Dora Zsuzsanna Simon
Postdoctoral Fellow

Telephone: 51831571
UiS School of Business and Law
Department of Economics and Finance
Postdoctoral Fellow
Telephone: 51831571
UiS School of Business and Law
Department of Economics and Finance
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
To Beef or Not To Beef - Trade, Meat, and the Environment.
Meeting of Norwegian Economists (University of Oslo);
2024-01-08 - 2024-01-09.
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
The Distributional Effects of Carbon Pricing: A Global View of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.
CEPR Sustainability and Pub- lic Policy Workshop (University of St. Gallen);
2024-01-25 - .
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
The Distributional Effects of Carbon Pricing: A Global View of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.
Economics Seminar (University of Wuerzburg);
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
The Distributional Effects of Carbon Pricing: A Global View of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities.
Economics Seminar (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences);
2024-05-15 - .
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
Greening Ricardo: Environmental Comparative Advantage and the Environmental Gains from Trade.
NBER International Trade and Investment Program Meeting Fall 2024 (Stanford University);
2024-11-22 - 2024-11-23.
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
A Quantitative Analysis of Sustainable Globalization.
NHH internal seminar;
2023-03-21 - .
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
Nahrung, Handel und Emissionen: Wie wir uns in einer globalen Wirtschaft umweltbewusst ernähren.
2023-08-24 - .
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
To Beef or Not To Beef: Sustainable eating (english).
2023-10-26 - .
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
A Quantitative Analysis of Sustainable Globalization.
LISIT conference;
2023-06-27 - 2023-06-28.
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
A Quantitative Analysis of Sustainable Globalization.
2023-09-07 - 2023-09-08.
Simon, Dora Zsuzsanna
A Quantitative Analysis of Sustainable Globalization.
Workshop on Trade, Spatial Economics, and the Environment;
2023-11-03 - .