Ruth Østgaard Skotnes
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51831470
Room: KE D-330
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
About me
2021-: Associate professor, Risk management and societal safety, University of Stavanger
2019-2021: Senior Research Scientist, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
2018-2019: Research Scientist, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
2015-2018: Research Scientist, International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS)
2015: PhD in Social Science, specialization in Risk Management and Societal Safety, SEROS/IMKS, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stavanger
PhD Thesis: “Challenges for safety and security management of network companies due to increased use of ICT in the electric power supply sector”
2007: Cand. Polit. (MSc) in Administration and Organization Science, University of Bergen
Master Thesis: “AF og Akademikerne” (A study of changes in the patterns of national federations of trade unions in Norway)
2000: Cand. Mag. (Bachelor), University of Bergen
Main subjects: Administration and Organization Theory/Administrasjons- og organisasjonsvitenskap mellomfag, Work and Organizational Psychology/Arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi delfag, Psychology/Psykologi delfag, Sociology/Sosiologi grunnfag
2023-2027: Project participant, New geopolitics and the interaction between safety and security in petroleum risk governance (INTERSECT), funded by The Research Council of Norway
2020-2021: Project manager, Liquid hydrogen to decarbonize maritime transport in Norway, Work package about Social Acceptance, Pilot-e Project, funded by The Research Council of Norway, Innovation Norway, and Enova
2017-2020: Project manager, Risikokommunikasjon om usynlige farer i norske kommuner [Risk communication about invisible hazards in Norwegian municipalities] (271963), funded by Regionalt forskingsfond Vestlandet
2020: Project participant, HMS i komplekse anleggsprosjekter – forskningsprosjekt forprosjekt [HES in complex construction projects – pre-project], funded by Nye Veier
2019: Project manager, Rapport om sikkerhetskultur i norsk vann- og kraftsektor [Report on safety and security culture in the Norwegian water and power supply sectors], in collaboration with Norsk senter for informasjonssikring (NorSiS), funded by Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet
2017-2018: Project participant, Digitalisering i petroleumsnæringen - positive og negative konsekvenser av digitalisering for HMS [Digitalisation in the petroleum industry - Challenges in a time of change from an HSE perspective], funded by Petroleumstilsynet
2015-2019: Project participant, Nordic Centre for Security Technology and Societal Values (NordSTEVA), funded by NordForsk
2015-2017: Project participant, Sikkerhetskultur i kraftnæringen – hvordan kan denne endres? Utvikling av tiltak rettet mot mellomledere [Safety culture in the electric power supply sector – how can it be changed? Development of safety measures for middle managers], funded by Energi Norge and NHOs arbeidsmiljøfond
2014-2016: Project participant, Socio Technical Safety Assessment within Risk Regulation Regimes (SAFERA STARS), funded by the Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle (FonCSI), L’institute National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques (Ineris), Ministère chargé de l’écologigie (MEDDE), The Research Council of Norway, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. and the Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes)
2014: Project participant, The Cloud Accountability project (A4Cloud), Integrating Project (IP) in the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
SAM500 Digitalisering, infrastruktur og sårbarhet
E-MRS100-1 Risiko, sikkerhet og sårbarhet