Research, 52, 65-73.

Bergkvist, L., and T. Bech-Larsen (2010). “Two Studies of Consequences and Actionable Antecedents of Brand Love.” Journal of Brand Management, 17, 504-518.

Bergkvist, L., and J. R. Rossiter (2007). “The Predictive Validity of Multiple-item Versus Single-item Measures of the Same Constructs.” Journal of Marketing Research, 44, 175-184.



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bergkvist, Lars; Skeiseid, Heidi Victoria


Sportswashing: exploiting sports to clean the dirty laundry.

International Journal of Advertising: the review of marketing communications.

ISSN 0265-0487.

Volum 43.

Hefte 6.


DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2024.2310937

Bergkvist, Lars; De Keyzer, Freya; Buzeta, Cristian


Replication Is More Than Meets the Eye.

International Journal of Advertising: the review of marketing communications.

ISSN 0265-0487.

Volum 43.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2023.2245278

Bergkvist, Lars Ingvar; Eisend, Martin


Changes in Definitions and Operationalizations in Advertising Research—Justified or Not?.

Journal of Advertising.

ISSN 0091-3367.

DOI: 10.1080/00913367.2022.2077268

Bergkvist, Lars Ingvar; Taylor, Charles R.


Reviving and Improving Brand Awareness As a Construct in Advertising Research.

Journal of Advertising.

ISSN 0091-3367.

Volum 51.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1080/00913367.2022.2039886

Bergkvist, Lars; Langner, Tobias


A comprehensive approach to the study of advertising execution and its effects.

International Journal of Advertising: the review of marketing communications.

ISSN 0265-0487.

DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2022.2140524


Bergkvist, Lars; Skeiseid, Heidi V.


Hvor viktig er menneskerettigheter och moral når vi designer opplevelser for andre?.


ISSN 2703-8734.

Hefte 1.


Bergkvist, Lars


Appropriate Use of Single-Item Measures.

Invited Presentation;

2023-02-14 - .

Bergkvist, Lars


The Dynamic Nature of Marketing Constructs.

Invited Presentation;

2023-02-14 - .

Bergkvist, Lars


Cultural Differences and International Marketing.

Stavanger Chamber International Event;

2023-01-24 - .

Bergkvist, Lars


Viktigheten av kulturkoder i internasjonal business.

Fagdag Eksport;

2023-03-21 - .

Bergkvist, Lars


The Dynamic Nature of Marketing Constructs.

Invited Presentation;


Bergkvist, Lars; De Keyzer, Freya; Buzeta, Cristian


Half the Advertising research is Wasted, But We Don’t Know Which Half: The Importance of Replication in Advertising Research.

International Conference on Research in Advertising;

2022-06-24 - 2022-06-26.